Meeting commenced19:30hrs

PRESENT: Cllrs Bishop, Bryant, Fenn, Harris, Hole, Kilby, Matthews (Chair), Powell, Rogers, Streatfield, Thomas, Thompson, Weaver, White, D.Cllr Carpendale, D.Cllr Swan, C.Cllr Jones, Julie Lawes (Clerk) and 6 members of public.

77.05.17 Election of Chairman – Sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office

PROPOSAL: That Cllr Matthews be re-elected as Chair.

Proposed: Cllr Bryant Seconded: Cllr Thomas PASSED

Cllr Matthews signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office

78.05.17 Election of Vice-Chairman – Sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office

PROPOSAL: That Cllr Bryant be re-elected as Vice-Chairman.

Proposed: Cllr White Seconded: Cllr Streatfield PASSED

Cllr Bryant signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office

79.05.17 Apologies for Absence – none

80.05.17 Declarations of Interest and to approve any Dispensation Requests

Cllr Matthews declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 86.05.17 Planning Applications: B/17/00528 Birchwood, Mill Hill.

81.05.17 To approve the minutes of the meeting held Monday 10th April 2017

PROPOSAL: That the minutes be signed as a true record of the meeting held.

Proposed: Cllr Harris Seconded: Cllr Thomas PASSED

82.05.17 Election of: Members of Committees, Working Parties and Representatives of other organisations

See attached

PROPOSAL: That the Councillor Responsibilities be agreed by council.

Proposed: Cllr Matthews Seconded: Cllr Bryant PASSED

83.05.17 Clerks Report

The car reported as abandoned behind the Co-op has been reported.

The village litter took place on Saturday with 16 adults and 15 children attending, many of which were part of the Beavers group taking part towards earning their community badges.

Cllr Hole added the ‘No Cold Calling’ stickers have now been received and are available by entrance to Parish Council office.

84.05.17 Correspondence: received and noted


85.05.17 Half Hour Open Forum – Residents

1) The Chair congratulated C.Cllr Jones on being re-elected as our county councillor.

C.Cllr Jones gave thanks to those who voted and advised he felt humbled and thankful to be re-elected. He also thanked D.Cllr Carpendale who stood against him in the elections stating as a village we have challenges ahead and it is essential we continue to work together as we have done so well previously.

2) D.Cllr Carpendale reported – details attached

3) D.Cllr Swan reported – details attached

4) Christian Foxhall, Matthew Whitley and Harry Prior issued members of the council a presentation produced in application for a skate park in Capel. They advised there are no areas for children of their age to meet, being too old for play areas and the nearest skate park being in Ipswich. They proposed a skate park being installed by the BMX track on the playing field. Councillors in principal agreed with their suggestion but advised much more research was required on costs and insurance and that it was the Capel Community Trust who would need to support this request as they are responsible for the playing field. Funding opportunities suggested to the group were S106 funds from Babergh District Council, Locality Budget from C.Cllr Jones, Tesco Grants and BIFFA. C.Cllr Jones advised once exact figures had been determined he would be delighted to support this request. D.Cllr Carpendale advised she would speak with BDC members as they are currently producing a Physical and Activities Sports Strategy and may be able to help. All councillors congratulated the young men on providing such a well prepared presentation and representing their age group with maturity and confidence.

5) Mike Woodward representing the War Memorial Committee advised a deposit has now been placed with the Mason allowing the granite to be ordered. This is being delivered from India and could take around 90 days to arrive. The council was thanked for their support.

6) Resident advised the litter pick was a great success, however the following day the litter had returned.

7) Resident raised concern over the lack of use of the Park and Ride at Copdock. Cllr Bryant advised it is not cost effective for 1 or 2 people travelling to town as it is cheaper to park in Ipswich. Cllr White advised he believes this facility is well used, it is dependant on the time and day.

