


Monday, March 28, 2011

4:00 pm, Room 101, Edward J. Butler Governmental Complex

9 East Jefferson Street, Quincy, Florida 32352

Commission Meeting Chambers

  1. Call to Order – Chairman
  1. Roll Call – No quorum present

Deputy Clerk/TDC Secretary

  1. Approval/Amendment of Agenda

Add Sharon Leggett as 6a

Garner/Kellum approve as amended. 4 – 0

  1. Approval of Minutes – February 28, 2011

Action tabled – no quorum present.

  1. Monthly Financial Report

Anthony Matheny, TDC Administrator

Jeff Price, Senior Budget Analyst

Matheny requested board go to the same fiscal year as the BOCC. Pass to the next meeting. Must amend the by-laws in order to facilitate the change.

Must move some money from fund no. 54900 fund no. 54800.

Jeff Price addressed the board.

Mr. Garner – what is the fund balance? There is substantial funds there.

TDC would like to see the fund balance as part of the financial report each month.

Price asked the board to begin deciding about next year’s budget. It is preparation time for next fiscal year budget.

Jim Kellum – we need to get going. Events will forthcoming. We need to get organized.

Matheny – would like to entertain all funding requests all at one time.

Garner – strategic plan sets the percentages of funding for the various categories.

Jeff Dubree –

  1. RiverFest 2011 Funding Request – Community Safety Coalition, Inc. Karen Feder addressed the council. Lee Garner’s remarks. No river race this year. Must work together regionally to promote regional events. Chattahoochee will defer to Greensboro for their fireworks on July 4th. Chattahoochee will have fireworks at another time. Get into the spirit of working together. He will abstain from voting at whatever time this matter comes up for a vote.

This will be held over the Labor Day weekend.

6a. Sharon Leggett - Riverway South

  1. Ron Sachs Communications, Inc. News and Updates

Lisa Garcia, Vice President

  • Website is finished.
  • Need hunting and fishing bloggers
  • Need info from the community about events so that it can be added to the calendar. It is a google calendar. “Add your own event” can be added to the calendar.
  • Fun facts – it can continually be amended.
  • Map feature - google feature.
  • Links to all schools
  • Gmail
  • News
  • Blog
  • Social Media sites
  • Things to do: Arts and Culture; itinerary planner;
  • Need help in adding restaurants to the website
  • Need to add the Chamber so that it can be launched from the website

Dupree’s remarks regarding the website. Would like to see the outdoors more prominent on the webpage.

  1. TDC Chairman Report

Jeff Dubree

  1. Staff News and Updates

The Ochlocknee River PaddleFest

Finalize TDC Board Appointment Recommendations to County Commission – reiterate the qualifications for appointment positions.

Anthony Matheny, TDC Administrator

  1. Public Comments

Bob Locker, Havana Merchant’s Association - talked to Sonya several times regarding the funding requests for the events. He asked if the grant funding is still going to be available. Big music festival with Billy Dean coming up. Need some guidance – Is there anything we can count on from TDC this year.

Dupree’s remarks in response to public comments.

  1. Adjourn 5:30 p.m.