Mass, Volume, tegmperatures and pH Worksheet


Mass is an indication of ____amount of matter_______

in a substance. It is calculated in kilograms __Kg____ , grams ___g______or milligrams __mg______.

Volumeis an indication of ____the amount of space______

in a substance. It is calculated in liters ___L_____ ,milliliters ___mL_____, cubic meters __m3______, or cubic centimeters__cm3______.

Matter – a substance that occupies __space______and has _mass_____. All physical objects are __considered to be matter______. The smallest unit of matter is an ___atom______.

Balance: an instrument that _indicate the amount of mass__ of an

objects in grams. Also known as _triple beam balance______.

Weight: the vertical force exerted by a mass _due to gravity_____, measured in Newtons ___N___. It is the measure of how _heave______an object is and can also be measured in _pounds______(lb). Weight and mass are not the same thing. The weight of an object can change depending on location, but mass stays the same.



Mass: 50 KgMass: 50 kg

Weight: 110 poundsWeight: 18 pounds

How to determine the mass of a substance

A regular object (or one that can stay by itself on a triple beam balance) /
  1. Zero the balance
  2. Move 100’s slider to appropriate place
  3. Move 10’s slider to appropriate place
  4. Move 1’s slider until balance is zero again.
  5. Add the values of all the sliders

A liquid, or a granular substance, or an object that will not stay by itself on a triple beam balance /
  1. Zero the balance
  2. Find the mass of an empty containers (steps 2 – 5 from above)
  3. Place object in containers.
  4. Find new mass (steps 2 -5 from above).
  5. Subtract the mass of the empty container from the new mass.

How to determine the volume of a substance

Regular object / Measure the length, width, height
Multiply l x w x h

length / The unit of measurement is
cm3 or m3
Irregular object / Displacement method
Place water in a graduated cylinder and record initial volume. Add object to the graduated cylinder. Record final volume. Subtract the initial volume from the final volume.
Fill an overflow can. When it has stopped dripping, place a graduated cylinder under spout. Place object in graduated cylinder. Allow water to flow out and collect in graduated cylinder. Once the water is no longer flowing out, read the volume eye level at the meniscus. / The unit of measurement is
mL or L
Liquid or granular substance / Place substance in graduated cylinder
Read the volume eye level at the meniscus. / The unit of measurement is
mL or L

Temperature vs Heat

Temperature is the measure of the degree of _agitation______(movement) of the particles of a substance. The __hotter______the substance, the more the particles __move______, thus showing an increase in ___temperature______. It is usually measured in degrees Celcius _oC______* Trivia question: why is temperature indicated in oC, but the humidex (“feels like”) not have aoC?

It is not an actual measurement.

Heat depends on the temperature and the __mass______of the substance. It is a measure of the amount of ____energy______given off by a substance. It is usually measured in joules __J______.

Thermal expansion refers to the fact that material _gets bigger (expands)_____ as they get hotter.

Acids and Bases

Acids and bases can be dangerous substances so it is important to be careful when handling them. Some can be __corrosive______and you will often see the symbol of a _skeleton______hand______on products that are corrosive.

pH Scale - is used to measure the acidity or basicity of a substance. A difference of 1 on the pH scale means that the substance is ___10______times stronger. A difference of ___2______would mean it is 100 times stronger.

pH Scale

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Acidic substances Neutral Basic substances



a)Litmus Paper

Blue Litmus Paper / Red Litmus Paper
Acids / Turn Red / Stay Red
Bases / Stay Blue / Turn Blue
Neutral / Stay Blue / Stay Red

b)Universal Indicator is more accurate because each level corresponds to a particular _____pH______.You dip the indicator paper in the substance then match the color you get on the color on the chart to determine the __pH______(see chart p. 192).