The Business, Transportation and Housing (BT&H) Agency established the Blueprint Learning Network (BLN) to work with federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and local Councils of Government (COGs) to further advance regional blueprint planning. The grant program is intended to foster consensus among community and regional leaders, local governments and stakeholders toward a vision for preferred growth and land use patterns for the region.
The BLN workshops provide a forum for regional and State agencies to exchange information, share best practices, and combine knowledge and resources.
Blueprint Learning Network and the Regional Blueprint Planning Program
Blueprint Learning Network Team
BT&H has organized the BLN Coordinating team. This team is comprised of members from the Resources Agency, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) the California Center for Regional Leadership (CCRL), and the University of California at Davis (UCD) who guide BLN Workshops.
BLN Workshop Purpose
This year, the BT&H team has created a series of workshops to help Regional MPO’s share challenges and collaborate on strategies towards more effective regional blueprint planning. The BLN workshops will:
· Provide a common framework for planning and analysis of land use, transportation, housing, and environmental factors.
· Offer an opportunity for the state and the regions to partner in accomplishing the regional blueprint plans.
· Provide a platform from which regions can launch their blueprint plans from the conceptual into the real world.
BLN Workshops in 2007
June 20-21, 2007
San Diego (Hosted by the San Diego Association of Governments)
· Land Use
· Energy
· Carbon Emissions
In California, a population increase of 5 – 6 million people poses additional demand on public roads, energy supply, and natural resources. Meeting California’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets by 2020 -- as specified in AB 32 -- will require reconciling the need to roll-back the clock on energy consumption while meeting increased public demand for services. This session will explore specific steps for reducing GHG emissions through changing land-use patterns.
September 25-26, 2007
Fresno (Hosted by the Council of Fresno County Governments)
· Air Quality
· Public Health
· Agricultural Lands
· Water Resources
The Future of the state is integrally connected to the future of the Valley. As one of the largest and fastest-growing regions in California, its thought-provoking statistics pose a challenge to all Californians to plan their regions with care. This session explores the complexities of preserving agricultural land while accommodating population growth, how the built environment impacts public health stats and transportation solutions that can greatly improve quality of life in the Valley.
November 13-14
Oakland (Hosted by the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission)
· Environmental Justice
· Elected Officials
· Housing
As the final Workshop in the BLN Series for 2007, we will focus on strategies to implement Blueprint Plans in respective regions throughout the state. As MPO Leaders well know, successful implementation cannot occur without the support of Elected Officials. This workshop will bring local Elected Officials to the table, and provide Blueprint Advocates with effective strategies for public engagement. In addition, comprehensive and thoughtful regional planning must learn from the lessons garnered from environmental justice advocates.
Keeping It Real: Public Engagement, Environmental Justice, Housing and Regional Blueprint Planning
November 13 - 14, 2007
Nile Hall, Preservation Park
668-13th Street at Preservation Park Way
Oakland, CA
Tuesday, November 13
9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, November 14
8:30 am – 12:00 noon
For information on Preservation Park, go to:
For a map of Preservation Park, click here:
For more information on the Blueprint Learning Network, please call: (415) 445-8975, xt.100