North Carolina Graduation Projects

Sample of Project TopicsSample of Project Products

(requires a minimum of 15 hours to develop)

The effects of the internet on the music industry. / Create a guide for elementary students on how to use the internet safely and responsibly for research and then teach a group of elementary students.
The use of robotics in the medical field has been evolving over the past fifty years. / Build a robot.
The crucial event of the Civil Rights Movement in North Carolina / Design an interactive Civil Rights History exhibit to be toured during power lunch.
Influence of the internet on publishing. / Interview and shadow a published author. Publish an original work.
Influence of reading on children. / Volunteer in a day care setting as a “reader” to children. Create a fun lesson plan that involves the students in reading.
Influence of advertising on children. / Create positive advertising using several different media. Publish this in some way.
Obesity in children and its effects. / Create an awareness education program on active lifestyles in children vs. sedentary lifestyles. Implement at the Y or at an Afterschool Care program.
Addictive potential of tobacco, the role of public health agencies in reducing tobacco rates, and the fiscal impact of tobacco reduction rates on tobacco farmers. / Identify alternative agricultural products and put together a multimedia presentation for the county commissioners.
The causes and effects of adult literacy in North Carolina. / Create a presentation that includes showing the causes and effects of adult literacy in North Carolina. Show to freshmen Essentials of English Classes.
The causes and effects of out-sourcing in the manufacturing and information technology sectors. / Create a video in which you interview people who have been directly affected by out-sourcing. Send your presentation to your local senator asking that he/she vote to restrict out-sourcing.
Physics of a roller coaster. / Build a model roller coaster.
Fashion design ideas. / Design a modern fashion portfolio.
Home energy-efficiency. / Draw blueprints and make a model of an energy-efficient home.
Yield of a crop. / Develop, plant, and harvest a crop using various types of soil, and measure yields.
North Carolina first in flight. / Create a presentation about North Carolina’s participation in the history of flight. Display it in the media center.
Second language teaching. / Observe and teach a lesson in a second language to young children.
Signs of globalization and diversification in Johnston County and North Carolina. / Work at an ESL intake Center; interview immigrants about why they moved to the area. Create display for the World Cultures Fair.
Election procedures. / Participate in a voter registration.
Vietnam War era. / Conduct and interview with individuals from the era representing both opinions. Publish your interviews in some way.
Alternative fuel sources. / Construct a model of a solar powered home.
Comparison of history of fashion in relationship to changes in the economy / Make 5 different garments representing different time frames in history and our economy
Comparison of dietary needs of the elderly / Develop a student activity on dietary needs of the elderly
Dentistry/Orthodontics / Engage in work-based learning; job shadowing with a dentist/orthodontist
Play Therapy / Develop a toy individualized for specific disability
Organ Transplants / Create and implement a public relations campaign on being an organ donor
International Marketing / Write a proposal for an international business venture
Entrepreneurship Written Project / Develop a business plan to include financing
Promotion / Create a pre-opening promotion plan for a new business
Comparison of computer-integrated manufacturing methods / Develop a prototype/simulation of an integrated manufacturing system
Biotechnologies; problems regarding human health, agricultural and zoo technical projection and environmental protection / Design a package that will prevent the misuse or accidental poisoning by pesticide
The use of microorganisms or biological substances to perform specific industrial or manufacturing processes / Design a system that will prevent the accidental release of genetically modified fish into the environment
A study of heating and cooling effects on the “weld zone” / Design an employee training program on heat treatment of metals
Feasibility study on upgrading computers / Develop a small business/school computer program upgrade initiate
Student online teaching / Create a multimedia presentation on cleaning computers
Architectural drafting / Develop two-story residential plans to be submitted to county planning board