
Minutes of theMeeting of Louth Town Council

held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Louth

on Tuesday 11THSEPTEMBER 2007

PresentThe Mayor, Councillor J.R. Macdonald(in the Chair)

Councillors:B. Burnett, F.G. Coonghe, C. Finch, Mrs. M.W. Finch, J.E. Gains, A. Leonard, Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders, T.F. Marris, Mrs. M. Ottaway, K.A. Sharp, D.M. Skinner, F.W.P. Treanor, Mrs. P.F. Watson, B.R. Williamson and D.E. Wing

The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.J. Blankley and her Secretary, Mrs. L.M. Phillips were also present.

The following members of the public addressed the Council prior to the commencement of the meeting:

  • Mrs. D. Stephenson objected to Planning Application Number (10) PL/0115/07 – GBM – GBM Waste Transfer Station, Bolingbroke Road, Louth
  • Mrs. Brown of Bishops Close apprised Councillors of the problems she and her neighbours are having with builders working close to them on a social housing scheme. The Town Council agreed that it would write to ELDC and ask them to look into the situation. It was also agreed and that those members of the Town Council who are also District Councillors will raise the issue at ELDC and Councillor C. Finch volunteered to raise the issue personally with the senior ELDC Planning Officer.
  1. Prayers
    The meeting opened with Prayers led by Councillor T.F. Marris.
  2. Apologies for Absence
    Apologies for absence were received from Councillors F. Robertson, Mrs. E. Ballard JP, A. Gardner-Clarke, J.P. Dean and A.M. Lione. These were approved by the Council.
  3. Council Minutes
    The notes of the Town Council Meeting of 7th August 2007 were discussed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of that meeting.
  4. Committee Minutes
    The minutes of the following meetings were discussed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of those meetings:
  5. Planning and Environment Committee – 24th July 2007
  6. General Purposes and Finance Committee – 24th July 2007
  7. Cemetery Committee – 24th June 2007
  8. Planning and Environment Committee – 7th August 2007
  9. General Purposes and Finance Committee – 7th August 2007
  10. Code of Conduct
    TheCouncil RESOLVED the following:
  11. To adopt The Model Code of Conduct for Parish and Town Councils,
  12. To include section 12(2); and
  13. To amend Standing Orders accordingly.

  1. Public Flood Meeting
    The Mayor, Councillor J.R. Macdonald informed the Council that the date of the Public Flood Meeting has had to be changed from 4th October 2007 to 3rd October 2007 in order to accommodate all the required authorities and agencies. The Meeting will take place in the Ballroom of the Town Hall, Eastgate, Louth at 7.30pm.
  2. Mayor’s Announcements
    The Mayorannounced that he had received,and he read out the contents of,a thank you card from Councillor J.P. Dean, for the bottle and card that had been sent to himafter his recent knee operation. He also informed the Council that since the last Robed Town Council Meeting he had attended many events including several Civic Services, two University Degree Ceremonies and a Charity Cricket Match. He announced that his Civic Service will take place on Sunday 23rd September and he reminded Councillors that they were all invited to attend. However, he asked them to please RSVP to the Council’s Secretary by Friday 14th September. Following on from this he announced that the date for his banquet had been set as Friday 26th October 2007. He reported that invitations would follow shortly. Finally, he apprised the Council of the contents of an e-mail he had received from Mr. J. Gilbert the Communications Officer at ELDC regarding the termination of Stagecoaches No 41 bus service which is the Louth town service. He said that the 10B Louth To Manby service and the number 50 Arundel Drive into Louth town centre are also under threat of being axed. It was agreed that more information on the plans of Stagecoach should be obtained and this should be a future agenda item.

The meeting closed at 8.05pm.

Signed______(Chairman) Dated______

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