CRIS 1.06.12o Specific Release Notes


© Healthcare Software Systems 2004 Registered Office: Priory Road, Mansfield-Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire, NG19 9LP.

General Information

This release replaces all previous major, minor and emergency releases. All changes included in a major release will also be included in a minor release. There is no downtime needed to install a release unless specifically mentioned in the Trust Implementation Issues section. All sites can be upgraded to this release of CRIS. No changes are included in a release until the change passes all tests and that change has no known issues or has caused any new known issues at the time of release. Each release of CRIS is not normally released with any known major issues unless specifically mentioned in the know issues section.

1. Contents

CRIS 1.06.12o Specific Release Notes


General Information

1. Contents

2. Issue Summaries

2.1 New Features

2.2 Enhancements



2.3 Issues Resolved


2.3.2Event Details






2.4 House Keeping

3. Trust Implementation Issues

3.1 Standard issues:

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only:

4. Change Details


4.2Event Details






5. Known Issues

5.1 Known Issue Summaries




5.1.4Event Details

5.1.5Film Tracking



5.1.8Menu Options

5.1.9Nuclear Medicine



5.1.12Post Processing




5.1.16Setup Tables


5.1.18Stats Scheduler

5.1.19Voice Recognition


5.2 Known Issue Details




5.2.4Event Details

5.2.5Film Tracking



5.2.8Menu Options

5.2.9Nuclear Medicine



5.2.12Post Processing




5.2.16Setup Tables


5.2.18Stats Scheduler

5.2.19Voice Recognition


2. Issue Summaries

The following section summarises the changes made in this version of CRIS relative to release 1.06.12o. Changes are divided into new features and issues resolved. Details of each change are provided later in the document in "Change Details". Navigation is best achieved by searching the document for the relevant "HSS Ref" number.
Notes on the following tables:
HSS Ref. - this relates to internal HSS change numbers.
LSP Ref. - this relates to LSP Incident, Problem or RFC reference numbers.
By Request - these changes can only be activated by HSS on a specific request by a Trust.
Trust Interest - these changes are deemed to be of significance to trusts either because they impact end users, require trust action or are desirable new features/fixes, which trusts are most likely to take advantage of.

2.1 New Features

2.2 Enhancements


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
213749 / - / XR setting to delay verified report message / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
213725 / - / Auto refresh of worklist option / - / -

2.3 Issues Resolved


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
211406 / - / Invalid report keys in inttodo / - / -

2.3.2Event Details

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
212408 / - / Order details display problems / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
212296 / - / DTI loading images and clearing them straight away from unreported list / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
213260 / - / Text clipping problems on reports / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
213677 / - / Incorrect formatting of flexiform data in interface messages. / - / -
211502 / - / Reports with blank reported_by / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
212667 / - / Scanner not working / Scan setup screen unavailable / - / -
211863 / - / Multiple FTP Warning messages when viewing reports with scanned req cards from other trusts. / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
213728 / - / Reload report from report info list / - / -
213729 / - / Dictation not loaded from unreported list / - / -

2.4 House Keeping

House keeping is reserved for general code tidying which may provide minor improvements in efficiency or cosmetic changes that do not relate to issues resolved nor add new functionality.

3. Trust Implementation Issues

This section details issues which must be addressed by the Trust before a release or, where they are for issues which are only by request, before a particular feature is activated.

3.1 Standard issues:

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only:


4. Change Details

This section provides further details of each change.
HEAD refers to the development and unreleased testing versions of CRIS. Changes reported in HEAD are either new features not in any previous version of CRIS or issues that have only been introduced or discovered during development or testing of the next release of CRIS. Issues reported in a particular release, HEAD or otherwise, may also be pertinent to other releases of CRIS.


211406 - Invalid report keys in inttodo
Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)
Description: inttodo showing report keys that do not exist in the reports table.
Resolution: When a new report fails to save, the whole series of transactions including the report trigger being inserted in the interface messages table are rolled back, due to the report not being present on the system. When doing this an error message is shown to the user informing that the report was not saved, and the screen is not cleared. A record is also inserted into the CRISERR table indicating the failure.

4.2Event Details

212408 - Order details display problems
Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: cturner (chris turner)
Description: If an exception occurs while displaying the order details on the dictation page then some of the details may not be displayed.
Resolution: If an exception occurs whilst trying to display the order details in the dictation page CRIS will continue to attempt to display the remaining details.