86.05.17 Planning Applications

B/17/ / Address / Detail / Recommendation
00934 / Pond Farm, Bentley Road / Change of use from agricultural to commercial equine use; Erection of horse walker, stables and ménage / APPROVAL
Proposed: Cllr Bryant Seconded: Cllr Streatfield PASSED
B/17/ / Address / Detail / Recommendation
00892 / Cappadocia,
A12 Northbound / Installation of cooking flue (including odour control) and associated security fencing / APPROVAL
Proposed: Cllr Harris Seconded: Cllr White PASSED
B/17/ / Address / Detail / Recommendation
00528 / Birchwood, Mill Hill / Erection of side extension to existing garage / APPROVAL
Proposed: Cllr Harris Seconded: Cllr Rogers PASSED
B/17/ / Address / Detail / Recommendation
00494 / 6 Homefield / Erection of infill side extension / APPROVAL
Proposed: Cllr Rogers Seconded: Cllr Hole PASSED
B/17/ / Address / Detail / Recommendation
00962 / 7 Long Perry / Erection of single storey annexe / APPROVAL
Proposed: Cllr Streatfield Seconded: Cllr Kilby PASSED
B/17/ / Address / Detail / Recommendation
01030 / Rudgwick House,
Days Road / Remove 4 lower limbs on 1 no. Sycamore (T5) covered by TPO BT209 / Refer to Arborculturalist

87.05.17 Planning Correspondence


88.05.17 Development and Communication

Following the Extraordinary Meeting we appointed Mr Andrew Cann from Planning Direct who submitted an objection for the planning applications for both Hopkins Homes and Persimmon Homes on behalf of the Capel St Mary Parish Council. Our only criticism of the submission was the lack of detail however from contesting the 5 year land supply and the decision to refer to the Local Policy Planning Framework paragraph 49 Mr Cann challenged the District Council enough for them to pull the Hopkins application from the agenda to seek legal advice. Cllr Matthews advised she made contact with the National Planning Casework Unit (NPCU) who advised Babergh they had been contacted, presumably adding weight to the parishes concerns. Gemma Pannell advised Tom Barker from BDC will be speaking with all developers and agents, District Councillors and possibly Parish Councils with an update. Neither application is on the agenda for the 10th May and no further information has been received.

Cllr Matthews thanked Cllr Thompson for producing the leaflet circulated round the village over the Easter weekend.

Cllr Bryant reported he met with C.Cllr Jones and Steve Merry from Highways to look at the 3 proposed development sites. Mr Merry confirmed Little Tufts meets the current highway standards and there are no grounds for objection.

It was agreed it would be a challenge widening Days Road and the footpath and he was to go away and assess this, we are waiting for feedback.

Mr Merry was unaware of the Red Lane site as this is Highways England but advised for a site with 300 or more dwellings there would be a requirement for more than one access road. The proposed slip road is a great improvement to that presently in place which does not meet current standards and he felt this would slow the traffic down on entering the village. The negatives to this site are the impact it would have on Leaping Wells and the closure of the A12 exit Northbound forcing vehicles through London Road. He advised there is a weight restriction on London Road restricting the use for the employment land as HGV would be unable to pass through.

89.05.17 Review and Adopt Policies and Regulations

The following amendments have been recommended by the Police and Standing Order Review Committee: Publication Scheme – None; Unreasonably Persistent and Vexatious Complainants – None; Code of Practice for Handling Complaints – None;

Disciplinary & Grievance Policy – None; Training Policy – None;

Financial Regulations - Page 11 – Inclusion of the work ‘Pension’

7.1 As an employer, the council shall make arrangements to meet fully the statutory requirements placed on all employers by PAYE, Pension and National Insurance legislation;

Standing Orders - Page 8 – Inclusion of the following item:

4. Committees and Sub-Committees

viii. shall permit the Chair of the Parish Council to attend (not obligatory) and be allowed to vote as an ex-officio member;

PROPOSAL: That the Policies, Regulations and Standing Orders are adopted by the Capel St Mary Parish Council.

Proposed: Cllr Matthews Seconded: Cllr Bishop PASSED

90.05.17 Approval of the Risk Assessment

The following amendments have been recommended by the Policy and Standing Order Review Committee: Page 4 Table 4 – Finance / Administration

Item 29 – Strike through item removed as no longer carried out.

Enquires from the public are responded to as appropriate. The enquirer is informed of the action taken by the clerk. All letters sent are placed in the ‘Chrono’ file and are available for inspection. Depending on the type of response required (and the time scale) consultation requests will be dealt with by the clerk, referred to the next meeting or passed to the appropriate committee / working party, and returned completed to the enquirer.

Page 4 Table 4 – Finance / Administration - Item 31 – Item in italics added;

Ensure up to date, reviewed at last election and councillors reminded in May of each year to ensure up to date.

Register of Interests online, full details available to view on the Babergh District Council website.

PROPOSAL: That the Capel St Mary Parish Council approves and adopts the Risk Assessment.

