KWF Committee 6th December 2016


Minutes of the Winter Festival Committee held on Tuesday 6th December 2016 at 4.00 p.m. in the Town Council Offices

PRESENT: Councillors J Cron (Chair), A Crouch, C Duckett, L O’Brien, P Sawyer (Churches Together) and

IN ATTENDANCE: Dawn Drury (Deputy Town Clerk)


Councillor S. Waite and R Davison (Keynsham Arts Consortium)


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That the minutes of the meetings held on 9th November 2016 required numerous alterations, a copy containing these amendments is appended to these minutes, the amended minutes from the 9th November 2016 will be signed by the Chairman at the next meeting.

All amendments requested apart from those relating to financial matters (as these needed to be minuted correctly for auditing purposes) were approved by the committee.


The Committee were given feedback sheets that contained collated information from staff, contractors, stall holders, performers and members of the public comments. Copies appended.

The Committee added further feedback as follows:

Site layout, stage, road closure, set up

Barriers in Temple Street were excessive. It was explained that the section of road closure in Temple Street has to allow for access of vehicles from the multi-storey car park and barriers are position to prevent too many people walking in the road.


To re-think the set up of barriers for 2017. Including those to accommodate the procession by the stage.


The stewards failed to bring along radios. This caused some problems. The matter was discussed with the Head Steward and the invoice for their service has been reduced. Next year, the stewards must bring radios and also look into the possibility of getting radios for the staff as communication by mobile phone is difficult as the signal is not good for everyone.

It was reported that the Baptist Church had no problems with the stewards that manned the HQ. Members of the church were pleased with the way the stewards conducted themselves.


It was reported that a resident had asked why there were not stalls both sides of the road. There were 33 stalls in total, 15 of which were community stalls. The Committee felt that the stalls were bit disappointing again. It was good to see that the Guides and Castle Primary School had a stall.

Stalls holders once again said that they struggled with poor lighting in some positions on the High Street. The Committee felt that there were too many stalls in the Fear Hall and that next year there should be more on the High Street and less inside.

In 2017, there needs to be more publicity to show that there are catering units down on Temple Street as some of the stallholders in this location had very poor takings.

A question should be sent out to the community asking why they do not want a stall. Encourage them to take a stall by asking them to be represented as part of the procession. It was suggested that they could carry a banner promoting their community group. It was commented on that there were a lot of stalls doing tombolas but they were raising money for charity.

The Committee were informed that in 2017, the stall fee (if umbrellas, tables etc., were supplied by KWF) VAT will need to included. The deposit system did not work well. Some stall holders did not pay, some stall holders paid deposits by BACS with no reference and this was hard to tie up. New stall holder forms need to be produced for 2017 and this should be considered at the first planning meeting in 2017.

Lantern Workshops

The Councillors running the workshops reported that they thoroughly enjoyed going to the schools. There were quite a few light sabres not collected on the Winter Festival night and these will be delivered to the schools. There was also one lantern which belonged to a pupil from St. Keyna. The Committee felt that next year the lanterns should be larger and on a pole to make them more visual and the tea lights could possibly be bigger.

It was agreed the lantern workshops were a great initiative with three schools and the Guides being involved. It was great that it was free for the children.

Suggestions for 2017 workshops were:-

·  Start planning much earlier

·  Hire a space, as this may be better than going back to the schools

·  Councillors to run the workshops again plus more helpers to assist with the workshops. The youth workers could possibly help.

·  Too much reliance was put on the schools for organising the workshops. In 2017, the administration for the workshops whether in the schools or in a hire venue should be handled by the office staff.

·  In addition, to lanterns it was suggested that the children could make woodland themed animal masks to wear in the procession.


In 2017, there needs to be full review of the procession e.g. the whole management, movement and barrier set up near the stage.

The princesses were able to join the procession and were popular with the children. The Goddess of the River was not really relevant to the theme of the procession.

The visual impact could have been improved by all the lanterns being together in one group and all the light sabres being together in another group.

The Baton Twirlers were very good. From the stage perspective, the procession did not meet expectations. There was not enough light and the lanterns/sabres were not visual enough. Father Christmas could not be seen.

In 2017, there should be more impact from at the front of the procession. Local dancing groups should be encouraged to be part of the procession and everyone should be encouraged to carry lights.

