Study Guide

Diamond Therapy Level 1 :: Class 3


_____ Watch the video that contains four different self-therapy sessions using a Therapy Diamond on a wand.

_____ Watch the replay of Class #3.


Read carefully the following sections in Module 4:

_____ Applying a Therapy Diamond in the aura on a Therapy Wand.

_____ Procedure: Applying a Therapy Diamond in the Aura on a Therapy Wand.

_____ Movements to Start and Modify a Session.

_____ Common Movements.

_____ Transition Movements.

_____ Completion Movements.

_____ Spinning (page 37).

_____ Unlocking (page 38).

_____ Pumping (page 40).

_____Complete the following table. Add brief notes to help you learn and remember the movements:

Name of Movement / What is this movement/why perform it? / Purpose.
Pull in.
Ease in.
Spiraling in.
Spiraling out.
Half Circling.
Half Spiraling.
Pull away.
Let go.

*Skill Building: Aura Movements

_____ Practice all movements highlighted this month with an empty therapy wand. Watch your arm as it moves and self-correct as needed. Practice in front of a mirror. Try to be as precise as possible. Keep the therapy wand pointing “to the bone” when treating limbs and always either parallel to the midline or perpendicular to it when treating the torso.

*Self-Therapy: Therapy Diamond in the Aura

Practice 2 self-therapies this month using Diamond on a therapy wand. (You may remove the Diamond to apply it to a master point if needed, but focus practicing with the Diamond on the wand.) For each session, use a different intention. Notice how the Diamond responds differently each time.

Fill out the Diamond Therapy Self-Therapy form for each self-therapy session and include a copy when you send the study guide to your mentor.

_____ Session 1.

_____ Session 2.

Business / Practice Building

_____ Reflect on the vision of your future successful Diamond Therapy practice that you wrote about in last month’s study guide. Now self-reflect five qualities, aspects, feelings, fears, concerns, limiting beliefs, or worries that may prevent you from manifesting this vision. What stands in your way? Write the first five things that come to mind. Quickly! Right now. No hesitating!

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____

Self-Therapy: Clearing

_____ Use the clearing technique we learned in class to address one of the five things you listed above. Hold the vision of your Diamond Therapy practice as you see it in the future. Recall the limitation. Allow the Diamond to call forth your Blueprints to help put that limitation into perspective.

*Session Practice:

Now that you can apply a Therapy Diamond in the aura, your session options expand considerably. Work with three volunteer clients this month.

Present the Diamond girdle to causal heart with the Diamond already mounted on a therapy wand. This will help communicate to your clients’ intelligence centers that you’d like to practice applying the Diamond on a wand.

Of course, feel welcome to remove the Diamond and apply it to master points if needed. Although our intention is to practice certain techniques, paramount is what’s best for our client.

Be sure to record each session on your session summary sheet.

Fill out a session notes form for two of them and send a copy to your mentor at the end of the month along with the completed study guide.

_____ Session 1.

_____ Session 2.

_____ Session 3.

Self-Assessment (at the end of the month):

On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being “not so good” and 5 being “very good,” how would you rate your ability to execute the following movements when your body, or your client’s body, asks for them?

_____ Write the number next to the movement named.

(not so good) 1 2 3 4 5 (very good)

Pull in. _____

Ease in. _____

Sensing a cushion._____

Pull away._____

Let go._____


Spiraling in / Spiraling out._____

Half Circling. _____

Half Spiraling._____



Plunging. _____

Total Possible Points in this Study Guide: ____21____

Your Total: ______

*These activities are priority if your time is limited.

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute Isabelle Morton