Minutes of the

11/6/2017 Regular Council Meeting


The Argonia City Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on 11/6/17 at the City Hall Meeting Room. Alan Brundage presided. Council members Bob Randall, Don Phillips, Scott Jones Jim Pierce and Wayne Vineyard were present. Also present were Mark Nairn, Paul Conklin – Fire, Hugh Barker, Lonnie Cooper - Auditor, Kevin McCurley - Maintenance, Patrick Chapman – Police and Mindy Mages - City Clerk.

A quorum was present.

Mayor Alan Brundage called the Regular Council Meeting to Order at 7:00 p.m.


·  Minutes

Jones moved to accept the regular minutes for 10/2/17 and special meeting minutes from 10/18/17, Pierce seconded, motion carried 5-0.

·  Bills

Vineyard moved to pay the bills from, 10/1/17 thru 10/31/2017, in the amount of $61,299.39, Randall seconded, motion carried 5-0.


·  Mark Nairn

Nairn discussed with the city council a traffic ticket that he received while traveling through the city limits. Nairn told the story as he recalls the details and informed the council that he felt that he had been targeted as he is an out of state resident and that he felt sure that he was not speeding. Nairn felt obligated to come before the council to let them know that he felt this was unjust and that they needed to take a look at the way the officer was citing individuals.

·  Lonnie Cooper – Auditor

Cooper discussed the 3 year proposal with the council for the Audit for 2017, 2018 & 2019. Mages asked a few questions regarding the proposal and why the amount wasn’t significantly lower since Mages would be doing the entire budget. Cooper stated that in years past the amount of time that it took to perform both the budget and the audit caused the company to lose money because of the timeframe involved. Cooper stated that they were happy with the way the process has gone the past couple of years and the timeframe has decreased significantly. Council stated they would discuss the proposal and be in touch.


·  Paul Conklin – Fire

Conklin had a few invoices that needed to be paid for the fire department. Conklin stated there was an invoice for $579.69 for the pump test on the truck and $33.90 for some light bulb, council agreed to get those paid.

·  Kevin McCurley – Maintenance

McCurley gave the council the update on the water plant and how everything is running and moving forward. McCurley gave the council a visual presentation on the IPAD of how the system works and the problems they were coming up against. Council discussed the timeframe in which they might be able to do an open house. McCurley said that he should know more from Wilson & Company after the next meeting. McCurley asked to visit with the council in executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Randall made a motion to go into executive session at 7:30pm for 10 minutes with Kevin McCurley to stay to discuss non-elected personnel, Phillips seconded, motion carried 5-0. Mayor Brundage came out of executive session at 7:40pm stating that no binding action was taken.

·  Mindy Mages – City Clerk

Mages discussed the current payment due to APAC for the water treatment plant. Randall made a motion to approve the payment to APAC for $184,335.34 and $42,326.97, Jones seconded, motion carried 5-0. Mages discussed the problem with the gas line being hit during the demolition on High Street and how to solve the problem. McCurley stated that he had expected the cost of the total invoice to be around $3,600 and that if we split the invoice with Barker for his part then it would result in no payment for the additional trees that were cut down on the property. Barker stated that he felt it wasn’t his fault so he shouldn’t be charged for the gas line being hit. Council had a lot of discussion on the situation and the details surrounding the events. Council came to the conclusion to wait until the actual invoice comes in and go from there, Barker agreed to wait until then as well. Mages discussed Resolution 2017-22 regarding the GAAP financial reporting. Jones made a motion to approve Resolution 2017-22, Randall seconded, motion carried 5-0.

·  Patrick Chapman - Police

Chapman updated the council on the demo at 320 N. High explaining that the school was going to discuss the purchase of the property from the city at the next school board meeting. Chapman discussed the details of the actions that have been going on around town regarding dogs, traffic tickets, area clean up, the new hanger at the cemetery and some burglaries.


Vineyard made a motion to go into executive session for 30 minutes at 8:55pm to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel, Jones seconded, motion carried 5-0. Mayor Brundage came out of executive session stating no binding action was taken. Vineyard made a motion to go into executive session with Patrick Chapman for 30 minutes at 9:25 pm to discuss non-elected personnel, Jones seconded, motion carried 5-0. Mayor Brundage came out of executive session stating no binding action was taken. Vineyard made a motion to go into executive session with Patrick Chapman for 30 minutes at 9:55 pm to discuss non-elected personnel, Jones seconded, motion carried 5-0. Mayor Brundage came out of executive session stating no binding action was taken. Vineyard made a motion to go into executive session with Patrick Chapman for 15 minutes at 10:25 pm to discuss non-elected personnel, Jones seconded, motion carried 5-0. Mayor Brundage came out of executive session at 10:36pm stating no binding action was taken.



A motion to adjourn was made by Randall seconded by Pierce.

On motion duly made, seconded and carried 5-0, the meeting thereupon adjourned at 10:37 p.m.


Mindy Mages Alan Brundage

City Clerk Mayor