To : CMA CGM S.A.,

4 Quai d'Arenc –

13002 Marseille


M.S...... Voyage N° :......

Port of discharge: ......

Goods description: ......

B/L N°: ......

Dear Sirs,

The above goods will be shipped on the above vessel by Messrs...... and consigned to Messrs......

In consideration of you carrying the above Consignment (the “Consignment”) we hereby agree as follows:

Upon your first written demand we will fully and unconditionally indemnify you against:

1)  all costs of whatever nature arising out of any failure by the receiver/ consignee of the above Consignment to present all valid importation documentation (including without limit customs authorisations and all other authorisations and documents specific to the nature and specifications of the Consignment) and

2)  without prejudice to the above, any failure by the receiver/ consignee to take delivery of the Consignment

For the avoidance of any doubt, this indemnity will extend to:

1)  any storage, demurrage or detentions charges (of whatever nature) or any costs of disposal, destruction or salvage of the Consignment which arise out of the discharge of this Consignment, whether or not this takes place at the designated port of discharge.

2)  any costs and fees incurred in connection with administrative or legal proceedings being commenced against you or any of your servants or agents in connection with the discharge of the goods as aforesaid and to provide you or them from time to time with sufficient funds to defend the same.

No statement relating to the contents, quality, description or value of the above mentioned Consignment shall limit in any way our responsibilities and liabilities or exempt either of us from the said liabilities and responsibilities in respect of meeting any obligations falling on both of us in this respect.

This indemnity shall be construed in accordance with French Law and each and every person liable under this indemnity shall at your request submit to the jurisdiction of the Court of Marseilles.

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of:

Stamp / name / title

Authorised Signature