Through itsLeadership Development and Capacity Building Initiative,the Paul & Klare Reinhold Foundation focuses on strengthening the nonprofit sector by strengthening the leadership and capacity of nonprofit organizations that serve Clay County. Any 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides services to Clay County residents is eligible to apply.

Section 1: Contact and Organization Information

  1. Name and mailing address of organization:
  1. Employer Identification Number:
  1. Contact person and title:
  1. Email address and phone number of contact:
  1. How do you impact the residents of Clay County? (In 200 words or less, please tell us your organization’s “story”—who you are, why you exist, and how you impact the community.)
  1. How many full-time staff do you have? How many part-time staff do you have?
  1. How many regular volunteers do you have?
  1. Please provide the names and business titles of your Board of Directors.

Section 2: Financial and 501(c) (3) Charity Information

  1. If you have never submitted a copy of your IRS 501(c) (3) Exemption Letter to the Paul & Klare Reinhold Foundation, please attach a copy with this application.
  1. Please attach a copy of your most recent financial statement (statement of income and expenditures). If your most recent financial statement is included on pages 9-11 of your 2013 Form 990 tax return and it is available for review on, you do not need to attach a copy with this application.

Section 3: Applications for 2015 Programs

The Paul & Klare Reinhold Foundation is offering several training programs in 2015. All classes will be held in Clay County. The program curriculums are designed and taught by faculty from Rollins College Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Center. The Reinhold Foundation is underwriting all costs of training; thus, there are no tuition expenses for selected participating organizations.

In addition, the Paul & Klare Reinhold Foundation is offering a special incentive to organizations that participate in a training program. Organizations can earn “participation gifts” of $100 per person perday for full day workshops and $50 per person per day for half day workshops for each individual of their organization who participates in an entire workshop (up to four individuals per workshop). Individuals who miss more than 30 minutes of a workshop (late arrival or early departure) will not be eligible for the participation gift for their organization. Additionally, no participation gifts will be provided for the Board workshop days on March 25 and 26, 2015.

Your organization may request to participate in one, more than one, or all of the programs listed in this application. Please complete each section on the following pages.

Section 3 A:

Workshop Title:“Major Gifts: Steps Toward Sustainability”

Workshop Length:two days (This is a two-day workshop and individuals must be committed to attending both days of training.)

Workshop Dates: Thursday, March 5 and Friday, March 6, 2015

Workshop Curriculum:

What is a major gift? For one organization, it might be $500. For another it might be $5,000 or $50,000, or more. A major gift can also be the $100 that a dedicated donor has sent in every year for ten years.The amount is not what's important.

The key to major gift success is to think of it as planting a garden with perennials that will flourish year after year, rather than plopping down a bunch of annuals each year, which will have to be replenished annually. Your "perennial" major funders anchor your garden so you can depend on success every year, while the "annual" funders provide a pop of color and often vary each year.
When looking for prospective major investors, it isn't about searching out "rich people" and "cold-calling" to beg for money. Successful major gift campaigns employ tried-and-true strategies that gain investors whose own personal or professional philanthropic missions are directly tied to the community need your organization serves.
Major investors most typically arise from individuals and organizations who are already involved and making gifts to your organization . . . not from "the rich people."

Whether your organization scrapes by every year or continually builds a sound foundation of public support depends on your understanding ofhow to develop, implement, and manage a new major gift program, or fortify and sustain an existing one.

The Major Gifts workshop is based on proven fundraising methods sure to help you identify those most likely to make a major gift and secure their financial support. One of the most important workshop topics covered is "How to Ask."
After two days of intensive training, you'll leave the workshop prepared and motivated to gain the major investors your organization needs to do the important work your nonprofit accomplishes every day.

Participation Gift eligibility: $200 per person (Individuals must complete both days of training for their organization to be eligible for the Reinhold Foundation’s $200 gift. No partial gifts for a single day attendance or half day attendance will be provided).

Apply for this workshop:

  1. How many members of your organization are you requesting to participate in “Major Gifts: Steps Toward Sustainability”? ______(0 to 4 members). If you are requesting participation for 1 to 4 members, please indicate the number in the blank and answer the following questions.
  2. What are your organization’s expectations and what do you hope to learn from this Workshop if selected to attend?
  3. Please provide the names of the members (no more than four) your organization wants to send to thisWorkshop, each member’stitleand role within the organization, and the length of time they have been involved with the organization.

Section 3 B:

Workshop Title:“Certificate in Volunteer Management”

Workshop Length:two days (This is a two-day workshop and individuals must be committed to attending both days of training.)

Workshop Dates: Thursday, January 22, and Friday, January 23, 2015

Workshop Curriculum:

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

-Mohandas Gandhi

Nonprofit organizations are sometimes referred to as voluntary organizations. Their existence is dependent upon citizen participation as volunteers. Without volunteers who serve as board members or help deliver programs and services, the organization would not exist. Volunteers serve as the backbone of the organization’s fundraising efforts. Volunteers are one of the most valuable resources of the organization. Therefore, building a strong volunteer program enhances the strength of the nonprofit organization.

