Minutes of a Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd January 2013

at 7.00 p.m. at Barlby Library and Community Hub


Present : Councillor B Marshall

Councillor P Welch

Councillor J E Stockdale

Councillor S Duckett

Councillor J Eastwood

Councillor D Rimmer

Councillor R Chopping

Councillor J Cusson

Councillor K Farndale

County Cllr M Hulme

County Cllr K Arthur

PC A Reader


1. Apologies District Cllr K McSherry

2. Public Session

The Meeting was reminded that it is not permitted to use recording devices of any kind

during the Meeting. The Chairman expressed sincere thanks to all who had made the

Christmas Event such a success, in particular Cllr R Chopping for doing a fantastic job on

behalf of the Parish Council. Suggestions for the Queen’s 60 year Jubilee welcome.

Report of further congestion at Barlby Crescent caused by Greencore workers parking on

street. To be passed to Greencore.

3. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

To receive any declarations of interest and dispensations relating to items on this Agenda.

Standard Planning items, otherwise as recorded. Dispensation forms in order to approve

the Budget and set the 2013/14 Precept, circulated and returned. Proposed (SD)(JES) that

dispensations for all Councillors be approved, agreed.

4. Reports

Community Police

Crime Report read to meeting. There has been a small increase in crime in Barlby and the

‘Light Up – Lock Up’ Campaign has been advertised. Other matters raised included :

rogue traders and areas still experiencing anti social behaviour. Chevin Housing is

involved in the Neighbourhood Watch Project at Riverside Close and suggestions from a

recent meeting were advised as : fencing, parking bays, trees, vegetable plots and a ‘Park

Rules’ board. Fencing has been discussed and ruled out before, vegetable plots could not

be ringfenced for the area and the land has to remain as Public Open Space. Suggestions

for trees and a board were well received. Proposed (BM)(KF) £500.00 towards the project,

to add to funding from Chevin Housing, agreed. The Meeting was in agreement that the

Parish is fortunate to have such first class Police Officers.


Barlby Ponds – water has reached from the Ponds to the riverbank four times since June,

other areas of the Parish are also under standing water. Development at Old York Road

will exacerbate this, it was agreed that junction improvements and a reduced speed limit

on the A19 will be required. Old Railway Walk – also wet underfoot, one section of the

Walk has been stoned up, a further 4 tons of stone required when the ground is less boggy.

Barlby Woodland and Meadow – a letter to be sent to the Drainage Board about the

pond/ditch. Wildflower Meadow information read to Meeting.

County and District Councillors

No reports.


No reports.

5. Minutes of Meeting (28.11.2012)

The Minutes were approved and duly signed as a correct record of the Meeting. Proposed

(DR)(JE), agreed.

6. Matters Arising/Council Managers Report

1. Community Safety/CEF – no updates.

2. Barlby Community Group – next Meeting 11th February.

3. Local and Regional Groups – no updates.

4. Proposed (BM)(SD) this item be brought forward, agreed. Vacancy for Councillor –

a letter of resignation from Cllr B Foster read to meeting and accepted. SDC to be

advised and a letter of thanks to be sent to Beverley Foster.

7. Finance

Monthly Accounts circulated for payment (DR)(PW) agreed. Bank statements and

invoices available for inspection.

A total expenditure of £13,994.43 was approved.


1. Xmas Event sponsorship – £30.00

2. Xmas Event fundraising – £236.10

3. BLCH Hall Hire – £200.00

Correspondence/other matters

1. Budget 2013/4. Copies previously circulated.

2. SDC Precept request.

3. SDC Precept Advice Note – potential effect of Localising Council Tax explained,

however SDC have not issued grant or Band D figures to date but have advised Parishes

to request the amount they require before grants are allocated. The impact on Band D

properties should be kept close to 0%. Proposed (SD)(PW) Precept request to be set at

£94,814.00, agreed.

4. YLCA – Precept Advice Note. Capping proposals for Principal Authorities will not

apply to Parishes for 2013/14.

5. Requests for Funding – none from outside organisations. Xmas Event – following

deduction of expenses it was proposed (BM)(JES) that a donation of £339.31 be sent to

Alzheimers Research, agreed. Proposed (SD)(KF) expenses for Santas Sleigh be paid,

(estimated at £25.00), agreed.

8. Barlby Library and Community Hub

For consideration and action

1. Library – the side door lock has jammed, proposed (BM)(PW) change the lock and

move the keypad to the back door, agreed. Proposed (JE)(DR) ‘Surveillance’ signs to be

erected, agreed. The Library Volunteers had a social evening in December which was a

huge success and their efforts acknowledged, with thanks to the Wadkin Arms. The

Chairman has personally provided a coffee machine as a thank you.

2. NYCC Elections – BLCH booked for 2nd May 2013.

9.. Correspondence

For consideration and action

1. YLCA – Consultation on speed limits for HGV’s over 7.5 tonnes. 50 mph and 55 mph

limits were discussed. Proposed (JC)(DR) support for 50 mph limits, agreed.

