Columbia Christians for Life

P.O. Box 50358, Columbia, S.C. 29250 (803) 765-0916 *

“… I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18

To: Sheriff Leon Lott, / Chief Deputy Samuel Berkheimer, RCSD FAX TO: 576-3195 November 14, 2007

Re: “Messiah is Going to the Gates of Hell at Government Schools” (Prov. 22:6 / Jer. 17:19,20 / Matt. 16:18)

Dear Sheriff Lott / Chief Deputy Berkheimer, RCSD,

Since March 3, 1997, Columbia Christians for Life has participated in a nation-wide effort to bring the truth about the sanctity of human life, abortion, chastity, and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the “gates” of local high schools (22% of S.C. abortions were committed on teens in 1995). Since Spring 2002, we have also been bringing the biblical truth that homosexual acts (sodomy)are sinful and an abomination. So as not to disturb classes during school hours, this Christian witness will be conducted off school-owned, non-public access property, during the approximately 30 minutes before class begins. In 20previous school semesters (Spring & Fall semesters, 1997 to 2005, Fall 2006, & Spring 2007), we’ve been to 15 different area high schools and USC-Columbia, in the Richland/Lexington County area (and Hillcrest HS in Simpsonville, and Clemson University), distributing over 11,400 literature packets containing over 53,000 tracts and flyers, plus, over 3,000 brochures on what the Bible says about homosexual acts.. Elsewhere in S.C., Christians in the Upstate, and in Aiken, have also done similar ministry in the past. In Columbia, we have begun our 21st semester of participation in this outreach and Christian witness to students.

We began again November 6, and have visited one other high school and USC-Columbia so far this Fall. Thursday morning, November 15, before school hours, we are planning to bring this message to the public sidewalks / public right-of-way outside Spring Valley High School.

This peaceful First Amendment activity will be conducted from approximately 8:00-8:30 AM.

I hope our 30 minute attempt to reach students with a message of truth that can bring life and light to their souls, and yet is forbidden in the classrooms of government schools in America, will bear much fruit in the lives of these young people who are being denied the truth about chastity and the sanctity of human life. Is it any wonder we have teen promiscuity, venereal disease, gang violence, teen pregnancies outside of wedlock, and abortions ? Over a decade ago, even a Los Angeles gang member, in defending his evil crimes, said, "Street killings are just delayed abortions. Hey, you [adults] waste 'em in the womb… we waste 'em in the streets ! What's the difference ?" So what is the difference ? Even young people can see that killing a human being in the womb is no different than killing human beings on the street. BOTH ARE CRIMES - BUT IN AMERICA, ONLY ONE IS PROSECUTED ! Who are we kidding? Certainly not young people (surveys show they are more

"pro-life" than adults), AND CERTAINLY NOT GOD HIMSELF !!! America is reaping what we have sown, and what we continue to sow.

ABORTION IS AN ACT OF VIOLENCE that kills an unborn child. When America devalued human life in the womb in 1973 (Roe v. Wade), we cheapened life across the continuum. Parents kill their children in the womb. NowGANG members are killing each other in the streets. The Bible says, “blood toucheth blood” (Hosea 4 :2). Abortion is the contributing factor largely avoided in the GANG violence debate. We’re reaping what we’ve sown. Community leaders have REFUSED to accept the answers in God's Word, the Bible !!!

Dr. Francis Schaeffer, author of A Christian Manifesto, understood “[t]he civil government, as all of life, stands under the Law of God.” Furthermore, Roe v. Wade is not the law of the land; the United States Constitution is. Every public official taking an oath to uphold the United States Constitution should enforce the due process protections of the 5th and 14th Amendments, and protect the lives of the unborn “persons” in the womb. Denying the reality of our wickedness is not saving us from God’sjudgements and calamities. He has given, and continues to give, many signs and warnings: (e.g., Columbine High School, droughts ( Georgia, South Carolina), fires (California), floods, child-abductions/murders, September 11, Hurricane Katrina, VA Tech, etc., etc.,...). God has more ‘disaster’ than FEMA has ‘relief’ !

Those in authority in civil government are established by God, receive their authority from Him, and are His ministers (Romans 13:1-4). Their job is to punish evildoers, praise those who do right (I Peter 2:14), and to “establish justice in the gate !” (Amos 5:15). However, civil leaders are failing to perform their God-given duties. And so in Columbia in 2005, 28 children per weekweremurdered in the wombs of their mothers at Planned Parenthood’s abortion mill alone off Forest Drive in Middleburg Park. Thankfully, God in His mercy and power and Sovereignty has shut down four ofColumbia’s five abortion centers by the end of 1999. I pray He will stop the killing of children at Planned Parenthood and Richland Memorial Hospital as well. Where are the courageous men in civil office(other than former Chief Justice Roy Moore !) and in the pulpit to speak out against the murder of these children, AND LEAD in the rescue of them ? (Proverb 31:8;

Prov. 24:11,12; Isa. 1:15-17). America is in trouble because of a weak, apostate, salt-less church. As the church goes, so goes the nation.

Because we as a society are not bringing the abortion doctors to justice for their murderous crimes against unborn human beings, God is requiring, and will continue to require, blood recompensation from us (Numbers 35:33). THAT IS WHAT SEPTEMBER 11th WAS ABOUT ! George Mason, co-father of the Bill of Rights, said in the Constitutional Convention in 1787, “By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins by national calamities.” ABORTION IS A NATIONAL SIN- September 11th was a national calamity; and if America does not repent of abortion and the shedding of innocent blood, more divine judgment is coming. Just as the Civil War was a judgment from God on North and South for the national sin of chattel slavery, America will continue to suffer the wrath of God in remedial judgments of increasing severity for the ongoing slaughter of His little ones. America may yet experience such an escalation of divine judgment as to one day face simultaneous war with both COMMUNIST CHINA and RUSSIA (e.g., 2 Kings 24:1-4).

When will God’s civil (Rom. 13:4) and ecclesiastical ministers RISE UP and LEAD BY EXAMPLE (Phil. 3:17, 4:9) ?

God’s Word is for All Men & All Nations,

Steve Lefemine, director

cc: Officer Dennis Quinn, RCSD, SRO FAX TO: 803-699-3541

Christian Law Association FAX TO: 727-398-3907