Healthwatch Torbay Trustees and Staff Away Day

Paignton Club, Esplanade Road, Paignton

8th December 2017

9.30am – 12.30pm


Kevin Dixon - Chair of Trustees(KD)

Jonathan Drew - Vice Chair of Trustees (JD)

Pam Prior - Trustee (PP)

Chris Sumner - Trustee (SL)

Bob Jope - Trustee (BJ)

Pam Milne - Co-opted member of the Business Committee

Pat Harris - Healthwatch Torbay C.E.O

Sarah Bickley -Healthwatch Torbay Engagement and Finance

Officer /minute taker

Simon Culley - Communication and Information Officer

Jack Watts - Administrator

No / Item / Action Number
1. / Welcome and apologies
KD thanked everyone for their hard work over the last year to ensure that Healthwatch Torbay (HWT) is known on a local and national basis.
Apologies: Pat Teague, Helen Harman
2. / Trustee / Staff Open Discussions
PH handed over this part of the meeting to the Trustees to look at the organisation and discuss their main concerns moving forward
Areas raised:
  • HWT need to clearly state our role within the community, key stakeholders which is currently proving difficult due to the fast changing landscape.
  • HWT must get back to basics rather than focussing on the strategic agenda for stakeholders.
  • HWT needs to review our marketing material to increase awareness of the band and increase level of feedback received from the public. In addition to the leaflets etc, HWT to identify a few volunteers who may be happy to deliver talks to community groups. This approach may also help to increase the number of Champions recruited.
  • All present agreed that HWT Rate and Review is a good tool but it is currently not being used effectively. This requires an urgent review. The HWT Business Committee are currently reviewing a business proposal to sell the Rate and Review to key stakeholders. Media Committee to consider developing an APP for phone use together with identifying a key topic to focus on a monthly basis and send out via social media to increase traffic through the HWT Rate and Review. E.g. optician, GP.
/ Business Committee
Media Committee
3. / Joint working with Neighbouring Healthwatch
PH provided an update regarding joining with HW Plymouth/Devon, which is essential moving forward with Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) due to local HW footprint. Trustees raised their concerns about ensuring the Torbay Community Voice is heard and that quality is not lost through the changes at a local level.
4. / Business Plan
PH/KD/JD advised that they are currently drafting a letter in response to Torbay Mayor’s budget explaining the impact to our organisation if the SLA contract is reduced further. The letter will also highlight the work HWT have been undertaken, especially surrounding quality and provision of services to local people.
JD/KD provided an update following meetings with key stakeholders about support of funding for HWT.
PH advised that Local Authority focus for HWT is Enter and View. Early conversations between local HW Contract Managers are taking place which raises concerns about our stance within the community, as HW combined may run out of Exeter. PH advised that currently no decision has been made and the final decision would have to be approved by local elected members.
All present reviewed the business plan and made alterations to certain key areas. SB/PH to alter and circulate
The Trustees approved the revised Business Plan – March 2019
All agreed. / Action –SB/PH
5. / Risk Assessment
All present reviewed the HWT Risk Management Assessment Sheet for the organisation. No alterations required at the moment. Main areas remain high risk mainly due to lack of resources.
Although all present agreed with the Risk Management Assessment Sheet, Trustees did not feel it acceptable to carry such high risk in key areas indefinitely. PH/KD to discuss with HWT Local Authority Contract Manager about the high levels of risk being carried by the organisation. Monies not being ring fenced which means that there are less resources making it difficult to reduce the risk level at this stage. / Action PH/KD
6. / A.O.B
SC updated Trustees on the progress within the Ageing Well and Awards for All Digital Projects together with the aims and objectives.
SC was asked if the media committee to review this project and see how it can be used as a marketing tool for HWT. / Action SC

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