Proposed: Cllr Matthews Seconded: Cllr Rogers PASSED

91.05.17 Reports: Highways Working Group – Cllr Harris

Cost has been obtained for traffic monitoring equipment and traffic surveys. These are similar costs with a four point traffic survey being £1,500 and equipment £2,100. This will remain on hold until future development takes place. A SID ranges between £1,400 to £2,600. In the meantime we have a SID we share with Stratford St Mary. To install a permanent fixture would require permission from Highways Department.

92.05.17 Reports: War Memorial – Cllr Thompson

Four 8 page newspapers are being produced to be circulated within the village, the first being issued before the garden party which is to be held 24th June 2017.

93.05.17 Reports: Capel Community Trust – Cllr Harris

Funday will be held on Saturday 10th June 2017. The stage ceiling has been replastered and the refurbishment work is now being completed.

Councillors are encouraged to be members of the Association. This is a small fee and will keep you up to date with their events. Cllr White reported youths getting on the village hall roof. Cllr Matthews advised Jon Bunkell had suggested the Parish Council hold a stall at Funday. Cllr Hole advised he may be able to provide an enquiry area, but due to lack of councillors available this will not take place this year.

94.05.17 Internal Audit Report

Items raised within the Internal Audit carried out by SALC.

1) That the Support Grant issued to the CCT be headed under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s19, rather than S137.

Action to be taken: This has now been changed.

2) To ensure the Financial Regulations and Standing Orders are fully tailored to the Council and to avoid ambiguity, the council may want to consider the removal of the square brackets.

Action to be taken: This has now been changed.

3) Council might want to consider expanding the Asset Register in line with current guidance to show description, location, date acquired and value with further columns for acquisitions and disposals.

Action to be taken: This information is already held, full details to be sent to SALC for information and consideration to be given to adopting the Asset Register recommended by BDO.

95.05.17 Finance: Litter Picker Salary

Charlie Nixon turned 18 years old on 26th February 2017. He is currently paid £4.50 per hour and the minimum rate for an 18 year old is £5.60. To pay £6.00 will require a back pay of £31.50.

PROPOSAL: That salary for Charlie Nixon be increased to £6ph including back pay to 26th February 2017.

Proposed: Cllr Thompson Seconded: Cllr Powell PASSED

96.05.17 Finance: Agree Purchase of Street Maps

PROPOSAL: That 1 x A1 and 2 x A4 photo poster maps be purchased from Snappy Snaps at a total cost of £53.00.

Proposed: Cllr Matthews Seconded: Cllr Bryant PASSED

97.05.17 Finance: To approve the Annual Return 2016/2017

Following the completion of the Internal Audit the following proposal is made:

PROPOSAL: That the Capel St Mary Parish Council approves and agrees the Annual Return 2016/2017.

Proposed: Cllr Matthews Seconded: Cllr Harris PASSED

98.05.17 Finance: Bills to be paid

PROPOSAL: The following bills be paid en-bloc.

Proposed: Cllr Bishop Seconded: Cllr Powell PASSED

Name / Description / Cheque No / Sub-Total / Total / VAT
Planning Direct / Balance of fees / EP / £1,168.80 / £194.80
Idverde Ltd / Bypass Nurseries Litter Bin / EP / £14.58 / £2.43
AVIS Newsprint Ltd / Leaflets / EP / £204.00
Canon / Photocopier Hire / EP / £88.26 / £14.71
CCT / Library Hire / EP / £35.00
Julie Lawes / Clerks Salary / EP / £950.40
Expenses / EP / £39.84 / £990.24
HMRC / JL NI / EP / £35.23
PC NI / EP / £40.52 / £75.75
SALC / Subs / 103811 / £836.40
Internal Audit / £372.00 / £1,208.40 / £62.00
Suff Preservation Society / Subs / 103812 / £30.00
1st Capel Scouts / Grant / 103813 / £250.00
Orchard Players / Grant / 103814 / £750.00
Orwell Housing / Over 60s Hall Hire / 103815 / £120.00
First Responders / Grant / 103816 / £100.00
Nest Pension / Clerk Pension Contributions / DD / £38.81
PC Pension Contributions / DD / £29.11 / £67.92
Charlie Nixon / Litter Picking Salary / EP / £96.00
Back Pay / EP / £31.50 / £127.50

99.05.17 Finance: Correspondence


100.05.17 Questions to Chairman


101.05.17 Date of next meeting

Monday 12th June 2017 commencing 7.30pm in the library.

Meeting closed 21:02