ACP Details:
Accreditation IDACP Name
Amendment(s) requested:
Amendment description / briefly summarise the requested amendmentEg: Increase the number of ESCs allowed to be created before a scheduled audit is required. We request our audit limit is raised to 50,000 ESCs]
Reason for request / <briefly summarise the reason for the request>
Eg: the 3 most recent audits of this RESA have received a reasonable assurance opinion. The maximum error rate was 1.5% and all invalid ESCs have been forfeited.
I have attached information to support my request[1]: / Yes / No
Note: IPART, as Scheme Administrator, will consider your request for amendment of accreditation conditions, with regard to:
q your compliance record with the Energy Savings Scheme and, in particular, your most recent audit report;
q the information you provide (if any) in support of your request;
q the relevant provisions of the Act, the Regulation and the ESS Rule;
q the objectives of the ESS under the Act and our obligation as Scheme Administrator in accordance with those objectives;
q the Scheme Administrator’s usual practice to deal with accreditations with similar activities and risk assessment as set out in the Compliance and Performance Management Strategy;
q the Scheme Administrator’s relevant policy and guidance documents (available at
Further consultation
When considering your request for an amendment, the Scheme Administrator may also decide to make various administrative changes to your accreditation. Such amendments reflect the Scheme Administrator’s usual practice. Please tick the below box if you wish to have an opportunity to consider and respond to such changes before they are made.
[ ] I would like to be consulted on any additional administrative changes the Scheme Administrator intends to make to my accreditation conditions.
ACP Declaration
I hereby declare that:
q I am an authorised signatory of the Accredited Certificate Provider named above;
The information contained in this form and accompanying documentation is correct and not misleading by inclusion or omission.
Signed by or on behalf of the Accredited Certificate Provider
Signature:Name of signatory:
Date: page 1
[1] You may not need to provide additional supporting information in all instances. Please contact if you wish to discuss your application.