This two-day workshop is designed for executive directors, senior staff, board members, or other key individualsto meet the needs of the next generation of volunteer managers.

Attendees will learn techniques for recruiting, training, placing, retaining, and rewarding volunteers, as well as ways to increase the teamwork with staff in organizations. The sessions will utilize interactive group exercises, case studies, and the integration of sample policies and tools to ground the learning principles in practical application.

You will learn:

  • How to manage decisions and risk with regard to volunteers
  • Essential elements and details of a really good volunteer manual
  • How to prepare staff to work with volunteers
  • How to create meaningful volunteer assignments
  • How to create a volunteer application and job description
  • How to assign the right volunteer to the right opportunity
  • How to assess and evaluate volunteer placements
  • Best practices for rewarding and retaining volunteers

Participation Gift eligibility: $200 per person (Individuals must complete both days of training for their organization to be eligible for the Reinhold Foundation’s $200 gift. No partial gifts for a single day attendance or half day attendance will be provided).

Apply for this workshop:

  1. How many members of your organization are you requesting to participate in “Certificate in Volunteer Management”? ______(0 to 4 members). If you are requesting participation for 1 to 4 members, please indicate the number in the blank and answer the following questions.
  2. What are your organization’s expectations and what do you hope to learn from this Workshop if selected to attend?
  3. Please provide the names of the members (no more than four) your organization wants to send to this Workshop, each member’s title and role within the organization, and the length of time they have been involved with the organization.

Section 3 C:

Workshop Title: “Introduction to Social Media”

Workshop Length: half-day

Workshop Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Workshop Curriculum:

What is social media, and why and how should my nonprofit use it? This workshop is a beginner level, basic, first step into social media, the various platforms best suited for nonprofits, and simple how-to steps to get started using social media today.

When you hear “social media,” you probably think of the Big Three: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. All of these social media platforms are extremely powerful marketing tools…if they’re used properly. Each social media platform was designed for a unique purpose, and so, each platform has its own set of best practices.

While social media platforms are free, they require a certain degree of investment in staff time in order to create and maintain. Nonprofits must decide whether they have the necessary resources and an engaged audience for an effective social media campaign. It is also critical to determine the organization's goals, including content, frequency and what is considered a "social media success".

The workshop will cover:

  • How social media is part of your overall outreach and marketing strategy for your nonprofit
  • How can you effectively use social media for your nonprofit: best practices and the do’s and don’ts
  • How do you specifically apply these practices to platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter

This workshop is basic in its approach and is geared towards individuals and organizations that are new to social media and want to start on the right track.

Participation Gift eligibility: $50 per person (Individuals may not miss more than 30 minutes of this workshop for their organization to be eligible for the $50 gift).

Apply for this workshop:

  1. How many members of your organization are you requesting to participate in “Introduction to Social Media”? ______(0 to 4 members). If you are requesting participation for 1 to 4 members, please indicate the number in the blank and answer the following questions.
  2. What are your organization’s expectations and what do you hope to learn from this Workshop if selected to attend?
  3. Please provide the names of the members (no more than four) your organization wants to send to this Workshop, each member’s title and role within the organization, and the length of time they have been involved with the organization.

Section 3 D:

Workshop Title: “The Next Steps in Social Media for Nonprofits”

Workshop Length: half-day

Workshop Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Workshop Curriculum:

Getting your nonprofit set up properly on social media is only the first hurdle. How do you create an effective strategy to integrate social media with your overall outreach, marketing and fundraising plan? What roles do strategy, analytics, and engagement tactics play in boosting your overall impact?

In this workshop, you will learn "how"to develop the right social media goals and "who” from your organization should be involved. You will learn how to use tools such as Facebook Insights and Google Analytics to gauge your current social media effectiveness, and how then, to enhance your nonprofit's social media presence and audience engagement.

Individuals should come into this workshop with a working knowledge of social media and its role in marketing and outreach.

This will not be a hands-on tutorial on how to set up social media.

You will learn:

  • Key steps to develop an effective social media strategy
  • How to measure social media
  • Practical tips on creating and posting content on social media
  • Understand the use of social media as part of your overall marketing, fundraising and outreach
  • Some social media touched on include- Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube

Participation Gift eligibility: $50 per person (Individuals may not miss more than 30 minutes of this workshop for their organization to be eligible for the $50 gift).

Apply for this workshop:

  1. How many members of your organization are you requesting to participate in “The Next Steps in Social Media for Nonprofits”? ______(0 to 4 members). If you are requesting participation for 1 to 4 members, please indicate the number in the blank and answer the following questions.
  2. What are your organization’s expectations and what do you hope to learn from this Workshop if selected to attend?
  3. Please provide the names of the members (no more than four) your organization wants to send to this Workshop, each member’s title and role within the organization, and the length of time they have been involved with the organization.

