Wausau West Hockey Booster Club Meeting Minutes – May 5th, 2014

Meeting held at Wausau Mine at 7:00pm

Members Present: Mark & Tammy Ricklefs, Tom Ricklefs, Paul & Janet Tharaldson, Laura Evans, Brenda Langlois, Tom Marquardt, Diane Coyle, Tammy Newman, BJ Brandt, Jon Warnke, Todd & Kelly Amsrud, Jamie Jacobs, Brenda Meyer

Agenda Items

Laura Evans called the meeting to order.

Motion made by Laura Evans to nominate Jennifer Hockin as President. 2nd made by Janet Tharaldson. Motion passed, Jennifer Hockin is the president of the Wausau West Hockey Booster Club.

Reviewed financial statement. Board is still waiting for final numbers from Pete to determine the amount of funding to transfer to the scholarship account.


·  Drive a Dodge is scheduled for Monday, September 22, 2014 at WW High School. There is a volleyball quad at the school that night. Proposal to provide all drivers with a coupon for a hot dog at the concession stand. We will also see if we can get a radio promotion with Chad Holmes for the event. Looking for all families to try and get 6-8 eligible drivers to the event so that we can max out the donation.

·  Golf Outing is scheduled for Saturday, August 9th. Janet Tharaldson will be contacting Pine Valley this week and confirm the outing with the course. There is a MANDATORY meeting for all WW Hockey Booster Club members at 7 p.m. Monday, June 2 at the High School in Room 220.High School Room 220. All golf outing details will be discussed in addition to signing up for volunteer opportunities and signup for sponsorship contacts. (All current hockey players will keep sponsorship contacts they held in the past).

·  NewIdea Challenge. Fundraising is critical to the success of the Warrior Hockey program and the Board is looking for suggestions on new fundraising ideas. Please send ideas to during the month of May. Best idea will be awarded a prize to be determined by the board.

·  Paul Tharaldson suggested in addition to the New Idea Challenge that we look for ways that we can give back to the community. Current examples include Salvation Army bell ringers and Hockey for Hunger.

·  BJ Brandt contacted Dan Hein about the booster club taking over concessions at the Indoor Track meets held at the High School (late March). If the previous group declines to renew then we will be considered and will be looking for volunteers to manage. Motion by Janet Tharaldson to take on this fundraiser and seconded by Tom Marquardt . Motion passed. Tom Ricklefs volunteered to lead this if it comes to fruition.

·  WW Coaches Youth Clinic ice is booked for 3 consecutive weekends in September. Saturday, 1:00 – 3:00 and Sunday 3:00 – 5:00. We are preparing flyers to send out and will be looking to get 40-50 kids per session. It will be opened up to all associations.

Summer Ice

·  We are booked for 2 teams in the Middleton tournament on Fathers Day weekend.

·  Captains practice ice is scheduled to begin Sunday, June 8th.

·  Blaze Hockey did not generate enough interest to put a WW team together. Players can still get into the league if interested by contacting Mike Wasmundt.

Rink Expansion is going forward and currently obtaining building permits. High schools are looking for contacts for getting best prices on wood for the locker rooms. If anyone has a contact please ask them to contact BJ Brandt and submit a bid. They will also be looking for a storage location once lockers are fabricated and assembled. If anyone has a storage solution please let notify the Booster club or BJ Brandt.

The rink expansion committee may have opportunities for the kids to get community donation hours by assisting in tearing down the existing bleachers. They will be in contact with the Booster Club once dates are firmed up.

Janet Tharaldson motioned to adjourn and Mark Ricklefs 2nd.

Next meeting will be Monday June 2nd, 7:00pm at West – room 220.