E Marketing MK 340

E Marketing

MK 340

- Course Outline -

Objective / This course provides an overview of the rapidly changing world of marketing communications in the 21st century. It builds on marketing principles as well as investigating specialist areas of marketing. The Internet and other technologies provide many opportunities for marketing applications. By addressing what is unique about electronic marketing, the course explores how these technologies are creating value for customers as well as benefits for companies and their brands.
Lecturer / Name / Office / Ext / E-mail
Dr. Natasha Evers / Room 305 Cairnes School / 2788 /
Day / Time / Venue
Times / Lecture / Monday / 11am-1pm / LH1 IT125
Tuesday / 11am-1pm / D’arcy Thompson (Arts Millennium)
Overall Learning Outcomes / Upon completion of this course, students will have achieved the following:
Knowledge based outcomes:
·  A comprehensive understanding of E Marketing in theory and practice.
·  Be cognisant of the recent developments and their origins in online marketing practice
·  Express the role and function of E marketing in Strategic marketing plans
·  Acquire an in-depth knowledge of the tools and
techniques in E Marketing Planning
·  Be cognisant of challenges faced, and techniques employed, in designing E Marketing strategies
·  Have the essential knowledge and skills relating to online marketing research
·  An opportunity to build upon course material for dissertation purposes.
Format / This course comprises two x 1hour lectures across 12 weeks (Semester I)
Programme(s) / BComm
Assessment / The final grade will be calculated as follows:
·  40% Learning Journal
·  60% Final Exam
Learning Journal : 40%
As part of this subject you are required to complete an individual Learning Journal. This journal begins on 22nd September, 2008 and finishes 18th November, 2008. Deadline for submission is Monday, 24th November by 5pm to the Marketing Department. It is worth 40% of the total marks for the subject. A full and completed Learning Journal is required if you are to be credited with the terms marks. Late submissions are subject to a penalty of 20%.
Your learning journal is to contain the following:
  • Responses to specific questions provided at your lectures at the end of each topic.
  • Any relevant reflections on e-Marketing, examples that arise in the national and local papers, areas of the subject that you enjoy; areas that are difficult. Consider how issues discussed relate to your own experiences.
  • Responses are also to demonstrate wider reading through references to texts or other publications.
  • All entries to your journal log are to be typed and presented in a professional manner, clearly showing your name, student id number, subject matter and date. Formatting guidelines for submission will be provided on Blackboard.
Written Examination: 60%
In this final two hour pre-Christmas exam, worth 60%, you will be asked to
answer three out of five questions. The questions will be a mixture of conceptual issues and applied matters.
Candidates must pass the written examination to be awarded marks for assignments/class participation.
Note: A minimum of 35% is required in the final written examination before marks for continuous assessment can be included in the determination of the overall mark for the subject.
Workload / Credit weighting: 5 ECT
Lecture hours: 24 (12wks x hrs)
Assignment work and independent study: 200
Examination: 2
Total Student Effort: 250 Hours
Course Readings / Required Reading:
Gay, R., Charlesworth, A. and Esen, R. (2007) Online Marketing. Oxford University Press
It is available from the University Bookshop, NUI Galway.
At this level, it is required that you read widely to acquire
a comprehensive knowledge of the subject.
Articles in business and marketing journals, such as the Journal of
Marketing Research and the Irish Marketing Review as well as
business supplements in the relevant national newspapers.
Date / Topic / Reading
Part 1 Fundamentals of the New Economy and New considerations for E marketing Strategy
September 8th / Course overview and Learning log Guidelines
September 9th / Principles & Drivers of the New Marketing Economy / Chapter 1
September 15th / Principles and drivers of the New Marketing Economy / Chapter 1
September 22nd / Strategy and Models for the Virtual World / Chapter 2
September 23rd / Strategy and Models for the Virtual World / Chapter 2
September 29th / Online Market Planning Issues / Chapter 3
September 30th / Online Market Planning Issues / Chapter 3

Part 2 Outcomes: You will be able to …

·  Understand and explain the concepts and models of the E marketing environment
·  Understand how the internet and digital medial impact on the marketing function
·  Critically evaluate the TEN C framework for Internet Marketers
·  Assess and compare the key E business models for the modern economy and their main revenue generating sources
·  Describe multi-channel marketing
·  Understand strategic planning led by customer demand
·  Evaluate the key stages, components and processes in developing an E marketing plan
Part 2: Online Market Research and Buyer Behaviour
October 6 / Online Marketing Research / Chapter 4
October 7 / Online buyer behaviour / Chapter 5
October 13 / Search Engine Marketing / Chapter 6

Part 2 Outcomes: You will be able to …

·  Use the internet as a cost effective tool for market research activity
·  Collect primary and secondary data online and compare it to offline data collection methods
·  Appreciate the importance of search engine marketing
·  Evaluate online buyer behaviour and implications on the marketing function
·  Understand how search engines work and how they differ from each other
·  Critically evaluate why marketing managers need to appreciate search engine optimisation techniques
Part 3: Online Relationship Marketing and Web design / Readings
October 20 / Permission and Personalisation Chapter 7
October 21 / Permission and Personalisation Chapter 7
October 27 / Bank Holiday
October 28 / Website development, Design and Content Chapter 8

Part 3 Outcomes: You will be able to …

·  Understand the importance of online trust and relationships
·  Evaluate how mass customisation has evolved online
·  Understand and employ the principles and practice e-CRM
·  Identify the levels of ‘personalisation’ and their importance in online marketing
·  Understand the technology and legislation impacting upon these developments
·  Understand the process of web site design
·  Appreciate the importance of setting marketing objectives for web sites
·  Critically evaluate best practice in web site design
Part 4: Developing and designing the E Marketing Mix and Legal Issues / Readings
November 3 / Online Product / Chapter 9
November 4 / Pricing issues on web / Chapter 10
November 10 / Online Communication tools / Chapter 11
November 11 / Online Communication tools / Chapter 11
November 17 / Online distribution and Management / Chapter 12
November 18 / Online legal issues / Chapter 13

Part 4 Outcomes: You will be able to …

·  Understand and apply the elements of the marketing mix to an online medium
·  Recognise the key issues in online branding
·  Comprehend how the internet has provided consumers and firms with greater power in the buying process
·  Evaluate how pricing models are being applied and their implications for eMarketing
·  Recognise the role of the internet in the market communication process
·  Understand the internet as a medium for advertising
·  Describe the impact of eCommerce on the place element in the marketing mix
·  Identify and understand the importance of legal issues in the E Marketing function
Course Review
November 24 / Case Study
November 25 / Course Review and Exam preparation

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