High-Resolution Ortho Imagery
Quality Assessment Summary
Project: ______Partnership Data
Delivery Information:
State Liaison
Format (Geotiff, Tiff, with or without world files, compressed images, etc.)
Date imagery was collected.
Number of image files and organization (naming convention, etc.)
Validation completion date.
Geospatial Coverage:
What is the percent coverage of the applicable NGA Urban Area?
How many7.5-minute quadrangle equivalents are covered by the delivery?
What is the extent of the individual tiles (how big are they)? Is there overlap between images?
Radiometry: (e.g. True Color in RGB format, CIR, B/W).
Coordinate System: Coordinate System (SPCS, UTM), datum, ground units (survey feet, international feet, meters)
Pixel Resolution:
Relative Horizontal Accuracy and Edge Alignment:
General observations. If problems, make specific citations (images, location, features affected, etc.)
Horizontal Accuracy: Based on (# pts) available ground test points, this data has a probable accuracy of ______(feet/meters) radial RMSE.
Cite specific areas where there may be serious problems.
Geotiff Information:
Does data fit Geotiff specifications? Are Tfw files provided?
Image Quality: Overall image characteristics such as brightness, contrast, tonal balance and visible detail. Cite specific problems with scratches, reflection, burn-outs, oversaturation, tonal balance, shadowing, building tilt, and anything else that comes up.
Metadata: Are individual image metadata files provided? Do they meet FGDC requirements?
Cite specific metadata problems, lack of metadata, etc.
Index Graphic:
Index map showing delivery coverage over 7.5-minute quadrangles
Summary Prepared By:
Rejected Images List Annex:
Provide separate listing of rejected imagery with reasons.
1. Accuracy test should be put in the spreadsheet for accuracy testing.
2. Has a shapefile for the delivery footprint been created?
3. Has the delivery footprint been compared to the Urban Area footprint?
4. The bounding coordinates should be provided for project metadata creation. The bounding coordinates are the west-most and east-most longitudes and the north-most and south-most latitudes in decimal degrees.
5. Attach specific screen examples.