Dundalk Carlingford/Dundalk South Area Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 5th June 2013 at 4pm in the Cooley Room, County Hall, Dundalk

In attendance: Cllrs. Marianne Butler (Chairperson), Jim Ryan, Martin Bellew, Jim Loughran, Peter Savage, Linus English, Tomás Sharkey, Declan Breathnach,

Officials: Mr. Frank Pentony, Director of Service

Ms. Catherine Duff, Senior Engineer

Ms Aenat NiGabhann, Executive Engineer

Mr. Barry Woods, Area Engineer

Mr. Declan Conlon, Executive Planner

Mr. Frank Magee, Senior Executive Engineer

Mr. Nessa McCartan, Senior Staff Officer

Apologies: Cllr. Martin Murnaghan


1.  Minutes

The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 8th May 2013, were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. Linus English and seconded by Cllr. Peter Savage.

2.  Matters Arising

Cllr. Jim Loughran

Queried if the list of graveyards that the Local Authority has responsibility for is available yet, and in particular, to clarify the ownership of Faughart Graveyard. Mr. F. Pentony advised that he had not yet seen any report, but that he would clarify ownership for the next meeting. A discussion then took place in relation to the need for a clean up at the graveyard within the next few weeks. Mr. F. Pentony stressed that there is no budget available to carry out any works at the graveyard. Cllr. Butler requested that a limited clean up be carried out.

Cllr. Tomás Sharkey

Suggested that, the Executive could look at mapping out the graveyard as a Gathering Project. Further to this Cllr. Breathnach highlighted the works of the Archaeological Society and suggested that they may be a more suitable body to carry out the project.

Cllr. Declan Breathnach

Requested that an application form/list be put in place for the Community Involvement Scheme (CIS) similar to the previous Local Improvement Scheme (LIS), to facilitate those trying to secure funding and avail of the scheme in the following year.

3.  Roads

The Members raised the following issues, which were addressed by the Staff present.

Cllr. Tomás Sharkey

Raised the matter of the outstanding issues in relation to the N53 and sought a report on progress of same. Mr. Frank Magee gave an update on works that have been carried out, and advised that a road marking scheme was recently agreed with the NRA.

The Member then raised the matter of the Night Time Safety Audit. Mr. Frank Magee advised that there was no update at the moment and that he would report at the next meeting.

Cllr. Jim Ryan

The Member was concerned about the dangerous potholes on Barrack Street, and subsidence at Market Street and Stapleton Place. Mr. Barry Woods, Area Engineer advised that a crew are in the area of Barrack Street this week and that he planned to have the other areas looked at in the next few weeks.

Cllr. Peter Savage

Raised his concern about the condition of the Garaban Road. Ms. Aenat NiGahbann advised that the road in question is a class III road, and was patched last year.

Cllr. Linus English

Raised the matter of the lack of public lighting at the cul de Sacs on the N53. Mr. Frank Magee advised that there is no provision for funding for same.

Cllr. Declan Breathnach

Wished to concur with the Member who raised issue in relation to potholes, and highlighted the need to redeploy funding to carry out pothole repairs where required. The Member also agreed with the need for public lighting at the cul de Sacs on the N53.

4.  Planning

Mr. Declan Conlon advised the Members that there were no planning applications where a refusal was been recommended this month.

The Members raised the following issues, which were addressed by the Staff present.

Cllr. Peter Savage

Raised the following issues; outstanding matter of a Commercial Zone at Carrickarnon, restrictions within 100 metres of the Motorway for landowners wishing to build dwellings, the 400 meters ribbon development policy and the restrictions in relation to the 25 year rule.

Mr. Declan Conlon advised that these are matters for Forward Planning. Cllr. Marianne Butler suggested requesting Mr. Terry Savage to attend the next meeting however Cllr. Peter Savage requested an update in advance of the next meeting.

Cllr. Jim Loughran

Raised the matter of an authorised wall at the rear of Carlinn Hall. Mr. Frank Pentony advised that he would give an update on same at the next meeting.

5.  Report on Unfinished Estates

The report was circulated to the members at the meeting.

6.  Any Other Business

Cllr. Peter Savage

Sought a response to his query in relation to a septic tank issue for a resident on the Ardee Road, Dundalk.

Mr. Frank Pentony, advised that a response on same would be issued.

Cllr. Declan Breathnach

Suggested that a register of representations, from both the public and elected members and a charter of response times, be created.

Cllr. Jim Loughran

Queried if there are any bye laws covering the cutting of trees between neighbours.

Ms. Catherine Duff advised that these would be private issues and that there is not any legislation covering this area.

Cllr. Tomás Sharkey

Requested that a presentation be arranged for the next meeting to explain the different arrangements for assessment, selecting and purchasing with regards to the Housing Associations.

Mr. Frank Pentony advised that he would revert to Mr. Joe McGuinness, Director of Services for Housing to see if this could be facilitated.

Cllr. Jim Ryan

Concurred with the need for a detailed presentation in relation to the Housing Associations.

There was no other business and the meeting concluded.

Confirmed at meeting held on: ______

Chairman: ______

Meetings Administrator: ______