Connecting GTA Teachers Regional Planning Team

Meeting Notes

Monday, October 20 , 2014

Humber ITAL

Governor’s Boardroom (B101)


Laura Reynolds, TDSB
Vania Valenzuela, Humber
Kristyna Karenova, Seneca
Shelagh Taber Walsh, George Brown
Kiley Bolton, Seneca
Irene Mota, DPCDSB
Lawrence Cotton, YCDSB
Catherine Ariss, PDSB
Kerri Hagerman, PDSB
Janice Guzik, Humber
Ann Vincent, TCDSB
Steve Poste, YRDSB
Michelle Rao, Georgian
Jason Boily, DPCDSB
Chris Taylor, Centennial
Cathy Jenkins, HCDSB
Mary Davis, DPCDSB
Kiley Bolton, Seneca / Karen Fast, CGTAT Coordinator
Domenic DeMarco, DPCDSB
Ken Harrison, Humber (Chair)
Tina Cotrupi, CGTAT Special projects
Chris Pearson, Sheridan
Bruno Sacco, Dufferin-Peel CDSB
Mary Talamo, York CDSB
Mary Vesia, Humber
David Armstrong, SCWI
Catherine Moynihan, TCDSB
Phil Hedges, EDU
Alisha Bhanji, EDU
Grace Whang, George Brown
Sonja Vandermeer, SCWI
Rossana Gorys, Sheridan
Tina Kotsiomitis, Centennial
Linda Wren, TCDSB
Michael Smith, SCWI
1.  Welcome and Introductions
-  Revised contact list/photos
2.  Agenda Check
- Kiley Bolton - Dual Credit research at Seneca
-  Irene Mota - year 5 grad students to access DC programs
3.  Review of Previous Meeting Notes Sept 22, 2014
-  Final expenditure report analysis spreadsheet for both board and college - need to watch under-spending in transportation budgets and miscellaneous
-  Received updated course code list – ensure all info up to date – any discrepancies let Phil, Ken and Karen know
- College Student Achievement forum
- Kiley Bolton – Seneca College
- Chris Pearson – Sheridan College
-Tina Kotsiomitis – Centennial College
- Carol Ray – Humber College
- Rossana Gorys – Sheridan College
-  Process and costs that colleges use will be sent out next week – being discussed at president’s level
4.  Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship Forum – October 15
-  Thanks to all who helped arrange and attend – 151 delegates and 30 board/college representatives
-  Great feedback – more suggestion regarding tours – still a need to address special needs students services available and appropriate program referrals
-  attracted unique groups of teachers i.e. tech and classroom so they can get the message directly
-  working on Google survey but want to make further edits prior to going live – propose that we open it in November and close it early January
5.  SMART Goals – presentation (Phil Hedges, Sonja Vandermeer SCWI team)
-  Pathways to Apprenticeship publication now available and parent guide and posters – more available through Publications
-  Reviewed 2013/4 goals – were able to meet and exceed all goals
-  Rubrics used for program approvals
-  Still need to get the numbers from 2013/4 in chart 1a. from board leads
-  2. Number of students who complete the program
-  4b. approved vs actuals overall and by program 4c.
-  When putting in RFP for 2015/6 and data different – let David know
-  Go into EDCS student data – these numbers are the same after change cycle 2
-  Ken suggests for our team – Karen keep master that identifies data entry discrepancies for retention and success rates
-  2014/5 data will be available at Chair’s meeting
-  Be sure that data compares question 6
-  9b data will be for 2012/3
-  Maintain 10% under retention level 12a + b
-  Success rate 13b – program logistics may be a factor
-  New data coming from OCAS transition rate between secondary to college and university
-  DC and RPT funding history provided – see increase year over year – David pleased with percentage of spending 88.3% funding toward to 87.2% approved students – still some room to move forward and tighten budgets particularly in transportation
6.  DASHBOARD – Fall semester start and continually review,
take action of unused seats and dollars that can be
used elsewhere
-  Using After day 10 – final numbers
-  Suggestion to identify only ‘available’ seats
-  Particularly important in February
-  Add in sem 2 column, seats available, include explanations
7.  Contract Change Cycle 3: Oct 15 – 28
-  Thank you for sending Ken and Karen changes when making changes in EDCS
8.  SCWI Data Sub-committee – input suggestions by October 30
-  Proposal from summer institute
-  Ken will attend meeting on Thurs. Oct 30 at ministry – report will follow at Nov 6 meetings
-  Review types of data and how collected, understand how being used and by whom, history of data collection, discuss potential changes
-  i.e SWAC data not capturing other students other than DC – credit recovery
-  i.e. grad rates of unsuccessful DC students
-  i.e. any influence from ‘activities’ on DC student success?

9.  EDCS Training sessions – November 5
-  Workshops repeat summer institute
10.  DC Marketing suggestion (Susan McPhedran–David Armstrong)
-  Circulating proposed posters – suggestion to add own board logos – stand-up banner perhaps to be put outside guidance offices
-  Less than $200. For banner stand and 3 plexi-glass pockets
-  Or take artwork and do what you wish

11.  Other business:
-  Kiley Bolton DC pilot research at Seneca – full-time college student after taking DC questionnaire and student interview – about ½ way through data collection. So far only Seneca but would like to access data from other colleges – if interested please let Kiley know
David suggested that this may become provincial with motivated colleges
-  Irene Mota year 5 grad students to access DC programs – seeking transition planning opportunities – there are many options for these students – perhaps further discussion on this topic –
Requesting brief conversation with members of the RPT2 team around year 5 graduate students accessing Dual Credit Programs.
Recognizing that this is not the target group as per the policy outlined for Dual Credits, below are guiding questions for conversation around this particular student cohort:
1. Are school Boards receiving requests for access to Dual Credit programs from year 5 returning graduate students?
2. If yes, what are the limitations to programs imposed on returning year 5 graduate students?
3. How does the 34 credit threshold impact year 5 graduate students requesting access to Dual Credits?
4. What are the implications of these students accessing any ‘unused seats’ in Dual Credits?
5. Should the Dual Credit program play a bigger role in student ‘transitions’ for year 5 graduate students?
5 reps report back next meeting
Board leads to provide school numbers
Karen track discrepancies
Reminder to register with
12.  Next Meeting:
Monday, November 17, 2014
12:00 – 2:00p.m.
Governor’s Board Room B101