Mail Ayarları;

*Internet Mail 1.0

**Microsoft Outlook

***Outlook Express

****Netscape Mail (Netscape Comminucator 4.0 oncesi)

*****Netscape Messenger Mailbox (Netscape Comminucator 4.0 - 4.05)


Go into Mail/Options/Servers

Type your name in the Name area.

Type your E-Mail address in E-Mail Address area (Example: For an account name deneme, e-mail address would be )

Type in the Incoming Mail (POP3) Server area.

Type in the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server area.

Type your username in the Account Name area.

Type your passwerd in the Password area.

In the Connection are "I use a modem to access my e-mail" and "AdaNET" should be chosen.


Go into Tools/Services/Internet Mail (If there is no e-mail listed you can add one with "Add").

Type your full name in the Full Name area.

Type your e-mail adress in the E-Mail Address are (Example: For an account name deneme,

e-mailaddress would be ).

Type in the Internet Mail Server area.

Type your username in the Account Name area.

Type your password in Password area.

Go into Connection/Connect and choose "Using The Modem" and choose "AdaNET" from the list.


Go into Tools/Accounts/Mail (If there is no item on the list you can add one by going into Add/Mail).

Go into Tools/Accounts/Mail/General.

Type your full name in the Name area.

Type your e-mail address in the E-Mail Address area(Example: For an account name deneme,

e-mailaddress would be ).

Type your e-mail address in the Reply Address area.

Go into Tools/Accounts/Mail/Server.

Type in the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) area.

Type in the Incoming Mail (POP3) area.

Type your username in the Account Name area.

Type your password in the Password area.

Go into Tools/Accounts/Mail/Connection and choose "Using My Phone Line" and choose AdaNET from the list.


Run the program by choosing Netscape Mail from the Window Menu.

Go into Options/Mail and News Preferences/Identify.

Type your full name in the Your Name area.

Type your e-mail address in the E-Mail area(Example: For an account name deneme,

e-mailaddress would be ).

Type your e-mail in the Reply-To-Address area.

Go into Options/Mail and News Preferences/Servers.

Type in the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server area.

Type in the Incoming Mail (POP3) Server area.

Type your username in the POP3 User Name area.


Run the program by choosing the Messenger Mailbox from the Comminucator menu.

Go into Edit/Preferences/Mail&Groups/Identify.

Type your full name in the Your Name area.

Type your e-mail address in the E-Mail Address area(Example: For an account name deneme,

e-mailaddress would be ).

Type your e-mail in the Reply-To-Address area.

Go into Edit/Preferences/Mail&Groups/Mail Server.

Type your username in the Mail Server Username area.

Type in the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server area.

Type in the Incoming Mail (POP3 should be chosen) Server area.