DuBois 7 v 7 Summer Shootout

Instructions to Refs and Coaches

Ø  All coaches should show up at least 45 minutes prior to their first scheduled game. Coaches meetings will take place 15 minutes prior to the first games of an age group. You may attend any coaches meeting.

Ø  Please have each player bring an alternate colored jersey in the instance that two teams are matched up and wearing the same color. (Alternate jersey can just be same colored shirts with no numbers)

Ø  Waivers/Medical Releases must be signed in order for kids to participate and must be turned in before the first game.

Ø  Players may move up 1 age group without a move up form. Eight graders can play on High School team.

Ø  To keep the tournament running smoothly and in a timely manner, it is absolutely critical that all games start at their scheduled time – please show up on time for your games.

Ø  Have your kids warmed up on the sidelines ready to play when you walk onto the fields.

Ø  All play is 7 vs 7 with sub on the fly. Players need to be completely out of the play and within ten feet of sideline before a sub enters the field – Referees will be watching this so that no unfair advantage is had.

Ø  Each game will consist of two 12 minute halves, with a 1 minute half-time interval.

Ø  Team listed first will have first half kickoff. Teams switch ends of fields at half, and the team listed second will have second half kickoff.

Ø  Limit of three coaches on sideline – to be enforced by the referees.

Ø  A player cannot shoot at the goal until the ball is played out of the center circle. (restart is just a restart of the play at the center circle by the same team)


Ø  Keepers may not distribute the ball past midfield by any method unless they are playing as a field player and dribble the ball completely out of the big box and then kick it. (Violation will result in possession going to other team at midfield).

Ø  You can only score from the attacking half of the field.

Ø  No added time unless refs feel that time is being purposely wasted or for excessive long injury time.

Ø  Round robin games can end in a tie.

Ø  A win will count as three points, a tie as one point, and a loss as zero points.

Ø  In playoffs, teams tied at end of regulation will go to golden goal sudden death, beginning with six on six for 3 minutes with a new kickoff from the center with the first team listed kicking off. Then moving to five on five for 3 minutes with the team listed second kicking off, then moving to four on four WITHOUT A KEEPER with the start a drop ball in the center circle and going at 4v4 until a goal scored.

Ø  A red card issued to a player will result in disqualification for the entire tournament and the team playing down one player for the rest of that game.

Ø  A yellow-carded player needs to leave the field immediately and be substituted. Player cannot return for at least 2 game minutes and then can be subbed as normal. Coaches will be on their honor to abide by the two-minute hold, refs won’t be timing.

Ø  Three yellow cards throughout the day will result in a disqualification for the rest of the tournament.

Ø  Referees will turn in scorecards to scorers’ table at the end of each game with scores and cards.

Ø  All referee decisions are final and cannot be contested – Please do not challenge referees calls during or after any game.

Ø  Places determined by record.

Ø  Two team tiebreakers will consist of (in this order): head to head, goal differential (max 3), fewer goals allowed, goals scored, coin toss.

Ø  Three team tiebreaker rules will be posted at the tournament.

Ø  There will be a concession stand open at the fields.

Ø  Please note and tell your parents that there is a $2.00 parking charge per vehicle.

Ø  Any issues should be brought to any of the tournament staff.