Electronic Supplementary Material

Organic coated nano-particulate zero valent iron for remediation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and dissolved metals from tropical landfill leachate

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

S.S.R.M.D.H.R. Wijesekaraa, B.F.A. Basnayakeb and M. Vithanagea,*

aChemical and Environmental Systems Modeling Research Group, Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka

bDepartment of Agricultural Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

*Corresponding Author


Tele: +94 812 232 002

Fax: +94 812 232 131


Online Resource 1. Transmission FT-IR spectra of (a) NZVI particulates before air exposure (b) after air exposure or after 48 hr in air exposure (c) Goethite indicating ~870 wavenumber representing Fe-OH in plane and out of plane bending vibrations. Line colors; blue, cyan, purple and red are for the MP-NZVI, S-NZVI, MA-NZVI and non-stabilized nano zero valent iron respectively for both (a) and (b) panels.

Online Resource 2. Transmission FT-IR spectra of NZVI particulates after 48 hr air exposure. Line colors; blue, cyan, purple and red are for the MP-NZVI, S-NZVI, MA-NZVI and non-stabilized nano zero valent iron respectively.

Online Resource 3. Transmission FT-IR spectra plotted against to difference of non air exposed and 48 hr air exposed NZVI particulates. Line colors; blue, cyan, purple and red are for the MP-NZVI, S-NZVI, MA-NZVI and non-stabilized nano zero valent iron respectively. An iron oxide phase, goethite, indicates Fe-OH in-plane and out of plane bending vibrations at ~880, ~785 and ~630 cm-1.

Online Resource 4. Results of the kinetic experiment of Cr(VI) removal for 1 g L-1 solid solutions of bare, starch, MA, MS and MP NZVI.

Online Resource 5. Heavy metal removal of Cu(II) (a), Pb(II) (b), Ni(II) (c) and Zn(II) (d) at pH 6.0 by starch, mercaptoacetic, mercaptosuccinic and mercaptopropionic acid coated nano zero valent iron solutions (1 g L-1). Symbols represent experimental results.

Online Resource 6. EDX spectra for the residue from the experiment of mercaptopropionic acid coated nano zero valent iron (1 g L-1 solid solution) after treating with synthetic leachate solution.

Online Resource 1. Transmission FT-IR spectra of (a) NZVI particulates before air exposure (b) after air exposure or after 48 hr in air exposure (c) Goethite indicating ~870 wavenumber representing Fe-OH in plane and out of plane bending vibrations. Line colors; blue, cyan, purple and red are for the MP-NZVI, S-NZVI, MA-NZVI and non-stabilized nano zero valent iron respectively for both (a) and (b) panels.

Online Resource 2. Transmission FT-IR spectra of NZVI particulates after 48 hr air exposure. Line colors; blue, cyan, purple and red are for the MP-NZVI, S-NZVI, MA-NZVI and non-stabilized nano zero valent iron respectively.

Online Resource 3. Transmission FT-IR spectra plotted against to difference of non air exposed and 48 hr air exposed NZVI particulates. Line colors; blue, cyan, purple and red are for the MP-NZVI, S-NZVI, MA-NZVI and non-stabilized nano zero valent iron respectively. An iron oxide phase, goethite, indicates Fe-OH in-plane and out of plane bending vibrations at ~880, ~785 and ~630 cm-1.

Online Resource 4. Results of the kinetic experiment of Cr(VI) removal for 1 g L-1 solid solutions of bare, starch, MA, MS and MP NZVI.

Online Resource 5. Heavy metal removal of Cu(II) (a), Pb(II) (b), Ni(II) (c) and Zn(II) (d) at pH 6.0 by starch, mercaptoacetic, mercaptosuccinic and mercaptopropionic acid coated nano zero valent iron solutions (1 g L-1). Symbols represent experimental results.

Online Resource 6. EDX spectra for the residue from the experiment of mercaptopropionic acid coated nano zero valent iron (1 g L-1 solid solution) after treating with synthetic leachate solution.