The UNA Curriculum Committee met at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23, 2009, in the Loft ofthe Guillot University Center. The following members were present: Dr. Birdie Bailey, Dr. Joy Brown for Dr. Peggy Campbell, Dr. Tim Carter, Dr. Melissa Clark, Dr. Vagn Hansen, Dr. Donna Jacobs, Dr. Charles E. Joubert, Dr. Francis Koti, Dr. Anna Lott, Dr. Martha Rock, Dr. Keith Sellers, and Dr. John G. Thornell. Dr. Linda Lewis, Chairperson, presided. Guests included Ron Smith, Chiong-Yiao Chen, Phil Bridgmon, Bill Huddleston, Mike Moeller, Bill Strong, Craig Robertson, David Muse, Jason Flynn, and Lisa Burton.
Dr. John Thornell was introduced as the new Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, and he made introductory remarks to the committee.
Approval of Minutes
Dr. Brown moved approval of the April 14, 2009, meeting minutes and Dr. Kotiseconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Meeting Location Change for 2009-2010
Because College of Business faculty members have been displaced due to renovations to Keller Hall, the usual meeting location may not be available during 2009-2010. Committee members were asked to make special note of the location when meeting announcements are made.
Consideration of the request from the Department of Management and Marketing for cross listing of MG 391 with MK 391; Consideration of the request from the Department of Management and Marketing for a new course, MG 345; Consideration of the request from the Department of Management and Marketing to replace MG 499 with MG 345
Dr. Carter moved approval and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Consideration of the request from the Department of Communications for a new option to the Communication Arts major: Film and Digital Media Production; Consideration of the request from the Department of Communications for new courses and addition of special fees for those courses: COM 233, COM 333-I, COM 373, COM 393W, COM 433, COM 453W-I, COM 473W-I, FIL 493
Dr. Carter moved approval and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. The fee requests will require Board of Trustees approval prior to implementation.
Consideration of the request from the Department of Art for revision of core requirements; Consideration of the request from the Department of Art to revise and rename AR 485W to AR 385W and add to the core requirements
Dr. Joubert moved approval and Dr. Brown seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Consideration of the request from the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Hygiene to change the prerequisites for CH 444
Dr. Rock moved approval and Dr. Joubert seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Consideration of the request from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science to change the offering patterns for CS 360, CS 447, and CS 470; Consideration of the request from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science for change in prerequisites for CS 355, CS 420, and CS 447; Consideration of the request from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science for course description changes for CS 120, CS 335, and CS 470; Consideration of the request from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science to reduce the requirements for a Computer Science minor
Dr. Joubert moved approval and Dr. Brown seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Consideration of the request from the Department of Geography to revise the required core of Geography courses for all options; Consideration of the request from the Department of Geography to change the name of Essential Geography option to General Geography; Consideration of the request from the Department of Geography to change the General Geography option; Consideration of the request from the Department of Geography to change the Business Geography option; Consideration of the request from the Department of Geography to change the GIS option
Dr. Joubert moved approval and Dr. Brown seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. These changes will also need to be reflected in the College of Education programs.
Consideration of the request from the Department of Economics and Finance to require EC 425 for the Economics major
Dr. Rock moved approval and Dr. Clark seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Consideration of the request from the Department of Criminal Justice for cross listing of CJ 306 with SO 330; changing SO 330 to SO 306; renaming CJ 306; adopting the SO 330 course description; Consideration of the request from the Department of Criminal Justice for cross listing of CJ 360 with SO 323; changing CJ 360 to CJ 323 and name to Criminology; adopting the criminology course description; Consideration of the request from the Department of Criminal Justice for changing of course description for CJ 306; Consideration of the request from the Department of Criminal Justice for changing of course description for CJ 323; Consideration of the request from the Department of Criminal Justice for addition of statement to Minor in Criminal Justice that CJ electives must be at 300-400 level; Consideration of the request from the Department of Criminal Justice for cross listing of CJ 330 with WS 330
Dr. Lott moved approval and Dr. Carter seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Consideration of the request from the Department of Sociology for a new course, SO 301
Dr. Carter moved approval and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Consideration of the request from the Department of Sociology for adding SO 222 to list of approved elective courses in Area IV requirements
Dr. Carter moved approval and to also allow this option for Teacher Education and Nursing majors, and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. This item will need the approval of the statewide Articulation and General Studies Committee.
Consideration of the request from the Department of English for the addition of a plagiarism statement for the Honors Program in English
Following considerable discussion, Dr. Smith withdrew his proposal from consideration to allow time to discuss the recommended changes in the Department of English.
Consideration of the request from the Department of English for a course description change for EN 393W and the addition of a $30 special fee; Consideration of the request from the Department of English to add EN393W to the Professional Writing major
Dr. Lott moved approval and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6 for and 1 against. The fee request will require Board of Trustees approval prior to implementation.
Consideration of the request from the Department of Secondary Education for course number change, ED 380 to ED 415
Dr. Rock moved approval and Dr. Lott seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Consideration of the request from the College of Education for addition of statement to College of Education introductory statements
Dr. Carter moved approval and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Proposed meeting schedule for 2009-10: September 15, October 6, October 13, January 12, March 9, April 13, June 22
The proposed meeting schedule for 2009-2010 was announced.
Upon motionand second, the meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Linda Lewis, Chairperson