
Analyzing Air Quality

During this lab you will be using the internet to collect information and Microsoft Excel to organize your data.

Use the following web pages:

1) Find out how many people live in the following counties:

  1. Monmouth Co., NJ
  2. Chittenden Co., VT
  3. New York Co., NY
  4. Cook Co., IL
  5. Harrision Co., MS
  6. Los Angeles Co., CA
  7. Missoula Co., MT
  8. Juneau City, AK
  9. King Co., WA
  10. El Paso Co., CO
  11. Miami-Dade Co., FL
  12. Suffolk Co., MA
  13. Coconino Co., AZ
  14. Franklin Co., OH
  15. Humboldt Co., CA
  16. Wayne Co., MI
  17. Jackson Co., MO
  18. Hudson Co., NJ
  19. Penobscot Co., ME
  20. Teton Co., WY

2) Look up air quality data for ACTIVE OUTDOORS for each of the above counties. Record how many “Unhealthy Days” they had last year.

3) Use Excel to organize and graph the two sets of data. When you have your graph, right click on any “# of unhealthy days” data point. Then, click on “format data series” and then select SECONDARY AXIS on the far right. This will allow you to graph the large population numbers along with the smaller number of days on the same graph. Then adjust the format of your graph to make as easy to read as possible.


Copy and paste your graph into a MS Word document and use it to answer the following questions:

  1. Is there a relationship between county population and unhealthy air quality? Why or why not? Explain.

Yes there is greater unhealthy air quality in

  1. Is there a county that has a large population but good air quality? Why might this be? Conversely, does the opposite happen? Again, why?
  1. Which county had the greatest number of unhealthy days last year? Why do you think this is (research the county if you need to)?
  1. Besides population size, what other factors could be at play here?
  1. If you were plotting the population sizes of twenty various countries would you expect there to be a direct relationship to amount of air pollution. Why or why not? Explain.
  1. Name ten things you can do to improve air quality in MonmouthCounty.