Mr. Wedlock

School Phone: 364-7778 ext.7384


Website: then place “Wedlock Physics” in the search box

Course Outline: Quarter One: chapters (11, 12) waves and sound, chapters (23, 24) light and optics, and chapters (16, 17) electric charge and potential (MCA1). Quarter Two: chapters (18,19) current and circuits, chapters (20-22) magnetism and electromagnetic waves (MCA2) Quarter Three: chapters (2-5) Motion (MCA3). Quarter Four: chapters (6-8) energy, momentum, and rotation (MCA 4 which includes research and a trip to Six Flags)

Text: Giancoli, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 6th Ed. Physics,

Website: Includes a class schedule, notes, handouts, tutorial links, and homework solutions.

Grading: The class will adhere to the late work policy of the school.

a.  Tests: 20% tests that follow each chapter and cumulative tests.

b.  Quizzes: 5% quizzes contain only a few questions and reflect content from previous classes.

c.  Labs: 20% students will be given an opportunity to fulfill the science portion of the portfolio, (Expectation 1 Problem Solving and for an entry in your technology log), each semester in the form of a formal lab using the science lab rubric. All other labs will either be completed in class or finished at home.

d.  Project: 15% each quarter the student will use their knowledge to create a physical model of a particular concept learned that quarter. This project can fulfill either Expectation 5b or 5d Self Directed Learner and for an entry in your technology log.

e.  Journal: 5% the journal is part of an introduction and exit question, activity, or blog assignment.

f.  Homework: 10% homework usually consists of practice problems found at the end of each chapter. All solutions are on line to help you when you are “stuck” or to check your answers.

g.  MCA: 25% it is very important to know that the MCA is worth 25% of the grade and will be administered at the end of each quarter. The MCA can greatly affect a student’s grade at the end of the quarter!

Class Rules:

- No phone

-  No food

-  No drinks except water

-  Run a clean and safe lab, never play with lab equipment.

-  Be in your seat when the bell rings with materials for class.

Help Night: Help night is held every Monday/Wednesday after school.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Signature:______Date: ______

The parent and student signatures verify that at least one parent and the student has read the Physics Expectations document, viewed the grading policy, safety contract, and visited the class web-page.