Minutes for the 2008-2009 CCCEOPSA

Executive Board Meeting

July 1, 2008 and July 2, 2008

Costa Mesa, Ca

Attendees: Paula Munoz, Mercy Yanez; Will Bruce, Walter Jones, Igor Daza, Alvin Jenkins, Leonard Crawford, Maryanne Michaels, Jan Evans, Ruth Dills, Jonathan Lightman (FACCC), Joan Thompson, Georgina Guy; Michael Carrillo; Irma Rodriguez; Eric Ogata; Pamela Wynne; Maria Escobar; Michael Rasmussen, Leticia Gomez

I.  Call to Order:

a.  P. Munoz called the meeting to order @ 10:10am

II.  Roll Call: (quorum=5/15 w/2 board members)

III.  Approval of Agenda:

a.  P. Munoz proposed to approve agenda with changes-related to times (agenda changes: See agenda for notes)

b.  Motion to Approve agenda

IV.  Approval of Minutes:

a.  Motion to approve minutes with amendments

b.  Motion to accept minutes passed

V.  Officer’s Reports:

a.  Paula(President): Bill proposed by Anthony Portantino re: Section 8 housing-he is asking for support for his bill (see handout) – proposed that the group review the proposal; Update of executive board directory; letterhead question – how should it be formatted (see handout) – motion to include exec board members on the letterhead; motion carried; the FACCC contract has been put into effect; attended rally 4/21 (good representation); passed out bullet point cards with; attended Assembly hearing 4/23; budget brainstorming meeting (conference calls) every Thursday morning with Jonathan – the Assembly and the Senate have supported EOPS funding and opposed black grant funding (partisan politics) – unclear about budget future

b.  Leonard(VP): No report

c.  Ruth Dills (past president)

d.  Jan (Treasurer): $168,000 in regular checking account after all expenses paid; $3,840 payment received from CCC office (finally); 5,570 used by Paula - $7500 available for next two years; paid out $7,000 in scholarship; did get 200 scholarships; $16,000 paid to Jonathan Lightman; $223,700 registration from 2007 conference (570 attendees); per diem increase to .585 cents per mile; $380 for air travel(weigh the cost of driving against airfare; per diem increase proposal for meals to $100; motion to increase daily expenditures; motion carried; proposed conference budget for 2009 at $190,000 (increase?)

VI.  FACCC Updates:

a.  Jonathan Lightman: (see packet)

b.  Budget update: “Wiggle room” or “categorical flexibility” discussion about program budgets at the district levels (block grants?); proposals to revamp the way categoricals are funded; workload budget proposals (10% reduction); the legislature FACCC presented details about the impact of the flexibility plan – workgroup formed to look closely at this impact to create a unified message among the categoricals; so far we have prevailed; the fiscal condition of the state is declining – system advocacy group (weekly meeting);

c.  Budget conference committee: 2 items in conjunction between Assembly and Senate (see handout in packet): (1) COLA (compares federal COLA and state to create formula) and (2) Green technology (move $ from energy commission to CCC); there may not be an actual cut if we go with either Senate or Assembly proposal; FACCC website: (1) summer response team – please sign up (2) Creation of student success stories

d.  Presentation from Assembly (DVD)

e.  Dream Act: Prop 92 coalition (see handout in packet) – discussion of the 50% Law; prop 92 did not lose it, failed to win

f.  Portantino Bill: Does EOPS want to get involved with this? Recommends that as an association we might want to look at the bill as individuals, if there is reluctance from the EOPSSA

g.  Jonathan will address us at the annual meeting Oct 28th & 29th – workshop @ conference

VII.  Old Business:

a.  EOPS Full time Director

b.  Budget: no new news

VIII.  New Business:

a.  Walter Jones will resign as Secretary today in accordance to the bylaws governing requirements of executive EOPSA Director (need new Secretary); Mercy Yanez volunteered to fill in (President can appoint someone temporarily with board approval); motion to approve Mercy Yanez as acting Secretary; motioned carried

b.  No other news

IX.  Committee Reports:

a.  Alvin: 2008 Conference Update: need workshops (10 workshop confirmed); SSARCC (2) and SSO proposal from CCC (Barbara Kwoka) – no written proposal yet; Exec Board Meeting @ 9:00am 10/27/08 (Board and regional rep/coordinators); Paula proposed playing “Party Train” (if Marching Band not available) over the PA as the Exec Board enters the room on day 2; motion to accept the musical recommendation; motion passed with 5 abstentions

b.  Igor: 2009 Conference 10/12-10/15 2009 @ Costa Mesa Hilton; begin to look for conference chair for 2010

c.  CCCSFAA Liaison: Maria reported (see handout)

d.  CSSO: Paula reported priorities to the group; decided no on block grants and yes on FT Director; budget discussions; “site review reports are not timely” discussion; will meet again in October; question (Alvin): “What is the plan for ensuring timeliness?” Chancellor’s office might be the problem

e.  Allocation Taskforce: The new budget model will be taken forward to the CCC, but probably will not take effect until next year (09-10)

f.  Categorical Oversight: no news

g.  Legislative Liaison: no news

h.  By-Laws: no news

i.  Awards & Scholarships: missing 4 colleges (student names); only four complete packages; staff years of services (27/109); 1 nomination for hall of fame

j.  Membership and Elections: need a person to perform this function (check with Vicki Ferguson); need FACCC Rep

k.  New Director’s Training: Leonard has begun preparing a report

l.  Publications: need a person to perform this function

m.  Historian, website, staff directory: Will has set up a Google account; the Google group is the EOPSA listserv

n.  Historical Documents: all the documents have been scanned and arranged by year (see disk)

X.  Regional Reports: (see written reports if available) WRP= Written Report Pending

a.  Region 1: Mike (see report); proposed regional leadership or summer bridge

b.  Region 2: Leticia (WRP): Woodland College is pending accreditation

c.  Region 3: Maryanne: no report

d.  Region 4: Eric (see report)

e.  Region 5: William (see report)

f.  Region 6: Pam (see report); Walter Briggs (Antelope Valley) passed away and memory of him are in the notes; note: recognize W. Briggs at conference in an upbeat way

g.  Region 7: Igor (see report)

h.  Region 8: Georgina (see report)

i.  Region 9: Michael (WRP)

j.  Region 10: Joan (see report) 3 VACANCIES PENDING; Joan will be on sabbatical in the fall

XI.  Other Items: (1) President’s Award for Ralph Black at the conference; motion to present the award; motioned carried (2) motion to support Portatino bill; motion declined, (3) next meeting: Exec Meeting 10/27; general meeting 10/28; EC meets January 29 (Sacramento); TBA April meeting (coincide with Director’s training; July meeting 6th & 7th

XII.  Motion to Adjourn: meeting adjourned @ 4:28pm