Note to Division Chairs and Faculty Members: This form must be completed by instructors assigned to teach an online course for the first time and/orinstructors who are planning to make any revisions (defined below) to an onlinecourse. Please distribute this form to instructors each semester for effective planning or access on the web@

Return the completed form to Cheryl Guse, Coordinator of Online Learning.If you need assistance completing this form, please contact .

Course Modification Agreement

The purpose of the course development/ revision process is to ensure that course design promotes a quality learning experience for distance education at KeystoneCollege.

A. Instructor Information

Name / Nanine Gramigna
Division / CAH
Office Phone / 570-347-9942
Fax Number
E-mail /
Division Chairperson / Dawn Middleton-Paradise

B. Course Information

Course Title/Number / English 201 American Literature (Part I)
Credit Hours / 3.0
Semester Delivered / Online every semester

C. Background

(x) Yes ( ) No / Have you previously taught the course in a classroom format? ( F2F)
( ) Yes (x) No / Have you previously taught this class online?
(x) Yes ( ) No / Have you previously taught any course online? ( KeystoneCollege or Other college/university)
(x) Yes ( ) No / Have you previously taught any course using Blackboard?
(x ) Yes ( ) No / Have you previously developed an online course?
(x) Yes ( ) No / Have you had any formal distance learning training?
(x) Yes ( ) No / Have you attended theBest Practices:Orientation for Online Instructors workshop at KeystoneCollege?
(x) Yes ( ) No / Have you reviewed the syllabus for this course provided by the curriculum coordinator/division chair?
(x) Yes ( ) No / Have you met with qualified faculty member/ division chair about accomplishing the goals and objectives of your course’s content delivered at a distance?
(x) Yes ( ) No / Have you attached a syllabus document to this application which specifically addresses the delivery of your course via asynchronous web-based delivery?

D. Revisions Defined

(x) Yes ( No) / I will be making revisions to this class. Developed completely except for module lectures and midterm and final exams.
Significant Revision
( ) Yes ( ) No / For a significant revision of a continued online class (e.g. change in instructor or textbook). Timeline: two to three months prior to the first day of class.
Minor Revision
( ) Yes ( ) No / For a minor revision of an online class (e.g. change of modular sequence, assignments, or exam questions). Timeline: between two months to five weeks prior to the first day of class.

E. Approvals, Notifications, and Understandings

(x ) Yes ( ) No / I understand that the Faculty Coordinator for OL will assess my course/revisions using the QM rubric as a benchmarking tool for Best Practices in distance learning at KC.
(x) Yes ( ) No / I understand I will meet with Educational Technology staff for additional training if needed.
(x) Yes ( ) No / I understand that no additional compensation/stipend will be provided for course revisions.
(x) Yes ( ) No / I understand that I must sign an intellectual property rights agreement
(x) Yes ( ) No / I understand that QM (Best Practices) recommends that my course content be delivered using Learning Units/Learning Modules.
(x) Yes ( ) No / I agree to attend the Best Practices: Online Instructor Orientation training session hosted by the KC Online Learning staff. ( If not already completed)
(x) Yes ( ) No / I understand that the course is to be taught asynchronously and students must be notified in advance of the start of the semester if they are required to attend an on-ground event.
(x ) Yes ( ) No / I understand that online courses require more than a transfer of lecture notes and PowerPoint presentations and typically involve multifaceted presentation and multiple assessment techniques.

Check the tools listed below that you will use to accomplish the goals and objectives of your course’s content in blackboard. Items in bold are required for use as best practices for online learning:

(x ) Bb E-mail Tool
(x ) Bb Discussion Board Tool
( ) Bb Calendar Tool
( ) Bb Drop Box Tool / (x ) Bb Assessments/Quiz Tool
( ) Bb Glossary Tool
(x ) Bb Chat Tool
( ) Bb Virtual Classroom Tool
(x ) Gradebook Tool

Check the advanced technological tools below that you have made use of:

( ) Learning Objects on the Internet
(x ) Audio (wav, mp3, other)
( ) Impatica for PowerPoint
( ) Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, etc.
( ) External Testing Site (such as Hot Potatoes)
( ) Other Web 2.0 Tools (Second Life, Wiki, etc) / (x ) Streaming media (Real, Windows, QuickTime)
( ) CD/DVD Creation
( ) Adobe Connect/Presenter
( ) Captivate
( ) Subject specific software:
( ) Other Course Management System (publisher provided)
( ) Other

F. Signatures

Instructor Nanine Gramigna / Date 9/12/2010
Division Chairperson / Date
Committee Representative / Date
Date Received
Date Forwarded to Division Chairperson
Date of Action
Original Course Developer