For distribution

2. Drax Consultative Committee next meeting – 1st May 2013. Noted

3. SDC Rough Sleeping Estimate Questionnaire – estimated

4. RAY – Keeping Warm Over Winter advice/Posters displayed

5. TCV Newsletters/Programmes – circulated

6. Insignia Newsletter – circulated

7. Came and Company Newsletter – circulated

8. NYWAG Newsletters – circulated

9. SD AVS Newsletters – circulated

10.SLCC/YLCA Training/Conference events – circulated

11.YLCA Advice Notes/Bulletins – circulated

12.SDC Media Releases – circulated

13.AMT Newsletter/Seminars – circulated

14.CPRE /CABE Newsletters – circulated

15.Rural Services Network Newsletters – circulated

16.Planning Inspectorate Newsletter – circulated

17. St Leonards Hospice Shop – posters displayed

10. Correspondence since agenda

For information only

1. Councillor – letter of resignation

11. Planning

Proposed (DR)(RC) the following comments be passed to SDC, agreed.


2012/0688/LBC (8/16/211F/PA) – Listed Building consent to attach 35 mm diameter

surface wiring to the exterior of Crows Nest, Barlby Bank (Northern Powergrid)

Comments : No objections

Applications Granted

1. Application to fell Willow Tree at 17 Thompson Close, Osgodby

2. Rear and garage extension at The Manor House, York Road, Barlby

Applications Refused


Correspondence/Other Matters

1. Olympia Park – recent Emails read to meeting, proposed (JE)(DR) Councillors

B Marshall and S Duckett to take advice from SDC, agreed. Ousebank residents have

been quoted for repair of the road to the rear of the properties. The Meeting was advised

that local residents are welcome to attend Parish Council Meetings. During demolition

works along Barlby Road it is imperative that the clock is saved.

2. Land off Old York Road – no report.

3. DCLG Consultations – for information only. Noted.

4. Peartree/Riverside Close – suggestions for Play Area. See Reports.

12. Play Areas/Amenity Open Space

For consideration and action

1. Play Area/Open Space – site meeting for new equipment at South Duffield Road to be

arranged for January then a bid to be submitted to SDC. Drainage is still poor in the

corner of the field by the Hollies. Goal posts at Wainhomes including installation

£5,730.00, proposed (SD)(KF) proceed with the project agreed.

2. Nottsports/Sutcliffe/Hags/Russell Equipment leaflets. Noted.

13. Street lights & Furniture, Roads & Paths

For consideration and action

1. Street Lights – after due discussion it was proposed (JC)(JES) that it would be Policy

NOT to switch off Parish Council street lights after midnight, and resist any NYCC

switch off other than parts of the Bypass, agreed.

2. Highways – the corner of Highfield Crescent is still being overrun by vehicles.

3. A19/A63 junction – latest advice read to meeting. early access date set at 11th January.

Proposed (JES)(DR) accept the revised Heads of Terms, consideration for portacabins,

use of the facilities, utilities and disposal of spoil to be negotiated. Agreed. Plot

Holders will need to be advised on safe access to the site and impact on rents as soon as

possible, defer to next Meeting. Safety barriers, shuttle buses, gritting of School routes

and access to Schools during the works to be finalised with Highways.

4. Dog bins – proposed (BM)(KF) request a bin for the end of Church Lane, agreed.

5. Road closure updates – noted.

6. Queensbury/Lifestyle Aggregates/Monster/Proludic Equipment leaflets. Noted.

14. Community Cohesion

1. Community Group – the Xmas Event at Barlby Library and Community Hub was a

huge success with the ‘Hilltop Harmonies’ School Choir singing carols round the tree,

refreshments and a surprise visit from Santa. A surplus of £339.31 was raised due to

generous donations from Sponsors and Members of the Public. Suggestion for a

‘Village Recipe’ Cookbook. Recipes to be sent to Cllr R Chopping, advertised and put

in an article the Magazine. It was felt that Minutes should still be put in the Magazine

as well as on the Website.

2. Xmas Lights 2012/2013 – many expressions of appreciation have been received from

the Public and other Parishes. Proposed (KF)(SD) reserve 20 (cap at £2,000) for 2013

for the following locations : 12 x Barlby Bridge, 3 x the Institute/Wadkin, 5 x the

Library/Post Office, agreed.

15. Matters for Councillors Attention and Information

1. Equality Policy circulated. Proposed (SD)(KF) approve, agreed.

2. FOI requests – none.

16. Next Meeting Wednesday 30th January 2013 at BLCH at 7.00 p.m.

17. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

Requests for items for inclusion to be sent to the Chairman 7 days before the date of the

next Meeting.

18. Items of Expenditure over £500

On Notice Boards.

Meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

The Parish Council may, by resolution, exclude the public whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the nature of the confidential business to be transacted. Extract Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960.