Please enter web site:

  1. Please select language
  2. Enter your ID & password.

Please click “Forget Password” if don’t remember your password.

Then enter your USER ID, the web system will send a notice to your e-mail with your password.

You can switch the language version for either Chinese or English.


  1. Change password.

You may change the password here.

2. After entering the old & new password, click “Change Password”, then it will return to the “Login System”.

Supplier Operation System


Purchase Confirmation

You can check the information by “AIM internal Part Number”, “ETD”, “Purchase Date”, “Purchase Status (confirmed, not confirmed or returned)”, “Factory” and “PO No.”

Click“Query” and the details will be showed in below.

Chose the item you need, after clicking“Select”, you will find details:

Click “Print” to preview below sheet:

Click the printer icon to print out the Purchase Order.

It there is error occurred and not able to read the Purchase Order, please fix your setting in the Internet Explorer menu.

Tools (T) Internet Options (O)

Select the “Security Tab”“Internet”“Security for this zone”“Custom Level (C)”select “Enable” for “Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe”.

Then restart Internet Explorer to login the Purchase Order system.

Click “Detail” for all information details.

You may leave your message to the purchaser here by using this function.

You have to confirm the “committed ETD” here (by item) and finally notify the purchase by clicking “confirmPO”.

Or you may return PO by clicking “Return PO” to notify the purchaser.


You can check the information by “Company Code” (essential), “ETA”, “Purchase Order No.”“Factory”.

Click “Print” to preview the Backorder details.

How to check Payment Status

You can check the payment status by “Company code”, “Invoice No.” and “Invoice Date”.

Click “Print” to preview the Payment Status details.