Av. Angélica, 580 apto 8 e 9 Q Brazilian

São Paulo, SP, CEP: 01228-000

Phones: (11) 3825-3159 (home) – (11) 98149-9859 (mobile)



Cultural, Commercial, Marketing, Account or Web Area Manager or Director


10 years experience of cultural management running her own company, developing curatorial visual arts projects, performing executive projects and editing books. Fifteen-years experience in advertising agencies, as public and private accounts executive, and in large-sized companies, in the Commercial, Marketing, Market Intelligence, Account and Web areas. Participated in the creation and development of specific areas end organizational restructuring, and in building, motivating and developing working teams and individual talents. Extensive international exposure, fluent English and good knowledge of Spanish.

In 2002 founded Aori Cultural Productions, a company that develops, manages and produces cultural content such as projects, exhibitions and editions of books in areas of Brazilian cultural heritage, social themes and visual arts. The company conducts its cultural projects through laws to encourage culture as Rouanet, ProAc - Cultural Action Program, the Ministry of Culture of São Paulo and with direct sponsorship.
It has partnerships with several national and international institutions, among them, the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes do Rio de Janeiro, Museum Oscar Niemeyer, Caixa Cultural, National Museum of Colombia, Centre George Pompidou, The Louvre Museum and the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art.
Among its customers are Petrobras, Banco do Brazil, BB Insurance, Alliance Insurance, Sebrae, Brazil Federal Government, Apex, Martins Distributor, Triangle Bank, Caixa Econômica Federal, ArcelorMittal, Dana, CSN, Cemig, Nortel, Usiminas, Alcoa , Cia Vale. BNDES, Merck etc.


Broad experience in the implementation of Online Media and e Commerce areas, establishing commercial policies, strategy planning, client portfolio enhancement by launching new products, and in coordinating cross media processes. Skilled in negotiating with strategic clients and in acting as spokeswoman.

Marketing / Account Executive

Worked with institutional, advertising, online, political and governmental marketing. Experience in image building planning for private companies agencies and politicians. Expertise in strategic planning, scenario simulation, identifying opportunities and designing action plans. Totally familiar with market niche and segment analyses, competitive intelligence, brand building, communication, promotion and media, project designing for public biddings and with the creation of communication channels for government. Easy relationship with the specialized media, skilled in structuring and implementing advertising projects, designing media kits and sales training guides.


I was curator of several visual arts exhibitions:

·  Kuarup - the last trip of Orlando Villas Boas (Photos by Renato Soares), presented in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Curitiba, Recife, Fortaleza and Salvador.

·  Capoeira - fight, dance and play Liberty (photos by André Cypriano) presented in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Salvador, Bogota and Aracaju.

·  Barão de Maua - the entrepreneur - presented in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Curitiba, Porto Alegre and Fortaleza.

·  Quilombo - traditions and culture of resistance (Photos by André Cypriano), presented in 25 Brazilian cities, 10 middle cities, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Asunción, La Paz, Quito, Lima, Caracas, Bogotá, Paramaribo, Panama City and Mexico City.

·  Sorrows of Colombia - 67 works by the artist Fernando Botero, collection of the National Museum of Colombia - presented in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Brasilia, Salvador and Recife.

·  Serra da Canastra (Photos by Adriano Gambarini), presented in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Salvador, Joinville, Natal, Florianopolis and Sao Luis.

·  Human Rights – images of Brazil - presented in 11 Brazilian capitals.

·  Afro-Colombians - la libertad y sus rutas (Photos by André Cypriano), presented in Bogotá and being presented in many Colombian cities.

·  Exhibition 40 years of Sebrae.

As Executive Producer, I realized several exhibitions:

·  Galeria Caixa Brazil - stages I and II - conducting simultaneous exposure in 27 Brazilian capitals, with opening events on the same day and time, with the collection of CEF, during the celebration of its 150 years.

·  Rossini Perez: drawings, engravings and arrays, collections of the National Museum of Fine Arts, RJ, presented in Sao Paulo and Brasilia.

·  Masks - Bolivian faces of the soul, the Museum of Ethnology and Folklore of La Paz, presented in Sao Paulo.

·  Where we are Africans? - , the Museum of Fine Arts, RJ, presented in Sao Paulo.

·  The Brazilian Sculpture: from Contemporary Era to the Republican Times, the Museum of Fine Arts, RJ, presented in Salvador and São Paulo.

