Spring Lake Park Annual Meeting

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

  1. Call to Order: 7:01 pm by Brian Fritz
  1. Reading of Article 12 of the Articles of Incorporation – motion to approve and waive the reading of the 2014 annual meeting minutes

Motioned by Sean Noble, Seconded by Scott Oberg.

  1. Reports of the Officers and Directors
  2. Eric Roell, Treasurer, shared the Profit and Loss Statement and the Balance Sheet for the 2014-2015 season
  3. Brian Fritz, President,shared the following:
  4. 2 Fundraisers –Golf Tournament (Bob Roloff) and Calendar Raffle (Jon Tranby)
  5. Calendar Raffle (Jon Tranby) – successful for association to cover the bond.
  6. Golf Tournament (Bob Roloff)- Huge Success- total revenue ($14,900)
  7. Gambling was shut down in lieu of fundraising to pay for Fogerty Bond.
  8. Free ice for all new skaters.
  9. Co-op Merger with Blaine Girls Program
  10. Paul Beseman, Vice-President, shared the following:
  11. 2014-2015 Peewee Panther classic was success (profit $4907.47)
  12. 2014-2015 Squirt Panther Classic was a success (profit $3643.77)
  13. Skate Program-Skaters Keep Achieving Through Education
  14. Must have a 3.0 or higher GPA
  15. Open to Peewee and Bantam boys (girls through BYHA)
  16. Players who registered/qualified will receive certificate/letter from President/ bag tag
  17. 19 participants for Pee Wee and Bantams
  18. Brian Gordon, Traveling Director, shared the following:
  19. 2014-2015 106 players on 7 teams.
  20. Successes this season include:
  21. Bantam A- District Champions, 2nd place in Regions and State Participant
  22. Squirt B2- 2nd in Districts
  23. District Record (64-68-12)
  24. Projected 113 players if all 2014-2015 eligible players return
  25. Goalie committee for training
  26. Joey Orrey/Jon Tranby, Mite Director, shared the following:
  27. 113 skaters (104 last season)
  28. 34 first year Mites
  29. 19 girls in SLP mite program (11 last season)
  30. 55 teams participated in SLP Mite C/D jamboree
  31. Grow the program:
  32. Try hockey for free- 60+ kids skated and HS players attended
  33. Panther Elite Program- 58 mites signed up (7 new to SLP)
  1. Greg Wacek, Equipment Director, shared the following:
  2. 61 new sets of Traveling Jerseys
  3. 15 new helmets to replace expired helmets
  4. Donated damaged breezers and expired helmets to the Herb Brooks Foundation for use by under privileged youth players
  5. 2015 –Plan to buy 30 new medium breezers
  6. 2015 –Plan to buy 10-15 new helmets
  7. 2015- Help to purchase new uniforms for combined girls program
  8. Scott Oberg, Girls Traveling Director,
  9. Successful Co-op with BYHA U8-U14
  10. U8-6 players
  11. U10- 10 players
  12. U12- 19 players
  13. U14- 9 players
  14. Successes this season include-
  15. 10U A-lost in D10 semifinals, played in Tournament of Champions
  16. 10U B white - D10 runner up
  17. 10U B Blue- D10 Champions
  18. 14U A- D10 Runner up, Region Champions, State Tournament Consolation Runner Up
  19. 14U B- Won State Play in game, State Consolation Runner up
  20. Team rebranding – SLP on jerseys

4. Open Board

  • Goalie Training- looking at option to move from Pro Hybrid

Election of new Board of Directors – 4 open Board positions


Will Wackman – accept; Motion passed by unanimous vote

Michelle Rice- accept; Motion passed by unanimous vote

Bob Roloff – accept; Motion passed by unanimous vote

Corey Piekarski- accept; Motion passed by unanimous vote

Jeremy Flaten –accept; Motion passed by unanimous vote

Melanie Triplett- declined

Greg Rombach - accept; Motion passed by unanimous vote

Adjournment, 7:46pm

Motion: Brian Fritz

Second: Sean Noble