Minutes of Meeting held on 22nd November 2016
Tyne and Wear Joint Local Access Forum
Present: Liz Bray (Chair, LB), Victor Cadaxa (Vice-Chair, VC) *, Nigel Harrison (NH), Andy Blanchflower (AB), Terry Welsh (TW)
In Attendance: John Bourn, Regional Transport Team, Kim Farrage*, Regional Transport Team, Heather Evans (Cycling UK), Simon Carey, Newcastle City Council, Tim Ducker (Sunderland City Council), Rob Hindhaugh, Gateshead Council (RH), Dave Shorrocks, Network Rail (DS), James Perkins, Network Rail (JP)
Apologies: Neil Frier (Gateshead Council), Councillor Gary Haley (Gateshead Council), Councillor Audrey Huntley (South Tyneside Council),Kathy Atkinson (KA), Ben Forster (BF), Charlie Hall (CH), Alison Blackburn (ABl), Graeme Clark, North Tyneside (GC)
*Taker of notes
1. / Welcome and Apologies
The chair welcomed everyone and asked those present to introduce themselves. Apologies for absence were noted. It was noted that KA was unwell due to an accident and the Group wished her a speedy recovery.
2. / Declarations of Interest
No declarations of interest were made
3. / Minutes of previous meeting (12th July 2016) and Matters Arising
VC was thanked for recording the minutes of the previous meeting, which were agreed as a correct record of the meeting.
Matters arising
TD volunteered to lead on the discussion of funding opportunities at this meeting. JB will follow up with Sustrans as well as putting all reports and amended minutes onto the LAF website.
It was stated that the site visit to the Lambton estate had been a success and very interesting.
LB will contact the Tees Valley LAF to see if they can forward a copy of the glossary which they have produced.
JB in connection with KA will contact the Land of Oak and Iron.in regard to a request from them to have representation from the JLAF on their project.
4. / JLAF Annual Report 2015-16
LB stated that the annual report for 2015-16 was now ready to be published. It would therefore be extremely useful to positively promote the report. The document is now finished and will be added to the website in the next few days.
It was stated that the document had been circulated and no adverse comments had been received and it was important that the report is uploaded by the end of this year.
LB advised that it would be helpful to create a list of people who would benefit from seeing the report e.g. cabinet members and planners. It may also be an idea for the Chair to write a covering email/letter for circulation and a link to the report. It was proposed that the ROW officers would circulate the report to a wider audience as opposed to the LAF.
It was agreed that the LAF would send it to Rights of Way Officers who in turn would then circulate it to other interested parties / JB to alert Members when the annual report has been added to the website
5. / Presentation on Passive Crossings
DS and JP, both from Network Rail (NR), gave a presentation on passive crossings and stated that there are over 6300 level crossings in the UK and that they are currently working through a programme of closing such crossings for safety reasons. There are circa 15 in Tyne and Wear, however there are none in Newcastle and any Metro crossings are not part of the NR closure programme.
It was advised that there are 4 different types of level crossings ranging from manually controlled barriers to pedestrian passive crossings. A lot of the risk surrounding safety at crossings is a result of user misuse and abuse. NR are doing a lot of education sessions around the crossings to inform people of the dangers.
NR continually work with local authorities to see what alternative solution can be put in place in order to shut the crossing but avoid the severance of communities e.g. footbridge or underpass.
Their campaign “Safest Crossings, Closed Crossings” is about working in collaboration with other stakeholders to look at closing, diverting or upgrading the crossing. There is a legal obligation to provide solutions to crossings that pose a safety concern.
Level crossing managers have been put in place around the country in order to do risk assessments on each of the crossings including whether it is fit for purpose and who uses it. It was stated that local information is very useful when helping to quantify risk.
It was stated that an All Level Crossing Risk model is used to calculate a comparative risk score. Within Tyne and Wear, those high individual risk PROW crossings include:
  • Boathouse (Ryton)
  • Peth Lane ( Ryton)
  • Blue House (East Boldon)
  • Dudley
It was advised that NR also deal with liabilities negotiation and provide cross business technical advice on contractual liabilities; furthermore they also provide advice on the Equalities Act 2010.
It was stated that the ORR from 2014-19 set a target to reduce the Fatalities and Weighted Injuries index by 25%; if not met, fines will be imposed. This target is set to be met based on current projections by closing and improving level crossings.
It was advised that no new railway will be constructed with level crossings.
AB enquired about the level crossing at the Skiff Inn in Gateshead which is a C2C route and whether it had been reviewed. This is an important route and a heavily used cyclist route.
It was stated it is likely that it has been reviewed and that it does not have a bad rating, however contact will be made with the level crossing manager to ascertain the rating for this crossing.
LB advised that the JLAF is an appointed advisory body and the group will be able to provide some local context. It was noted that the JLAF are keen to promote actions to address “Missing links” – details are contained in Appendix J of the Tyne & Wear rights of way Improvement Plan. Available via the JLAF and Local Transport Plan (now North East Combined Authority) websites and may prove to be of some use.
DS noted that this would be extremely helpful and will allow NR to understand why people use the routes which will be vital if a crossing was potentially closed. If a crossing could potentially be closed, then all stakeholders including the JLAF would be consulted. DS/NR asked for suggestions from JLAF re improvements to access that might potentially be funded to compensate a path closure or diversion by Network Rail.