213749 - XR setting to delay verified report message
Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)
Description: Create a REPORT.SendReportDelaySeconds XR setting that controls the number of seconds delay added to the interface message when verifying a report.
Resolution:Now uses REPORT.SendReportDelaySeconds XR setting to delay verified report messages.
212296 - DTI loading images and clearing them straight away from unreported list
Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)
Description: DTI images are loaded and then cleared straight away when double clicking an event on the unreported list while in dictation mode.
Resolution: In dictate mode, the Report Info List's Unreported table, will no longer trigger twice when double clicking an event. This means the PACS will not be sent a view and then a clear request.


213260 - Text clipping problems on reports
Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)
Description: Text on letters and reports can sometimes be clipped by a few characters on the right hand edge. This tends to occur unpredictably.
It is caused by a bug in the application that underestimates the printed line width when laying out the printed page.
Resolution:Text on the right hand edge of a report is no longer clipped.


213677 - Incorrect formatting of flexiform data in interface messages.
Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)
Description: When a report that contains a flexiform is sent through the interfaces the formatting is not correct, particularly when a field is left blank.
Resolution: Now will not insert the field name of blank flexi fields in the interface message. Also will not show a blank report message when pressing F5 if the flex form has been changed.
211502 - Reports with blank reported_by
Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)
Description: It is possible to create a report with a blank reported by if the user logs out while reporting and then logs back in to complete the report.
Resolution: The 'reported_by' field is now completed correctly when a user logs out while reporting and then logs back in to complete the report. It is displayed correctly within the report and also within the 'Report Properties' dialog box.


212667 - Scanner not working / Scan setup screen unavailable
Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: cking (Chris King)
Description: Scanner drivers do not work with new versions of java.
Resolution: CRIS now uses updated third party scanning drivers that work with newer versions of java.
211863 - Multiple FTP Warning messages when viewing reports with scanned request cards from other trusts.
Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)
Description: Multiple error messages can be shown if a user views reports from another trust that has scanned request cards.
This is because the other trust has these request cards stored on an FTP server that can not be seen through the network.
However it would be better if CRIS only informed the user once when the event was loaded rather than multiple times for each stored image.
Resolution: Now any ftp errors will appear where the request card image should be, with the exception of newly scanned/loaded images which will display a single popup error dialog.


213725 - Auto refresh of worklist option
Reported in: HEAD Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)
Description: Some users would prefer the unreported tab on the report info list to automatically refresh the list each time they have finished with the patient selected.
Add an XR setting to control whether or not the list should refresh.
Resolution: Will refresh Report Info List when CRIS clears down and if REPORT.AutoRefreshUnreportedList is set.
213728 - Reload report from report info list
Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)
Description: It is possible to display an out of date report when reporting from the report info list and the report has already been loaded.
Resolution: This issue will now be avoided if GENERAL.ForceReloadOnListSelect is set to yes
213729 - Dictation not loaded from unreported list
Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12o Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)
Description: Dictations are not reloaded when reporting from the report info list.
Resolution: This issue will now be avoided if GENERAL.ForceReloadOnListSelect is set to yes

5. Known Issues

This section provides a list of outstanding issues in this version of CRIS.

5.1 Known Issue Summaries


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
206897 / - / examsummary returns summary report verified when not all summary reports are verified / - / -
207627 / - / Extend column phrases.code to varchar2(12) / - / -
206217 / FJ - 270894 / Incorrect Foreign Key on the Injected By Field / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
202609 / - / Errors thrown in the Java console when navigating / - / -
207858 / - / Diary still doing slow queries when changing date with no room or exam selected / - / -
205820 / HD186764 - CSC Ref / Can expand appointments into unavailable slots / - / Yes
200278 / - / Simultaneous Diary searching forward. / - / -
205976 / FJ 270911 / Able to book appointment into end-dated room. / - / Yes
204234 / - / Waiting status popup size in diary / - / -
204608 / - / Room slots not unallocated when deleting exam / - / -
203846 / - / Selecting a patient in the diary puts it on the changed scratch pad / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
208565 / - / Warning message when dictating a report for an already reported exam / - / -
209378 / - / Comment fields on dictation page are small on widescreen monitors / - / -
209173 / - / Dictation starts unintentionally / - / -
200553 / - / On system without sound, attempting to play dictation consumes available processor resources / - / -
212376 / - / Still able to Dictate From Day List / - / -
202653 / - / Exams wrongly marked as being dictated / - / -
206229 / CSC Ref - 194345 / Order Comments on Dictation screen / - / -
207050 / - / default action to pop up messages / - / -
202811 / HD125581 / Dictation Icon Disappearing when Exam Deleted / - / -
201725 / - / insert/overwrite display gone from the dictation page / - / -
206094 / - / Auto loading next event to dictate not completing list / - / -

