Royal Yachting Association

RYA House

Ensign Way



SO31 4YA

Application for RYA Affiliation

Affiliation Criteria

An organisation is eligible to apply for affiliation to the RYA if it is interested in furthering the objects of the RYA. Articles of Association of the RYA and Membership Regulations

Types of Membership available for ‘not for profit’ organisations

·  Affiliated Club

·  Affiliated Class Association

·  Affiliated Organisation:

o  Association of Affiliated Clubs

o  Berth Holder Association

o  Registered Charity, other than a club

o  Regatta Committee

o  Other organisation

Organisations that carry on business on a commercial basis will normally be offered ‘Restricted Affiliation’ (Restricted Membership) How to Affiliate to the RYA


By signing this form, the organisation agrees that:

·  The contact information given for the organisation and the main contact will be made available to the general public via the RYA website unless indicated otherwise;

·  It will participate in the RYA Annual Club Membership Census;

·  It will participate in the RYA Club Facilities Survey if appropriate, and the RYA Club Audit, as requested;

·  It will provide other information as requested periodically by the RYA;

·  If it organises sailing races then it will do so in accordance with the racing rules of World Sailing and Royal Yachting Association prescriptions thereto; and

·  If it organises powerboat races then it will do so in accordance with the racing rules of the Union Internationale Motonautique and the general competition rules of the Royal Yachting Association.


r  Completed affiliation application form

r  Copy of Constitution attached

r  Copy of Class Rules attached (Class Associations only)

r  Copy of most recent set of accounts (unless in first year of operation)

Signed……………………………………………………………..…… Date…………………………………………

Name (please print) ………………………………………………………………………………………..………..

Contact Information

·  This information will be displayed on the RYA website.

·  The RYA will contact you annually to check the club information for your organisation. However, we ask that you ensure that you update us on any changes as necessary.

Name of Organisation: ………………………………….………………………..

Organisation/Clubhouse Address: ……………………………………………………….


Postcode: ……………………………………………………….

Telephone Number: ……………………………………………………….

Website: ……………………………………………………….

Email Address: ……………………………………………………….

Latitude of Premises/Club House (to 4 decimal places) : ………………………………..

Longitude of Premises/ Club House (to 4 decimal places) : ……………………………….

Main Contact Name:

This information will be used by RYA for communication purposes and, unless you indicate otherwise, will be displayed on the RYA website.

Please tick relevant box if you DO NOT want the following details to be available on the RYA website / to the general public:

oMr Mrs Miss Ms Dr

oFirst Name …………………………………… oSurname: ……………………………….

oAddress: ………………………………………………………..


oPostcode: ………………………………………………………..

oTelephone Number: …………………………………………………...…

oEmail Address: …………………………………………………………….

RYA Personal Membership number, if applicable (this will not appear on the RYA website):


Information about your Organisation

1.  Is the organisation a: (please tick one)

r Club (UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man)

r Forces Club (ASA/RNSA/RAF)

r Overseas Club

r School Club

r University Club BUSA member Yes/No

r Class Association

r Association of Affiliated Clubs

r Berth Holder Association

r Registered Charity, other than a club

r Regatta Committee

r Other (please state) ………………………...………………………………………

2.  Are you affiliated to any local, regional, national, other associations or clubs? YES/NO

If YES, please name them:

3.  Organisation Interests: (Please tick all disciplines that are relevant to your organisation)

o Dinghy Racing o Dinghy Cruising o Yacht Racing o Yacht Cruising

o River Cruising o Canal Cruising o Motor Boating o Sports Boats/Ribs

o Personal Watercraft o Powerboat Racing o Windsurfing

4.  Is your organisation o unincorporated or o incorporated (Reg. No. …………………….)

5.  Is your organisation registered as o a CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club) or

o a charity (Reg. No. ………………………………)

6.  Does your organisation have a club house?

oYES, is this o Rented, o Leased, o Freehold

o NO

7.  Is your organisation based o Inland or o Coastal?

8.  Does your organisation use o Portsmouth Yardstick

o National Handicap for Cruisers?

Membership Income

Please provide information which will enable the RYA to allocate your organisation to an affiliation fee band.

For details of fee banding see

Financial year ended: (Last complete financial year) ______

Total number of members currently (e.g. family of 4 = 4): ______

Cost of full individual adult membership: £…………………….

Total subscription income from all members: £ ……………………

Deduct income from members other than full members *£ …………………..

*Please give explanation of how this figure is calculated,
i.e. how many members fall into each of the following categories and what fees do they pay.
Cadets, Juniors, Youth etc £
Honorary, Life, Social, Temporary etc £
Overseas (Resident outside UK, IOM & Channel Islands) £
Other (please specify) £

Total subscription income received from full members £ ______ 02380 604100