LB thanked DS and JP for their informative presentation / DS to email contact details of Level Crossing Manager in order for it to be added to the JLAF website.
6. / Introduction to funding for the Public Rights of Way Network
TD gave a verbal update on funding and stated that there are two main elements of funding; Capital (payments used for construction of infrastructure) and revenue (monies used to maintain assets).
Although both funds are both on a downward trajectory, there are still funding opportunities, for example:
  • There are capital funds available via the Integrated Transport Block
  • Funds were made available to upgrade regional cycleways via the Local Growth Fund
  • External bodies like Ground works and the Woodland Trust
  • Proactive discussions with developers can often lead to healthy S106 contributions to help with the PROW network
  • S38 or S278 contributions often emerge which enable junctions to be improved;
  • Often land managers can be persuaded to “gift” small pieces of land which open up routes;
  • Various bodies like The Big Lottery have pots of funding which communities can bid for;
  • Ongoing work from other organisations e.g. Natural England who are currently undertaking a programme to update coastal paths can positively benefit the network;
  • Cycling and sustainable travel is very popular at the moment and funding opportunities continue to present themselves from central government
  • Former development agencies often have funds which they need to dispense e.g. the C2C routes had £550k worth of upgrades through this funding channel.
LB queried volunteering input and TD stated that although it is useful and extremely appreciated, due to the nature of volunteering it cannot be depended upon as one cannot compel volunteers to do something. However, if budgets continue to decrease then volunteers will become more crucial.
It was also stated that volunteers tend to work more in country parks than on Rights of Way
7. / Rights of Way Improvement Plan
Item deferred but noted NECA needs to be asked to endorse formally the original Rights of Way Improvement Plan (2007-11 version) and its Appendices. / JB to action
8. / Officer Reports including discussion and questions
It was stated that there have been no suggestions from the ROW officers on what the JLAF could advise on; any suggestions would be most welcome. The group wants to be productive and suggests that this is included in the officers’ reports for the next meeting.
SC went through his report which had been circulated to the Group as part of the meeting pack. In addition, LB queried whether the maps would be consolidated and put online in the near future as it is difficult to understand where the locations are which are mentioned in the report. SC stated that he had been in contact with Newcastle IT, however there is a process which needs to be followed and due to resources, this is not a priority so there are no definitive timescales as and when it will be addressed. LB asked whether this could be chased up and whether more detail could be added to the report in terms of location.
LB asked what other districts do and RH stated that in Gateshead they use a working copy and are fortunate that they have the GIS layer which is needed, if a district does not have this then it is a lot of time and resource to complete this.
TD stated he was working with someone in order to get PDFs covering the full Sunderland area.
RH went through his report which had been circulated to the Group as part of the meeting pack. In addition it was stated that the Land of Oak and Iron had monies for the next financial year and will be identifying schemes.
It was queried about any development as a result of the Local Plan and it was advised that in Crawcrook there had been an application to have one of the footpaths upgraded. There is currently no update on Dunston Hill but he will look into this.
It was asked how RH was progressing with the work he was doing with the Ramblers Association. RH advised that he had a meeting next week regarding work on the Heritage Way and that there would be a launch next year.
TD stated that this could potentially have revenue implications and councils cannot afford to take on new liabilities. Maintenance arrangements will have to be set out or decommissioned like the Great North Forest
North Tyneside
GC was unable to attend so the report was accepted as received.
South Tyneside
LT went through her report which had been circulated to the Group as part of the meeting pack. In addition it was noted that there was some embankment works at Fellgate and Brockley Whins being carried out by Network Rail. There is a TRO in place whilst the works are occurring.
TD went through his report which had been circulated to the Group as part of the meeting pack. In addition it was stated that the works which are being undertaken at “Chapelgarth” have been formally adopted and S278 works are to be carried out.
It was also stated that a meeting was held at the Coalfields which was aimed at getting information marked onto a map. There was a big turn out and it was evident that there are a lot of routes which are being used by the equestrian community. Due to the success of this, it is proposed that this will be replicated north of the river. This will hopefully build up a bit of a masterplan and will be able to easily identify and prioritise improvements.
LB stated that this should be an item for the Planning Sub-Group; it was also noted that there will an equestrian focus at the next meeting and if anyone who attended the meeting would be interested in joining the LAF please pass their contact details on
9. / Chair’s Report
10. / Sub-group reports
11. / Membership/recruitment
It was stated that, for all LAF members who were appointed in post in January 2014, their membership will expire in two months. JB will be writing to all members to see if they wish to stand again for a further 3 year term from 2017.
It was advised that approximately £900 had been spent on the recruitment advertising which as a result had seen one recent enquiry. TD stated that there had been one interested party from the Coalfield meeting.
TW stated that the promotional leaflet which had been discussed at the last meeting would be useful for the disability group discussion which was scheduled to take place next week.
LB stated that some minor tweaks were needed on the document and then it should be uploaded on the website. / JB to write to all current members regarding renewing their membership
LB to work on the leaflet in order for it to be added to the website
12. / Site visits programme
Coalfields Initiative (Tim Ducker)
13. / Any Other Business
14. / Dates of next meetings and main focus / speakers
Tuesday 24th January 2017 (Equestrian focus)
Tuesday 25th April (Planning and Development Focus)