
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)

Sam Shepard (d. 2017)

(US dramatist and film actor, m. Jessica Lange)


Shepard, Sam. The Tooth of Crime. Drama. 1972.

_____. Geography of a Horse Dreamer. Drama. 1974.

_____. Seven Plays.New York: Bantam, 1981.

_____. Seven Plays. New York: Bantam Books, 1986.

_____. Fool for Love and Other Plays.New York: Bantam, 1984. 1988.

_____. Motel Chronicles and Hawk Moon.London: Faber, 1985.

_____. Crónicas de un motel. Stories. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1985. Filmed by Wim Wenders as Paris, Texas.

_____, screenplay and dir. Far North. Film. 1988.

_____. Buried Child. Drama. Pulitzer Prize 1979.

_____. Cruzando el paraìso. Stories. spanish ed. 1997.

_____. Estados de shock. Play and 2 screenplays Spanish ed. 1997.

_____. Kicking a Dead Horse. Drama. Premiere at Abbey Theatre, 2007.


Bank, Rosemarie. "Self as Other: Sam Shepard's Fool for Love and A Lie of the Mind." In Feminist Rereadings of Modern American Drama. Ed. June Schlueter. London: Associated UPs, 1989.

Bigsby, Christopher. "Sam Shepard: Imagining America." In Stvdia Patriciae Shaw oblata. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 1991. 3.65-79.*

Blatanis, Konstantinos. “Cowboys as Theatrical Props and Dramatic Devices: Sam Shepard’s Cowboys #2 and Geography of a Horse Dreamer.” Gramma 2 (1994): 7-20.

Bottoms, Stephen J. The Theatre of Sam Shepard: States of Crisis. New York: Cambridge UP, 1998.

Brienza, Susan. “Sam No. 2: Shepard Plays Beckett with an American Accent.” In Beckett Translating / Translating Beckett. Ed. Alan Warren Friedman, Charles Rossman, and Dina Sherzer.University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1987. 181-96.*

Callens, Johan. From Middleton and Rowley’s Changeling to Sam Shepard’s Bodyguard: A Contemporary Appropriation of a Renaissance Drama. (Studies in Comparative Literature, vol. 7). Lewiston: Edwin Mellen, 1997.*

Favorini, Attilio. Memory in Play from Aeschylus to Sam Shepard. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

Fernández-Caparrós Turina, Ana. "The Rise and Fall of the Horse Dreamer in Sam Shepard's Drama." Atlantis 38.1 (June 2016): 109-27.*

_____. "Fool for Love y la estirpe en el teatro de Sam Shepard." Miscelánea 54 (2016): 51-67.*

Hart, Lynda. "Sam Shepard's Spectacle of Impossible Heterosexuality: Fool for Love." In Feminist Rereadings of Modern American Drama. Ed. June Schlueter. London: Associated UPs, 1989.

Innes, Christopher D. “From the Margins to the Mainstream.” (O’Neill, Ionesco, Shepard, festivals). In Innes, Avant Garde Theatre 1892-1992. London: Routledge, 1993. 214-33.*

Marranca, Bonnie. American Dreams: The Imagination of Sam Shepard. New York: PAJ, 1981.

McCarthy, Gerry. “New Mythologies: Mamet, Shepard and the American Stage.” Connotations 6.3 (1996/97): 354-68.*

Orr, J. Tragicomedy and Contemporary Culture: Play and Peformance from Beckett to Shepard. Macmillan.

Oumano, Ellen. Sam Shepard: The Life and Work of an American Dreamer. London: Virgin Books, 1986.

Schvey, Henry I. "A Worm in the Wood: The Father-Son Relationship in the Plays of Sam Shepard." Modern Drama 36.1 (1993): 12-25.

Sessums, Kevin. "Sam Shepard: Geography of a Horse Dreamer." Inteview 18/9 (1988).

Tarancón de Francisco, Juan. “Myths Stay at the Holiday Inn: Sam shepard, Identity, and Contemporary US Society.” In Actas del 25º Congreso AEDEAN, Granada 2001. CD-ROM. Granada: U de Granada: Departamento de Filología Inglesa, 2002.*

Vanden Heuvel, Michael. "The Landlocked Geography of a Horse Dreamer: Performance and Consciousness in the Plays of Sam Shepard." In Vanden Heuvel, Performing Drama / Dramatizing Performance. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1991. 193-230.*

Wilcox, Leonard. "Modernism vs Postmodernism: Shepard's The Tooth of Crime and the Discourses of Popular Culture." Modern Drama 30.4 (1987): 560-73.

Zabalbeascoa, Juan Antonio. "Identidad y personaje en el teatro de Sam Shepard." In Actas del VII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos. Madrid: Ediciones de la UNED, 1986. 245-52.


El informe Pelícano.