MEMBERS PRESENT:Gary Laurito, Steven N. Wawruck, Jr.,Dennis Demaine,

Jeffrey Ives, Joseph Calsetta, and Edward Ferrari

MEMBERS ABSENT:John McSweegan, Denise Balboni

Joe Russo, Town Engineer, Officio

ALSO PRESENT:Scott C. Lappen, Director of Public Works, Ex Officio

Gary Kuczarski, Superintendent

Heather Kane, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm by Steven N. Wawruck, Jr.

Steven N. Wawruck, Jr. and the commission members welcomed Dennis Demaine to the commission.

MINUTES: Joseph Calsettamade a motion:“TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE JULY 10, 2007 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING AS PRESENTED” - Seconded by Gary Laurito(passed 4 – 0, with one absentia).


FINANCIAL REPORT: June’s Cash Report was updated to include June’s Analysis Interest and June’s STIF interest. On the Corrected July Cash Report, the Accounts Payable was separated out from July Cash Disbursements and the June Analysis Interest Received was added into the Cash Balance as of June 30, 2007. Joseph Calsetta made a motion: “TO ACCEPT THE FINANCIAL REPORTS AS PRESENTED” – Seconded by Gary Laurito (passed unanimously).

CORRESPONDENCE:Gary Kuczarski informed the committee that the WPCA got in touch with Attorney Chadwickand was told that the WPCA can continue to charge interest on accounts that have filed bankruptcy as long as the court does not rule otherwise. As for flagging the accounts that have reached $1,500 or more, the WPCA communicated the requested changes to the Accounts Receivables report to the programmer. In the meantime, WPCA will continue to go through the accounts manually. Elevennew accounts were added to the list that was sent to Attorney Chadwick’s office this month.

Scott Lappen informed the committee that the treatment plant was inspected by the CT Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The CT DEP no longer gives ratings, i.e. excellent, but noted there were no concerns during the inspection. The WPCA also has received a copy of the notice to proceed (with the work being done at the treatment plant and at the Safety Complex) that was sent to the contractor by Tighe & Bond. The work will therefore be starting as soon as possible.

OLD BUSINESS: FACILITIES PLAN: Gary Kuczarski informed the commission that there is no status change to the Facility Plan.

Gary Kuczarski mentioned that the WPCA did receive a check in the amount of $241,000.00 for the 119 room hotel that is going to be built where Mr. K’s used to be on Ella Grasso Turnpike.



Neil Burrington’s appeal – Jeffrey Ives made a motion: “TO APPROVE THE APPEAL WITH THE CAVEAT TO REIMBURSE NEIL BURRINGTON THE $60.12 HE PAID IN JULY AND TO WAIVE THE REMAINING CHARGE OF $60.11” – Seconded by Edward Ferrari (passed unanimously).

Theresa Charette’s appeal – The commission wants WPCA to check on the outside meter to inform the commission what the multiplier is on the meter. Gary Laurito made a motion: “TO PASS ON THE RULING ON THERESA CHARETTE’S APPEAL UNTIL NEXT MONTH WHEN THE COMMISSION WOULD HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT THE METER MEASURES IN” – Seconded by Jeffrey Ives (passed unanimously).

Michael J. Trazinski’s appeal - Commission does not have the authority to approve this appeal. The attorney during the closing should have accounted for the sewer bill. Gary Laurito mentioned that in previous years he suggested that the resident check with his attorney’s errors and omissions clause. Jeffrey Ives made a motion: “TO DENY THE APPEAL” – Seconded by Gary Laurito (passed unanimously).

Properties using well water - Joseph Calsetta made a motion: “TO APPROVE THE LINE ITEMS DELINATED AS PROPERITIES USING WELL WATER ON THE APPEALS SHEET TO REDUCE EVERYBODYS BILL BY THE AMOUNT OF $78.73” – Seconded by Jeffrey Ives (passed unanimously).


The difference in salary is due to the open sewer inspector’s position. The difference in the fringe benefits is due to the medical insurance cost being up in the air when the budget is created and the figure used is an estimate provided by the Financial Office at Town Hall. Gary Laurito made a motion: “TO APPROVE TRANSFERS RECOMMENDED IN THE BALANCE OF THE YEAR 2006–2007 BUDGET AS PRESENTED ON THE TRANSFER SHEET” – Seconded by Joseph Calsetta (passed unanimously).

Steven N. Wawruck, Jr. informed the commission that the $6,100 allocated to contingency for the increases to the superintendent and the secretary salaries has not been switched to the salary line. Jeffrey Ives made a motion: “TO MOVE FROM CONTINGENCY $6,100 TO THE SALARY LINE ITEM” – Seconded by Joseph Calsetta (passed unanimously).

At 6:37pm, there being no other business to discuss, Joseph Calsetta made a motion: “TO ADJOURN THE MEETING” -- Seconded by Edward Ferrari(passed unanimously).

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Kane

Recording Secretary