Annual Report to Edmonton Presbytery

from the Personnel Committee

May 2016

The Personnel Committee is responsible for the effective operation of the Presbytery office and for the supervision of the staff. Edmonton Presbytery has three staff members: Wilson MacLennan, Resource Administrator, who is full-time;YoonOk Shin Kang, Intercultural Minister, who is full-time (appointed 1 September 2015);and Joyce Kimmerly, Office Administrator, who works half-time. Each staff member has an assigned Personnel Committee contact with whom they interact between committee meetings. The Personnel Committee hosts an annual Christmas lunch and a summer barbeque for staff and committee members.

The Committee met five times between September 2015 and May 2016, and Wilson attended all the meetings. Staff members are invited to raise any matters directly with the committee or through their Committee contact. In conjunction with the staff, a number of issues were handled/overseen by the Committee during the past year, including:

  • goal setting for 2016 with Joyce, YoonOk and Wilson
  • approving various educational opportunities for staff members
  • ongoing work on the files of Edmonton Presbytery, including preparing material for transfer to the Provincial Archives
  • ongoing work updating the Operations Manual for Edmonton Presbytery
  • renewing the contracts of staff members, working with the Ministry and Congregational Support team in YoonOk’s case
  • supporting staff members in their work generally, and in particular related to activities concerning Kirk United Church and United on Whyte
  • worked with New Ministries Development team on the drafting of an LGBTQ Missioner contract position
  • coordinated changes in the Restorative Care Plan with Property and Finance to ensure awareness of impact on the Presbytery budget

Edmonton Presbytery is fortunate to have three committed and talented staff members working on its behalf. The Committee extends its appreciation to Joyce, YoonOk and Wilson for their contributions to the life and work of the Presbytery.

Personnel Committee members include: Carol Loewen (Co-Chair), Marg May (Secretary), Katharine Moore (Co-Chair), Brian Pearson and Anne Telford. Members of Presbytery are invited to offer feedback on the operation of the office and/or the work of the staff to any member of the Personnel Committee.

Carol Loewen, Co-Chair

Katharine Moore, Co-Chair