Rajesh Rampal

57, Vaishali, Pitampura

Delhi 110088, India

Tel: 0091-11-27318023

Dear Sir/Madam,

Ref: Application for post of Suitable Top Finance/ Management Position

I am attaching herewith my detailed CV for kind consideration for the above post.

I have had the opportunity to work for some of the best Corporate sector companies of India- DCM Ltd, and Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. I have also been part of the initial project setup team for start up ventures in India of GKN plc and Degussa AG in India.

An exposure in East Africa with Cable Corporation Ltd. (Collaborators: Sumitomo Japan) has enriched my international commercial business exposure. Working closely with professionals from all fields has given me an insight into the workings of an Organsiation apart from its external and internal customers and dealing effectively with Government agencies and Financial Lending Institutions.

I have participated in formulation of Business strategies for product and customer mix for maximisation of profits and implementation of cost saving schemes, SWOT analysis, and Mission,vision and business ethics statements of corporate entities.

I have had in depth exposure to Indian and Foreign Financial Institutions and banks for Rupee and Foreign currency Loans from ICICI, LIC, UTI, SBICAPS, SBI OBU Bahrain, International Finance Corporation (Washington), East African Development Bank and various other Financial Institutions and Banks

I am proactive, a problem solver with initiative and excellent analytical and communication skills and well versed with computers and system implementation. I am also an author with one book to my credit.

Best regards.

Yours Sincerely,

Rajesh Rampal


Name:Rajesh Rampal

Address:57, Vaishali, Pitampura

Delhi-110088, India


Mobile 9871124913


Date of Birth:13th October, 1955.


Year InstitutionDegree Percentage

1973ModernSchoolA.I.H.S. 62%

Barakhamba Road

New Delhi


University of Delhi

1976University of DelhiCertificate in68%


1980Institute of CharteredChartered 56%

Accountants of IndiaAccountant

References:Mr. Vinay Kaul (Retd.)

Director, Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited

55, Hanuman Road, New Delhi 110001.

Mr Peter J. Baptista (Retd)

Former Managing Director, GKN Invel Transmissions Ltd.

501, The Anchorage, Chembur, HDFC Bank Building.


Mr Martin Howard

Former British Naval Attache, BHC, New Delhi

3, Central Lane, Bengalee Market, New Delhi

Hobbies:Photography, History, and Travelling. I am an Author as well.


  1. Running Organisation. Learnt the basics in the then best Indian Organsiation.

PeriodCompany/ Business/Designation/SalesResponsibilities


September 1980DCM Ltd.- General AccountingTo (Unit : DCM Chemical Works) -Materials Accounting

September 1985FMCG -Sales Accounting/Credit

  • Edible Oils-Purchase Accounting
  • Soap-Costing/MIS
  • Fertilisers-Systems Analysis Design
  • Chemicals-Project reports
  • Projects-Audit Finalisation

Assistant Manager-Management Info. System

Sales Rs 6,000 million-Dealings with Banks


-Budget & control

Reporting to: Manager (Accounts)

  1. New Business. Joined the company in the formation stage.

PeriodCompany/ Business/Designation/SalesResponsibilities


December 1985 GKN Invel Transmissions Limited-Project Report Preparation

To Constant Velocity Joints -Project Appraisal from AIFI

September 1989 Manager (Finance and Accounts) i.e. ICICI, IFC (W),

Sales Rs 500 millionCanara Bank, LIC

Collaborator: Unicardan AG (FRG) A GKN plc co. - Public issue / approvals -Imports of Machinery

Project cost:Rs184.7 million-Audit Finalisation

First equity investment by International Finance Corporation-Working capital from

(Washington) in an Indian company. No Indian Promoter.Banks

- Installation of online software packages.

-Treasury & Forex

Reporting to: Managing Director

  1. New Business. Joined the company in the formation stage.

PeriodCompany/ Business/Designation/SalesResponsibilities


September 1989Insilco Ltd.-Project Report

To Spray Dried Silica- Project Appraisal ICICI,

August 1991Manager (Finance & Accounts)-Public Issue

Sales Rs 800 million-Imports of Machinery

-Audit Finalisations

Project cost: Rs 770 million-Working capital funding

Promoter: Degussa AG of FRG -Set up of Systems/controls

-Installation - online system.

-Treasury & Forex Mgmnt.

Reporting: Chairman/Managing Director/VP (F)

IV. Running Business. The growth of this company during my tenure is well known.

PeriodCompany/ Business/Designation/SalesResponsibilities


August 1991Ranbaxy Laboratories. Ltd.-Statutory and Tax Audits


September 1996Sales Rs 10,000 million.-Tax Planning (Strategic)

Manager (Corporate Finance- I )-Subsidiary Co. Accounting

Till August 1994 and subsequently-Mission, Vision, and Business

Divisional Manager (Accounts) for Strategy statements

Technology Transfer & Engineering-Monitoring Bank Limits

& Research & Development Div.-Systems Analysis/Design

-Instrumental in preparation of Euro issue prospectus USD 100 mill. and audit*.

-Project reports

-Treasury Management

- Project appraisals

-Project cost monitoring

-Project Purchases

-R & D costs monitoring

-Set up of systems/controls for R&D and TTE.

*Coopers & Lybrand.

Reporting: Director (F), Director (R&D), Director (TTE)

V. Running Business. Was CEO of the unit - designated GM-F and Company Secretary

PeriodCompany/ Business/Designation/SalesResponsibilities


September 1996Cable Corporation Ltd. Uganda-Strategic Planning

ToElectrical Cables- Customer mix & product

March 1998General Manager Finance andmix strategy

Company Secretary-Dealings –Banks & EADB

Sales USD 8.5 million-Marketing in East Africa

-Costing of Cables

-Pricing Strategy

-Cost savings introduction

App. USD 0.5 million pa

-Board Meetings/Agenda

-Statutory Compliances

-Dealing with URA

-Inventory Planning

-Purchases RM/Capital

-Debtors credit control

-Union negotiations

-Supervising Production

Planning & Quality Control

-Customers feedback

Reporting: Chairman/Resident Director

From March 1998 till October 2005 was on a sabbatical when I researched and wrote a book – THE DIVINE STRANGLERS – A STORY OF THUGS AND THUGGEE SLEEMAN and some Manuscripts (Still unpublished). During this phase I also delved in Stocks and shares, Insurance, Corporate training, lectures and many other activities not directly related to my profession. On the advice of one of my mentors (Mr Darshan Lal a Director of Monsanto India Ltd and former Director BASF India Ltd) I made a comeback by joining the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Affairs in New Delhi in October 2005. ICRIER is the think tank for future Economic policies of India. ICRIER’s Board of Governors comprises the best brains of India from all fields. I am designated as the Secretary basically responsible for

  • Agenda for Board Meetings and conducting the Meetings. Minutes.
  • MIS
  • Treasury Management
  • Accounting supervision
  • Compliance of Research Project conditions and monitoring time/costs
  • Administration
  • IT requirements.

Reporting: Director/ Chairperson