5.1.4Event Details

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
205805 / - / Blanked request date can cause CRIS to show dummy date of 01/01/2099 / - / -
206477 / - / Searching for referral location will display end dated codes / - / -
200377 / - / Event hover help text not disappearing / - / -
206059 / FJ-268520 / Lists closing down when changing a patient's status on the waiting list / - / -
205674 / - / Undo an attendance with two attended statuses / - / -
205659 / - / Room field in event details allows any room to be entered / - / -
210274 / - / Events on Waiting list cannot have a Future end-dated referrer / - / -
209393 / - / User is not warned of exam detail changes when clearing without saving. / - / -
209166 / - / Validation of dates in yyyy/mm/dd format / - / -
208989 / HSS 0208869 / Mandatory LMP Information / - / -
202088 / - / Booked Date not being updated on event / - / -
201869 / - / DNA status being inserted in backlog mode / - / -
201128 / - / Cannot unverify auto reported obstetric exam / - / -
207587 / - / Problems with 'tabbing' in event details screen / - / -
207162 / - / Event saved without exam or referrer / - / -
200555 / - / On-Call times are not applied at time of attendance / - / -
203024 / - / Uppercase referral source searching / - / -
202885 / 050I0221340 / Blank Event Status/History / - / -
202628 / FJ 215220 / Lead Clinician Details not refreshing / - / -
201510 / - / Users can create events that contain no exams / - / -
210939 / - / Long event comment and clinical history scrolled to bottom / - / -
213700 / 0213627 / Event History for Previous Patient / - / -

5.1.5Film Tracking

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
201554 / - / Still able to move films with permission turned off / - / Yes


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
207962 / - / Waiting List entry doesn't get sent for an initial book mode of "O" / - / -
213321 / - / CRIS not closing PACS images / - / -
211704 / - / Carestream PACS gets focus when finishing a dictation. / - / -
203968 / - / Resource leak when using the web based messages manager functionality. / - / -
204078 / - / Todays Messages creates an unnecessary database connection which is never used / - / -
210873 / - / Interfaces stop when processing message with missing details / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
208876 / - / Login Error Message "Could Not Load Radiologists" / - / -
208128 / HSS 0207866 / Unable to log in with a role containing a whitespace. / - / Yes
202683 / - / Login errors not displaying any useful information / - / -
205010 / - / Clarify error messages produced during login / - / -

5.1.8Menu Options

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
205148 / - / User ID is not available in the View Log table output. / - / -

5.1.9Nuclear Medicine

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
202062 / - / Create Multiple Phials / - / -
201235 / - / Exceeding ARSAC limit with multiple NM injections / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
200595 / - / Surname Validation / - / -
208233 / HSS 208192 / Porter requests are not cancelled when the appointment is cancelled. / - / -
200705 / - / Counting a batch sometimes throws Oracle error / - / -
207505 / - / Re ordering tables by primitive types / - / -
211116 / - / SFTP client will not work with Java 1.4 / - / -
200505 / - / Application Update Issues / - / -
200630 / - / Alt Left and Right tabs movement stops / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
207740 / - / No error message is displayed when creating a patient directly from an order and there is a duplicate hospital number / - / -
212979 / - / Blank HospNo field on patient search for PAS patients with a hospital number / - / -
212389 / - / Patient DOB validation / - / -
206640 / - / Incorrect Patients loaded using Accession Number / - / -
200778 / - / Move hospital numbers between merged patients / - / -
211131 / - / Viewlog Missing entries / - / -
202701 / - / Null pointer error on unlinking patient / - / -
203739 / - / Deleted patients show in name search / - / -
200616 / - / Flagging possible duplicates in patient search / - / Yes