Entertainment on stage and the projection light show

The projection light show did not happen.

It was felt that the Town Crier held up proceedings and the stage formalities need to be arranged better for 2017.

The colouring competition for 2017 needs a more difficult design for the older children to make it a bit more of a challenge.

The Community Space was really busy and it was suggested a larger stage lorry could be provided so that some of the performers from the Space could perform outside e.g. Choir Jam (as they would draw a crowd). It was also suggested that Fat Face and the Hoagies could also perform.

Jimmy Mac only compered this year and did not provide entertainment between the acts e.g. balloon modelling.

In 2017 – consider size of stage, what goes on the stage, positioning and type of performances.

Use of the Key Centre

The OneChurch (Keynsham) had lots of activities and were busy all evening. There was a problem with their candy floss and popcorn machine creating smoke inside so this had to be moved outside.

It was suggested that next year the Key Centre should be used for our own activities or for local community groups to put on activities in 2017.

Church activities

St. John’s Church – Things went smoothly for them and Stephen Mc Caw sent his thanks.

Methodist Church – All went well and activities were well supported. The carol singing and tree display were enjoyed and the Key Voices were good. There were more activities at the top of the High Street which was great. The footfall seemed steady in the Methodist Church but it was not as busy as in previous years. It used to be busier when the stage was in Charlton Road but the numbers are more manageable as it is.

There was a bit of a mix up with the time when children were to collect their lanterns/light sabres as some parents called in before 5.45 p.m. A note was put on the door giving the correct time for collection.

The OneChurch did not pack away the tables in the Key Centre and the packing up of tables and floor sweeping was done by the Town Council staff. Thanks to Town Council for offering this service.

Baptist Church – There was a steady flow of people requiring refreshments throughout the evening. It was a pleasant, well-managed and enjoyable evening in perfect weather conditions. Thanks and congratulations were passed on to the organisers.

Elim Church – The position of their stall was great and their illuminated crib was very popular. They gave away lots of goodies.

Street entertainment areas- Music/dance area.

Seb’s music set up clashed a bit with the choir performing in the church and should have been illuminated as it was very dark. The music could have been more Christmassy! It was great however for the baton twirlers when they did their performance.

Entertainment in the Community Space

The Space and library were extremely busy all night. The maximum capacity is 160 and it is believed that this was exceeded. In 2017, tickets may need to be issued to limit numbers. The last performance needs to finish by 8.45 p.m. so that the library space can be vacated by 9.00 p.m. when the library staff leave otherwise it leaves one member of B&NES staff on duty to manage all the attendees. This year, there was an incident wherein the fire brigade had to be called (at approx. 8.45 p.m.) due to a fault with the lift. People we stuck in the lift for a short period of time and the whole building had to be evacuated due to the alarms sounding. Fortunately, this occurred when the library staff were still on duty and they were able to help with the evacuation. Procedures and set up in the Space need tightening up for 2017.

A discussion was had as to whether Punch and Judy should perform in the Space or down in the library. It was agreed that the library was a better location.

Fun Fair

The Committee felt there were too many activities and far too many hook a duck stalls. Other issues are highlighted on attached sheets. Management of the fun fair needs to be improved for 2017 and a senior steward should be assigned to the area during the set up period to assist with dealing with any issues.

Councillor Cron left the meeting at this point and with the agreement of the Committee Councillor Crouch took over as Chairman

Window Competition

This needs to be promoted earlier in 2017 (beginning of November). It was suggested that one brochure be produced that can be delivered to all the shops and businesses detailing what is on, where things are happening and when. This brochure will include tear out information on the Window competition.

The Programme

In 2017, the programme needs to be proof read thoroughly and should be signed off by the Town Clerk. Any advertising space sold or sponsorship collected may need to have VAT added. The Town Clerk will advise the Committee early next year.

The programme planning needs to be done much earlier and there needs to be a clear paper trail (including names and addresses) for invoicing/receipt purposes.

New letters need to be produced that can be given to potential sponsors. This should be discussed at the first planning meeting for the 2017 Winter Festival.


Due to members needing to be at other meeting it was


That a meeting should be held in early January, before the January Town Council meeting, to deal with the budget. The Deputy Town Clerk to send out a doodle calendar to arrange a date for this meeting.

SIGNED...... DATE......


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