

“Getting to Know You” Booklet


  1. A recent picture of yourself
  2. A Life Motto (a statement about life that you believe or applies to your life; this may be an original statement or a well-known quote)
  3. Your Name
  4. Age
  5. Birth Date
  6. A Title for the project; such as: “Getting to Know ______” or “All About ______”. It’s up to you!

Section I: General Information:

(This information can be arranged in any interesting or creative way).

  1. Family Background (Members of your family)
  2. Favorite subject and activity
  3. An interesting fact about yourself
  4. Your best trait
  5. Your worst trait
  6. Your greatest fear

Section II: A Short Writing Describing Yourself:

Brainstorm a list of adjectives that describe your personality. Choose the one adjective that represents you the most. Write a two-paragraph essay showing this adjective and how it represents you.

In paragraph one, begin with a topic sentence that states this adjective. Then, support and show how this adjective describes you by giving three examples. Make sure you include specific details as you explain the three examples.

In the second paragraph, write an anecdote (a short story that happened to you), which shows or demonstrates this adjective.

Section III: A Biographical Poem:

Follow the following formula to create this poem:

  1. At the top of your poem begin by writing your first name in large letters.
  2. Line One: List four nouns or adjectives that describe you.
  3. Line Two: One noun that identifies you or what you like to do. For example, teacher, friend, helper, musician, athlete, etc.
  4. Line Three: Who Loves . . .
  5. Line Four: Who Feels . . .
  6. Line Five: Who Fears . . .
  7. Line Six: Who Would or Who Wants . . .
  8. Line Seven: Born in . . .
  9. Line Eight: Resident of . . .
  10. The final line of your poem is your last name written in large letters.

Final Touches:

When all the sections are finished, assemble the booklet. Remember that one part of your grade will be based on your creativity, neatness, and effort. Use materials that will help you be neat and creative such as computers and computer graphics, markers, stencils, construction paper, magazine cutouts, and drawings. Once again, use your creativity and try to present your booklet in an interesting way.

Name: ______Date: ______

“Getting to Know You” Booklet Criteria Sheet

Student Evaluation

Cover and Section I: (20 pts)

Circle all included items: picture, life motto, name, age, birth date, title

____ The information is presented in an easy to read and visually appealing manner.

____ The work is creative, neat, and shows a strong student effort.

Section Two: The Descriptive Paragraphs:

Paragraph One:The Adjective Paragraph (20 pts)

___ A topic sentence introduces this paragraph and states the descriptive trait.

___ Three personal examples are included which show the descriptive trait.

___ The examples are clearly stated and developed with specific details.

Paragraph Two: The Anecdotal Paragraph (20 pts)

___ This paragraph begins with a transitional sentence that connects the two paragraphs.

___ The anecdote clearly shows the trait.

___ The story is organized and flows smoothly.

___ The anecdote is clearly developed.

Section III: The Biographical Poem (20 pts)

___ The poem follows the correct format.

___ The poem reveals you and your personality.

___ Specific, precise, descriptive words and a diversity of words are used.

Editing/Mechanics (20 pts)

The writing has been edited for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Word usage and sentence constructions are correct.

Final Grade

Grading Scale:

20/19/18 = A

17/16 = B

15/14 = C

13/12 = D