Monday 19thMay Dover Heights 2008 at Magnolia Healing Centre

Old South Head Rd, RoseBay – 7:38pm

Apologies: Cr Cancian

Attendance: Mayor Cr Betts, Cr Coburn, Cr Guttman-Jonesandas per attendance sheet

John Lewis: Meeting Chairman

Michael Lewis: Secretary

Meeting commenced at 7:38pm.

Jl: Welcomed Mayor and Hunter Councillors – all Precinct Councillors

Invited Cr Coburn to address meeting. Thrilled to be here and as member of great team – was unable to attend last meeting because of family bereavement. Look forward to working with and helping the Precinct.

JL: Asked whether this meeting place was satisfactory.

DF: Nicer venue but could be an issue if a large attendance.

JL: mentioned room at Loombah Rd development

Minutes of 9th February2009 Meeting – Matters Arising

As read out by JL viz;

JL: Raised NYE in DoverHeights

RN: Clearway zone in Portland St (including boats) was not enforced.

First year no gridlock in DoverHeights. Very well run – (as was BondiBeach event.)

Cr Coburn: Noticed several international visitors.

Federal Grants – Waverley Pavilion

Cr Betts: Cost $M9 – federal grant of $M2 + $30,000.

Will be an amazing, well designed, community building. Physically impossible to add parking – sewer mains.

Xx: Is there adequate parking?

Cr Betts: Bondi Rd, Birrell St, etc – no time limit. Serviced by good bus routes.

Weekend Bondi Rd Clearway Impact.

Estimate of 15% effect on business but Sydney Buses declare it a success.

Cr Guttman-Jones “Boat” motion – Trial basis in Portland St – “No Boat Parking” signs in operation. Passed by council.

JL: Military Rd – Trailers without boats - still present.

Backpackers – 29 Napier St

Cr Betts – very hard to prove.

DF: There is a web site advertising it!

JL: Still no “No Camping” signs in Loombah Rd

JL: Tent is still pitched in Hugh Bamford

Blair St Planting

Cr Betts: had trial – 2 beds – have not been successful.

Cr Kaye had moved that this was not sensible and should start from Western end.

Coming up at next meeting again.

JL: Why not parking?

ML: Woodchip is thriving and is replenished each year.

DF: Raised issue of effect of border “heritage” stone perimeters.

ML: Other councils – e.g. Birriga Rd plantations have thrived.

RN: Council has put some plants in locations in Blair St – they appear to be the wrong species for a high salt zone.

Cr Betts: Will send report (to Council tomorrow night) just received, as an appendix to this meeting.

Property Values

RH: Federal Labor is looking at “Capital Gains” in household properties

Precinct Boundaries Review

Cr Betts: Now approved and boundaries are as all Hunter precinct members advised.

JL: Boundaries are workable and correspond to interest areas.

Sydney Water

Some Portland St properties do have water leakage – seepage occurs from behind reservoir – old water courses.

Section 94 Contributions etc

JL: Were contributions being spent locally.

DF: Should be spent locally. No thought seems to be given where Capital Works etc is spread. Amounts spent do not seem to correspond to where they are raised.

Cr GJ met with DF and looked at Blair/Military – resulting in future planting at that site.

Cr Betts: Council has strategic asset management plan – every single drain, gutter, kerb, etc in Waverley. All are classified as A,B,C according to state of repair. Used as guide for works. Individuals cannot prevail over this schedule. It is based on the physical conditions. Past moneys – e.g. from DH bowling club – some local but most on “black holes”. Has to follow schedule – which factors in usage as well as condition.

“Village” upgrades Blair, Murriverie etc are scheduled. Should look at plan and comment on omissions etc.

RH: What % of Waverley LGA is Hunter

Cr Betts: Voting population is approx ¼. Rates without commercial are biased, but rates including commercial bring in only about 45% of revenue.

$334,000 for playground equipment – will be spent starting with Caffyn – Hunter ward got large share.

Proposed DF, Seconded Jackie L. Carried


Subcommittee reports

Parks, Reserves, Traffic etc

RN: Discussed with Cr Guttman-Jones re Portland St boats – see above. Apart from near Blair St, no DH parking.

Cr Betts: Council in middle of public parking Review – all aspects – will put forward ideas in June. Have to look at financial implications. More cars in Waverley than “spots on street”.

e.g. Rate of parking meters in some parts of BondiBeach is kept low to stop overuse of edge areas.

RN: Hugh Bamford is again a giant weed patch – previous efforts were ineffective.

Jack L: Warren Zines Reserve is overgrown – disaster. Lights vandalised.

Cr Betts: Call council about any lights broken – please phone or log online.

Waverley Together Rep – Asset Committee – Dov Frazer

Bronwyn Kelly discussed finances in detail. Range of upgrades (12% into Capital Works) each year. Parking brought in 32$M at cost of 9$M – council relies on parking income. We want the service but don’t like the costs – e.g. parking – here to stay.

JL: Fines are more an issue than actually parking meter charges. Restaurants are seriously affected.

DF: 20$M in reserve in Capital Works. Dumped rubbish should be removed within week of notification.

Cr Betts: Already allocated.

Cr Betts explained effects of State Govt “Rate Capping” – not allowed to raise sufficient rate income for capital works. And they push more costs onto LG. “The ‘PIE’ is Fixed”

State Govt Development Approval Process

Cr Betts: “Compliant” (as most DH properties) Development can be approved and council and neighbours informedAFTER event.

General Business

Safety Policing Issues

Many local break and enters – 2 gangs 1 - “amateurish” – small electronics and another large “professional” gang – knocking out alarms and opening safes. Day and night. Probably equipped like tradesmen – casing during day and breaking in around sunset.

Call “000” if you see anything. Number plate and description – young gangs wear “gang uniforms”.

Police are fingerprinting – professionals are wearing gloves.

Don’t cover sensors. Close windows and doors.

Waverley 150th Birthday Fair

14th June at Charing Cross

Cr Betts: Please all come

Precinct AGM

Minutes of Last AGM – 19thMay 2008

Minutes taken as Read

RH Moved, DF seconded. Carried

Convenor’s report was given by John Lewis


Cr Betts took Chair

Convenor:John Lewis nominated: RH, DF Carried

Secretary:Michael Lewis – nominated JL, RN, carried


Infrastructure/Waverley Working Together:Dov Frazer proposed DN, JL carried

Parks and ReservesRon Nothman, proposed JL,ML carried

Traffic and Parking Issues and Safety Committee: Ron Nothman JL, ML, carried

Safety Committee Ron Nothman JL, ML carried

DA Rep:vacant


Next Meeting: Mon 7thSeptember 2009

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