Attachment “A”

Mission Statement –

The NEI is dedicated to providing educational opportunities to the members of NCBFAA and the larger trade community in the areas of international trade, supply chain management, global logistics, customs brokerage, export transactions, transportation, attendant government regulation, and those areas of knowledge necessary to manage or advance a career path in a business providing services those sectors. The NEI will maintain a program that provides suitable credentials to those individuals who successfully complete a course of study it offers for this purpose, or otherwise prove similar accomplishment through recognized credentials, experience or expertise in a discipline within the NEI curriculum.

Goal –

The 5-year goal for the NEI is to become a fully accredited institution of higher education, based on a distance learning model, with a degree program in Supply Chain Management and Global Logistics.

Strategic Plan –

Step One: Enlarge and organize the NEI membership around the core functions necessary to support current NEI programs and drive toward the 5-year goal. The committee structure will include subcommittees for:

1.  POLicy

2.  IT/Administration

3.  CONtent

4.  STEering

5.  CCS

6.  CES

7.  MARketing

Step Two: Employ additional staff reporting to Cecilia Ferrara.

Step Three: Select and roll-out a new NEI logo.

Step Four: Appoint a professional I.T. manager to Chair the IT/Administration Subcommittee; appropriately fill the roster of the subcommittee, and find a new I.T. platform to house, manage and support all aspects of a distance learning institution of higher education.

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Step Five: Contract for update and acquisition of course content and examinations to sustain the next delivery of the CCS program.

Step Six: Create an advanced level certification program for customs compliance. Expand the certification programs beyond CCS and CES to include other disciplines and professional paths. Ramp up the webinar offerings with an incentive campaign. Build curriculum and syllabi and populate a course library with content to provide deliverable courses of study toward certification. Compile a comprehensive course catalog for Supply Chain Management and Global Logistics.

Step Seven: Achieve accreditation for the NEI from a recognized accrediting body as an institution of higher education authorized to confer academic degrees on its successful candidates.

Step Eight: Attain preeminence as a distance learning institution for supply chain managements and global logistics.

Step Nine: Become the principal revenue stream for NCBFAA.

Step Ten: As a by-product of success with the preceding steps, and as an aspirational part of this strategic plan, produce sufficient revenues to allow for substantial reduction in NCBFAA membership dues and conference registration fees, while enhancing venue options and amenities.

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