I am also the publisher of several books:

·  Quilombolas - traditions and culture of resistance,

·  Brazilian Handicraft, Taste of Brazil,

·  Serra da Canastra, Baron of Maua - the entrepreneur,

·  Diary on board - the story of the Brazilian naval industry,

·  Capoeira: fight, game and dance of freedom,

·  Human Rights - images of Brazil,

·  Rio that people from Rio does not see,

·  History and Culture of Medicine in Brazil,

·  40 years of Sebrae, among others.

Commercial and Web Marketing

Coordinated the designer team for Handicraft Petrobras Website, Government’s Portal, and Sebrae Portal, giving support for its integration with the 27 Brazilian States.

ü Implemented the AOL Interactive Marketing area, by building up a team of 15 professionals, working on sales strategies, sales and after sales. Within 8 months, 800 contacts had been made and 50 companies added to the client portfolio.

ü Responsible for placing AOL as a communication means in the advertising market, through campaigns in specialized areas, participation in events and seminars ( NY media Group Reception, Cannes Festival, Road Shows throughout agencies and advertisers, Maximídia, Interativa, ABA Net), interviews and press releases.

ü Enhanced the integration among the AOL Time Warner Group companies with the introduction of the cross media concept, which resulted in sales of integrated commercial packages for strategic advertisers.

ü Responsible for the implementation of the UOL Group Market Intelligence area (UOL,BOL, end UOL International), aiming at overcoming the obstacles the advertising market was facing to the sales of the publicity products of the group.

ü Responsible for restructuring the BOL Commercial area, increasing the number of client calls by 70% and sales by 50%. Also responsible for setting up the commercial policies for Shopping BOL and participated in the process of product concept definition.

ü Accountable for the introduction of UOL´s Major Accounts area aiming at providing assistance to strategic clients, ensuring their satisfaction and, ultimately, contract renewal.

ü Was in charge of restructuring the UOL e-Commerce team, when this new product was launched, the largest, the largest Latin America virtual shopping in terms of business, by redefining the team´s commercial policies and operation.

ü Restructured the UOL team end trained it on the recently bom media, by defining the teams´s commercial policies and operation.


ü  Responsible for the advertising and marketing accounts of Caixa Seguros and Ministry of Health

ü  Participated in several municipal campaigns as one of the coordinators of the campaigns.

ü  Responsible for closing contracts with customers for political campaigns.

ü  Coordinated the team that elaborated the TV Show Parceiros do Brazil (Brazil’s Partners) that was on TV Globo.

ü Participated in Mr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso ´s re-election campaign, analyzing surveys, preparing analytical reports on the situation with emphasis on the Telebrás privatization process and by designing strategies and preparing communication and marketing actions.

ü Completed the first image perception of Telefônica in Brazil. DM9 won the Telefônica account and and within one year reverted its initial negative image in the country .

ü Prepared image studies and suggestions for Telemar, Tele Centro Sul, Light, Eletropaulo Metropolitana and Hospital Albert Einstein.

ü Prepared communication plans for the participation of agencies in several public biddings ( Ministry of Health, Aneel, Ceará State Government, São Paulo State Government, District Capital Government , Espiríto Santo State Government, town halls and public companies).

ü Designed the strategic and actions plans for communications in several companies, foundations, political candidacies and governments .

ü Organized a communication team composed of 60 professionals for the São José dos government through the creation of direct channels with the population, such as TV programs, radio, newspapers and magazines.

Professional Background






Political Marketing Director

SECOM – GOVERNO FEDERAL – Brasília 2003/2003

Digital Marketing Consultant

SEBRAE Nacional – Brasília – SP 2002/2004

Marketing Director

AOL Brasil – São Paulo / SP 2001/2002

Interactive Marketing Director

Grupo UOL – São Paulo / SP 1999/2001

·  Marketing Intelligence Director (UOL Brasil Internacional and BOL)

·  Commercial Director for BOL

·  Major Accounts Director

·  e-Commerce Manager

·  Advertising Manager

DM9 DDB – São Paulo / SP 1998/1999

Marketing Planner

A4 Comunicação e Marketing – Vitória / ES 1996/1997

Account and Planning Director

Prefeitura de São José dos Campos – São José dos Campos / SP 1993/1995

Social Communication Director

Terranova Propaganda – São Paulo / SP 1992/1992

Account Executive

Publivendas Engenhonovo – Salvador / BA 1989/1991

Account Executive

Casa da Propaganda – Aracaju / SE 1986/1988

Account Executive

Other Activities: consulting services for candidates, politicians, town halls state governments.


ü Master´s degree in Latin America Integration (multi-discipline course with focus on Social Communication) – USP/SP – 1994.

ü Language & Literature, PUC/RJ and UFS/SE - 1988