Screening Policy for theArchdiocese of Kingston
The Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Kingston is made up of people who care deeply for the well being of all its members and of those to whom they minister. We have become more aware of the possibility of harm being done to those very people who stand most in need of our care and compassion. We hear Christ's words: «Whatsoever you do to the least of mine, you do to me, » and we respond to them with a renewed commitment to ensuring that our communities will be known for their care of the vulnerable, their safety and their integrity.
We are aware that a small number of people take advantage of organizations that have lax or non-existent screening procedures. We can better protect those who are served, as well as those who serve in our parishes and Archdiocese, through the development, adoption and implementation of thorough, appropriate, consistent and ongoing screening measures for our volunteers and paid-staff. The protection and safety of the people of God, which includes our volunteers and paid staff, will guide our intentions and actions at all times.
It is the intent of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kingston:
- to ensure that, as a faith community, we fulfill our obligations to those we serve, especially the vulnerable;
- to minimize the risk of harm in all situations of service;
- to ensure the integrity, safety and reputation of our volunteers and paid staff;
- to safeguard the resources of our parishes and our Archdiocese.
- The Roman Catholic Bishops of Ontario are asking that screening be initiated in every diocese in the Province. Archbishop Meagher has mandated that the screening of volunteers and paid staff be implemented in every parish in the Archdiocese of Kingston.
2.All volunteers and paid staff, both those presently serving and those seeking to do so, are to be screened.
3.All volunteers/staff are to be screened according to the procedures and instructions presented in the Archdiocesan manual.
4.Standardized forms, provided by the Archdiocese, are to be used in the implementation of a uniform screening process.
5.Pastors are to establish volunteer screening committees. A screening committee ranges from a minimum of two to a maximum of five people.
Position Descriptions
6.A ministry position description outlines the responsibilities and duties of the volunteers as well as the screening measures to be applied.
7.The basic outline for position descriptions is to follow the same format across the Archdiocese. Position descriptions are to be reviewed and updated at least once a year. If there is a change to the position before the end of the year, then the revision to the position description should be made at the same time.
Determining Levels of Trust and Risk
8.All positions within a given ministry are to be assessed for the level of trust involved and hence also the level of risk associated with the position. The level of screening of a volunteer or staff position must meet the level of trust assigned to that ministry. When there is doubt as to the evaluation of a position, the position will be deemed HIGH TRUST.
9.Three categories will be used to assess a ministry position based on the level of trust afforded the volunteer or paid staff member; these are: GENERAL TRUST, INCREASED TRUST and HIGH TRUST. These ‘trust’ categories correspond to the levels of risk for potential harm that could occur to participants, the vulnerable or church resources through the position. Risk levels are categorized as: low, medium, and high.
10.All ministries involving children or youth, as well as ministries that require volunteers to do home visits are to be categorized as HIGH TRUST.
11.When drawing up position descriptions for volunteer ministries that involve finances, the most current Diocesan Parish Financial Guidelines are to be followed.
12Volunteers who are active in more than one ministry are to be screened for the position with the highest level of trust. When a volunteer moves from a GENERAL TRUST position to one of INCREASED or HIGH TRUST, he or she will be screened again according to the higher level of trust.
13Each volunteer is to complete a Volunteer Information Form
14.For GENERAL TRUST ministry positions, the ministry leaders or coordinators of the particular ministry are to be responsible for the completion and collection of these forms.
15For INCREASED and HIGH TRUST positions, the screening committee is responsible for the completion and collection of all applicable forms.
16.All forms are to be maintained in a confidential file and updated annually.
17.An interview is to be conducted for all volunteers in INCREASED and HIGH TRUST positions.
18.A minimum of two people from the screening committee shall conduct the interview. A record of the interview is to be documented and kept in a confidential file.
19.In the case of positions of High Trust, a final one-on-one interview with the parish pastor or his delegate may be required.
Reference Checks
20.At least two reference checks are to be conducted by the screening committee for all volunteers and paid staff in INCREASED and HIGH TRUST positions.
21.The volunteer or employee is to sign a permission form permitting the screening committee to contact the references. Only the persons named as references are to be contacted.
22.The result of the reference check is to be documented and kept in a confidential file.
Police Records Checks
23.A police records check (PRC) is required for all volunteers in HIGH TRUST positions.
24.The police records check must be an original, no more than 60 days old and requested by the parish.
25.A police records check is to be reviewed by the pastor and/or screening committee and the Police Records Check form is to be completed. The completed form is to be kept in a confidential file.
26.If the volunteer or employee decides not to present the PRC report to the screening committee, the parish cannot accept this individual for a HIGH TRUST position.
27.A criminal conviction does not automatically exclude any applicant from volunteering or employee in a particular ministry from applying for a full or part time position. If a police records check confirms a prior conviction, or does present a cause for concern, the parish screening coordinator will consult with the pastor who will forward the police records check to the Risk Management Coordinator who in turn will review the application for volunteerism or employment with the Chancellor.
28.The Archdiocese of Kingston does not assume the cost of conducting a police records check for the police department that charge for this service. Where there are fees attached to the records check, the parish will assume this cost upon receipt of the document.
29.A volunteer who leaves a ministry for one year or longer is required to provide a new police records check.
30.Offence Declarations are to be completed every year for volunteers involved in positions of high trust ministries. They are to be treated as confidential and stored with the Police Records Check.
Record Keeping and Confidentiality
31.Personal information obtained either verbally or in writing will be kept confidential.
32.Information gathered for the purpose of screening is accessible only to the volunteer or staff applicant, the pastor and the parish screening committee members. Information is to be kept in a secured filing system at the parish.
33.In situations where a doubt arises as to the suitability of a person for a ministry, the pastor will make the final decision. Should the pastor and/or members of the screening committee have serious concerns or difference of opinion about a volunteer or staff member’s acceptance, or should a conflict of interest arise, the Diocesan Risk Management Coordinator must be consulted to assist with the deliberative process.
Orientation and Training
34.All current and new volunteers must participate in an orientation session based on the requirements of the Ministry position description. These orientation sessions are to be offered at least once a year.
35. All volunteers are to receive a copy of the ‘Screening in Faith – Volunteer Guidelines’. The screening committee is responsible for providing every volunteer/employee with a copy.
36.Volunteers and staff are to be given appropriate training to perform their duties, without putting themselves or others at risk.
37.When orientation and training have been completed, the screening committee will document this on form ‘D’.
Supervision and Evaluation
38.The level of supervision is to be based on the level of trust involved in the volunteer or employee position.
39.The screening committee will work with the ministry and group leaders to assess the level of supervision currently in use in each ministry or group and determine what supervision will be used where none exists.
40.Evaluations are to be performed once a year for positions of HIGH TRUST. Copies of the evaluation are to be filed in the volunteer or employee’s file.
41.When supervision and evaluation has been completed, the screening committee will document this in the volunteer or employee’s file on Form ‘D’
Participant Follow-up
42.Participant follow-up is to be a regular occurrence for HIGH TRUST positions.
Promulgated January 2005
(Signed and Sealed)
+Anthony G. Meagher
Archbishop of Kingston
Msgr. Joseph Lynch
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kingston, SCREENING POLICY Revised - Sept 2006 page 1 of 5