On 23rd September our brownie unit went to HMS Cavalier. Once we all arrived we got shown where to sleep and laid all our things out. Then our guide for the weekend (Jim) told us what HMS stands for – it stands for Her Majesties Ship.
Then a sea cadet came in. She taught us some sea cadet moves and showed us how to salute. Then after that she showed us around the boat. I can remember the place where the slaves slept is called a mess deck and the boats kitchen is called a galley.

When we were in the mess deck we saw a hammock – two Guides got in them and said they were very comfortable. Then Holly from our Brownies dressed up as a proper sailor.

Then we went to the top of the boat to see the guns – they were really big! After that we went back to our mess decks, got washed and dressed, and had a hot chocolate before going to sleep.

The next day we all got washed and dressed and went for breakfast. There were cornflakes or rice crispies. Once you had finished that you could have a fry up. Then when everyone was done Jim gave us adventure bags to help with our scavenger hunt. Inside there was a booklet, a magnifying class, telescope and a compass. The clues were in the book and you also had to write the answers in the book as well.

Once we finished that we went to the ropery and saw a lady who showed us how to spin rope. The lady said the leaders remembered everything and they tried to spin ropes themselves. They did very well.

Then we went to a huge black submarine – it was really cool inside. After that we gave our bags back, received our Cavalier badges and went to the gift shop. We then went home.

It was a great day and I hope you will visit the HMS Cavalier one day.

6thStrood Brownies.