5.1.12Post Processing

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
202151 / - / Post processing start time / - / -
200528 / - / Projection details without a projection type are allowed to be saved / - / -
200672 / - / Numeric entry in mAs field / - / -
206719 / FJ 280542 / Unable to Post Process from Report Info list (unallocated) / - / Yes
208289 / HSS 208207 / Post Processing symbol left on event / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
204691 / - / Flexiforms with lookup table entry fields do not print prefix/suffix / - / -
210544 / - / Labels marked as in comments on flexible forms print twice. / - / -
202862 / - / Ending a report line with ~ causes following text to not print / - / -
205554 / - / Page Preview in Print Content Editor does not inform user of parse errors / - / -
203556 / 050I0224295 / Hospital cancel and reappointment letter does not mention change / Yes / -
205529 / - / Ability to change font and font size / - / -
201204 / - / Requests print appointment labels / - / -
201751 / - / Auto Capitalisation doesn't work well for postcodes or Scottish names / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
208499 / - / Possible to verify a report as another user / - / -
204541 / - / Unverifying during batch verify session for obstetric exams / - / -
210916 / - / Verified reports with blank verified by. / - / -
208638 / - / Unchecked and addended reports do not display in unverified list on report info screen. / - / Yes
204817 / - / Exhausted resultset saving NW anomaly obs report / - / -
202508 / CSC - HD118394 / Duplicates on Report Info List / - / -
202800 / - / Null verification details / - / -
209855 / - / Post Exam Auto Report reported by / - / -
208009 / - / Coded phrases assigned to users not always being available / - / Yes
208010 / - / Tick box hover help on fetal anomaly report pages / - / -
209543 / - / Obstetric report changed values not saved warning / - / -
207465 / - / Reports saved with blank "reported_by" / - / Yes
202766 / - / Voice recognition insert phrase / - / -
209835 / - / Fife obstetric anomaly report layout problem at low resolutions / - / -
209551 / - / EDD not shared on new multiple-fetus obstetric reports / - / -
210203 / - / Merge eFilm PACS DTI Clear / - / -
212653 / - / Inaccuracy in Printing and viewing Obs Graphs / - / -
204213 / - / Reports with no reporting radiologist. / - / Yes
212043 / - / Auto report with end dated radiologist code / - / -
203309 / 226764 / Useless Series Report Message sent to PACS / - / -
201214 / - / Filtering Diagnosis Code Help. / - / -
210388 / - / Some obstetric reports loading an invalid lookup table / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
203162 / - / Deleting or rescanning request cards causing save problems. / - / -
203155 / - / Rescanning images other than REQCARD type uses REQCARD settings / - / -

5.1.16Setup Tables

HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
210875 / - / Validate Days of Week in Exams Per Hospital / - / -
201178 / - / Flexiforms cache is not refreshed when Refresh Tables is selected / - / -
202030 / - / StatsDatafld not saving but no error message / - / -
201942 / - / New user group trust not validated. / - / -
208076 / - / View Only Groups / - / -
202406 / - / Signed fields in setup tables which should be unsigned / - / -
200872 / - / Changing a security setting can update more than one value. / - / -
209314 / - / CRIS MOBL - Able to add Code of more than 1 character / - / -
209165 / - / Scottish Bank Holidays / - / -
200866 / - / The same warning displayed four times on the Log In ID field / - / -
200725 / - / Closed Setup Tables reopen / - / -
208713 / - / Coded Phrase trust code problems / - / -
209018 / FJ 050I0306662 / Department hover help in the Rooms Setup / - / Yes
205029 / - / Cannot add new exam code without filling in DWT field / - / -
204042 / - / Multi Line Phrase Setup / - / -
212388 / - / Copying Appointment Diary Weeks on wrong days / - / -
206751 / 280560 / ExamCodesPerHospital Letter field lists letters for current site not selected site / - / -
202943 / - / Possible to create multiple blank radiologists / - / -
201506 / - / Deleting Entries in Exams Per Hosp Setup / - / -
203290 / - / Blank grey areas in MOD_JAVA message of the day / - / -
206102 / - / Can't delete values from Normal table / - / -


HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust Interest
207715 / - / Foreign fields in output fields of stats don't perform null checks. / - / -
204943 / - / Case sensitivity on type "L" datafields / - / -
201550 / - / Stopping stats on log out / shutdown / - / -
206384 / - / > operator on nullable fields in stats / - / Yes
202815 / - / Stats "in" Operator on selection Criteria of derived fields / - / -
204321 / - / To use "Stop Stat" button stat, has to be reselected from previous stats screen / - / -
203391 / - / No output format error message breaks run stat button / - / -
206806 / - / Selecting end dated codes in stats / - / Yes
204371 / - / View and Print stat button disabling / - / -
206368 / - / Stats version, date and update date / - / -
202878 / - / Selecting from prompt table problem / - / -
202820 / HSS REF 202818 / Changing "look and feel" theme to "windows" breaks display of stats / - / -
206418 / - / Invalid query error on single foreign field selection in stats / - / -
206194 / - / Saving output format in stats leaves blank output on stat / - / Yes
209146 / - / Linking tables being inserted when auto joins are not to be used. / - / -
209084 / - / Removing multiple selection criteria in stats. / - / -
209111 / - / Popup table displayed on valid selection criteria. / - / -

5.1.18Stats Scheduler