Monthly Consumer Caseload Report

Regional Center Caseloads by Consumer Status

Through October 2015

Regional Center Diagnosis and Early Start Active Prenatal Developmental Total

Evaluation <36 Months* Consumers Services Centers Consumers

(Status 0) (Status 1) (Status 2) (Status 3) (Status 8) (0,1,2,8)

Alta California (364) 845 1,265 18,582 2 80 20,772

Central Valley (367) 498 2,276 14,732 9 102 17,608

East Bay (380) 464 1,461 16,383 2 139 18,447

Eastern LA (373) 313 1,325 9,325 0 16 10,979

Far Northern (363) 239 587 6,492 0 25 7,343

Golden Gate (361) 301 1,036 7,518 7 111 8,966

Harbor (375) 347 1,644 10,242 0 28 12,261

Inland (369) 842 3,493 26,265 7 33 30,633

Kern (372) 383 639 6,974 1 50 8,046

Lanterman (360) 348 1,278 7,909 0 17 9,552

North Bay (371) 429 824 7,092 0 104 8,449

North LA (378) 954 2,716 18,587 0 42 22,299

Orange County (368) 454 2,708 16,334 12 79 19,575

Redwood Coast (370) 156 265 3,137 0 8 3,566

San Andreas (365) 483 1,973 13,392 11 17 15,865

San Diego (362) 844 2,690 20,631 4 65 24,230

San Gab Pomona (379) 299 1,688 10,599 0 19 12,605

South Central (374) 495 1,367 11,435 9 60 13,357

Tri-Counties (366) 541 2,516 10,238 0 24 13,319

Valley Mountain (377) 388 1,601 10,352 14 26 12,367

Westside (376) 231 1,054 7,102 0 22 8,409

Totals: 9,854 34,406 253,321 78 1,067 298,648

Total number of Diagnosis & Evaluation consumers (Status 0) not yet 36 months old: 4,931

Total number of active consumers (Status 2) who are not yet 36 months old: 1,181

* 1,168 Early Start consumers over 36 months presented on second page only

Report run date: Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Data set: S:\CMF\CM201511.sas7bdat Department of Developmental Services

Monthly Infant Consumer Caseload Report

Regional Center Caseloads by Consumer Status

Consumers Under 36 Months of Age and Other Consumers

Through October 2015

Regional Center Diagnosis and ======Early Start ======Active Total

Evaluation <36 Mos 36-38 Mos 39+ Mos Consumers Consumers

(Status 0) ======(Status 1) ======(Status 2) (0,1,2)

Alta California (364) 532 1,265 109 12 106 2,024

Central Valley (367) 182 2,276 70 11 89 2,628

East Bay (380) 213 1,461 65 3 95 1,837

Eastern LA (373) 136 1,325 7 0 23 1,491

Far Northern (363) 39 587 1 0 17 644

Golden Gate (361) 195 1,036 63 7 18 1,319

Harbor (375) 98 1,644 11 6 25 1,784

Inland (369) 447 3,493 79 1 26 4,046

Kern (372) 190 639 69 21 15 934

Lanterman (360) 158 1,278 45 1 58 1,540

North Bay (371) 255 824 84 8 19 1,190

North LA (378) 483 2,716 52 11 104 3,366

Orange County (368) 253 2,708 2 0 76 3,039

Redwood Coast (370) 70 265 20 1 0 356

San Andreas (365) 293 1,973 50 3 9 2,328

San Diego (362) 419 2,690 64 4 230 3,407

San Gab Pomona (379) 115 1,688 114 11 58 1,986

South Central (374) 142 1,367 23 1 128 1,661

Tri-Counties (366) 396 2,516 50 0 34 2,996

Valley Mountain (377) 209 1,601 64 0 4 1,878

Westside (376) 106 1,054 22 3 47 1,232

Totals: 4,931 34,406 1,064 104 1,181 41,686

Report run date: Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Data set: S:\CMF\CM201511.sas7bdat Department of Developmental Services