Section 3 E:

Workshop Title:“Build Your Donor Base with Six Fundraising Steps”

Workshop Length: half-day

Workshop Date: Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Workshop Curriculum:

When you hear the word FUNDRAISING what do you think of first? Are you excited about the opportunity? Are you scared to ask for money? Are you worried because your nonprofit really needs more money? Learning the Six Fundraising Stepscan change the way you think about fundraising by guiding you through an easy to follow program that is based on proven fundraising strategies.

This 3-hour workshop is designed for anyone wishing to increase their fundraising skills. It introduces even the most reluctant fundraiser to tips and techniques to build a donor base that is loyal to your organization. The step-by-step approach includes checklists and samples to help each attendee create a calendar of activities to follow throughout the year. Attendees will learn:

  • Who is most likely to give to you
  • How to identify potential donors
  • How to retain a higher rate of existing donors
  • How to enlist the help of others in fundraising

Participation Gift eligibility: $50 per person (Individuals may not miss more than 30 minutes of this workshop for their organization to be eligible for the $50 gift).

Apply for this workshop:

  1. How many members of your organization are you requesting to participate in “Building Your Donor Base”? ______(0 to 4 members). If you are requesting participation for 1 to 4 members, please indicate the number in the blank and answer the following questions.
  2. What are your organization’s expectations and what do you hope to learn from this Workshop if selected to attend?
  3. Please provide the names of the members (no more than four) your organization wants to send to this Workshop, each member’s title and role within the organization, and the length of time they have been involved with the organization.

Section 3 F:

Workshop Title:“Creating a Diversified Fundraising Plan”

Workshop Length: half-day

Workshop Date: Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Workshop Curriculum:

The key to successful fundraising begins with a solid plan, and then working that plan. This workshop goes beyond the Six Fundraising Steps to help you increase your fundraising skills (seeabove workshop on how to “Build Your Donor Base with Six Fundraising Steps.”) This workshop will stress the need for a diversified approach to fundraising in order to have a sustainable organization. Participants will analyze different fundraising vehicles in order to select ones that diversify their sources of revenue.

Learning objectives

  • Know how to undertake the eight steps to creating a diversified fundraising plan
  • Understand the role of the board members and other volunteers in creating and administering the fundraising plan
  • Apply different fundraising strategies to fit the needs of different funding sources
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the fundraising plan

Participation Gift eligibility: $50 per person (Individuals may not miss more than 30 minutes of this workshop for their organization to be eligible for the $50 gift).

Apply for this workshop:

  1. How many members of your organization are you requesting to participate in “Creating a Diversified Fundraising Plan”? ______(0 to 4 members). If you are requesting participation for 1 to 4 members, please indicate the number in the blank and answer the following questions.
  2. What are your organization’s expectations and what do you hope to learn from this Workshop if selected to attend?
  3. Please provide the names of the members (no more than four) your organization wants to send to this Workshop, each member’s title and role within the organization, and the length of time they have been involved with the organization.

Section 3 G:

Workshop Title: “Trends of Successful Boards”

Workshop Length: two-hours

Workshop Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Workshop Curriculum:

The most important element in agency structure is the membership and activities of its board of directors. No other aspect of a voluntary agency is a more certain indicator to the state of its health or more crucial to that health. – Harvard Business Review

Naively, we assume those whom we elect to our boards of directors know how to lead our organizations. The result often is disappointing for the board member and for the executive director. Board members who don’t have a clear picture of their roles and responsibilities or the skills set required might pick a wrong path. They might try to micromanage the executive director or they might do nothing at all because they fear doing the wrong thing. Good leadership happens when a board is empowered to do governance work.

This two –hour workshop will help board and staff members understand

  • The roles and responsibilities of board members
  • Who does what within an organization
  • Trends in the nonprofit sector that can be stumbling blocks to success
  • How the latest changes in regulations can affect them.
  1. All organizations selected to participate in one or more of the above workshops in this application are also expected to send at least one board member to attend the two-hour workshop, “Trends of Successful Boards.” Organizations will be invited and encouraged to send their executive staff (President, CEO, Executive Director, etc.) and several board members, up to six people per organization, to attend this powerful two-hour morning session, “Trends of Successful Boards.”
  2. In addition to the two-hour morning session, “Trends of Successful Boards,” Rollins College Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Center will offer one-hour consultation sessions with board members and/or staff members of any organization wishing to experience a private training session personalized to the needs of its board. If your organization would like to be considered for one of these private one-hour sessions, please indicate below. You do not have to provide your topic at this time. If your organization is selected, you will provide your topic directly to Rollins College and you will pre-register for one of the one-hour time slots. The content of the one-hour training sessions will be kept confidential between your board and Rollins staff. You may elect to have one or several members of your board or organization attend your one-hour session. The session will take place in Clay County either the same day as or the day after the “Trends of Successful Boards” workshop on March 25th. Would your organization like to be considered for a one-hour private board consultation session? Yes, please ______or no thank you, not at this time ______.

(If selected, there is no cost to your organization to receive a private one-hour board consultation session. The Reinhold Foundation is underwriting all costs of training and the one-hour board consultations).