Curriculum Vitae

Carina Mood

Sex: Female

Birth year: 1973

Current posts

Professor (full), Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University, 2015–.

Researcher, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, 2011–.

Academic Degrees

Filosofie doktor (Ph. D.) in Sociology, Stockholm University, May 2006. Title of dissertation: Poor Choices? On Social Context and the Claiming of Means-tested Benefits. Supervisor: Professor Peter Hedström.

Docent in Sociology, Stockholm University. November 2010.

Professor in Sociology, Stockholm University. September 2015.

Professional Experience

Academic Positions

Associate Professor, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University, 2010–2015.

Researcher, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University, 2007–2010.

Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, 2006–2007.

PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, 2001–2006.

Research Assistant, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University 1999–2001.

Other Appointments

Board member, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Swedish Foundation for the Humanities and Social Sciences) 2016-.

Chair of Review Panel 2, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Swedish Foundation for the Humanities and Social Sciences) 2016-.

Member of referee panels for Norwegian Research Council’s programme on Welfare, Working Life and Migration, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016.

Head of the Evaluation Committee for research on trygd within the VAM framework, Norwegian Research Council 2014.

Referee for grant applications, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS) 2015-.


Articles in peer-reviewed journals

(2016) Mood, Carina; Jonsson Jan O. and Sara Brolin Låftman “The mental health advantage of immigrant-background youth: The role of family factors.” Accepted for publication,Journal of Marriage and Family

(2016) Mood, Carina; Jonsson Jan O. and Sara Brolin Låftman “Immigrant integration and youth mental health in four European countries.” Accepted for publication,European Sociological Review

(2016) Plenty, Stephanie M and Carina Mood “Money, Peers and Parents: Social and Economic Aspects of Inequality in Youth Wellbeing.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence. DOI: 10.1007/s10964-016-0430-5

(2016) Jonsson, Jan O; Mood Carina and Erik Bihagen “Poverty trends during two recessions and two recoveries: Lessons from Sweden 1991—2013.” IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 5:3. DOI:10.1186/s40174-016-0051-8

(2016) Mood, Carina and Jan O Jonsson. “Trends in child poverty in Sweden: parental and child reports.” Child Indicators Research. DOI: 10.1007/s12187-015-9337-z

(2016) Mood, Carina and Jan O Jonsson. “The social consequences of poverty: An empirical test on longitudinal data.” Social Indicators Research 127:633–652. DOI10.1007/s11205-015-0983-9

(2016) Breen, Richard; Mood, Carina and Jan O. Jonsson. “How much scope for a mobility paradox? The relationship between social and income mobility in Sweden.” Sociological Science. DOI: 10.15195/v3.a3

(2015) Hjalmarsson, Simon and Carina Mood. “Do poorer youth have fewer friends? The role of household and child economic resources in adolescent school-class friendships.” Children and Youth Services Review 57: 201-211.

(2015) Mood, Carina. ”The not-very-rich and the very poor: Poverty persistence and poverty concentration in Sweden.” Journal of European Social Policy 25: 316-330

(2014) Gong, Tong; Lundholm, Cecilia; Rejnö, Gustaf; Mood, Carina; Långström, Niklas and Catarina Almqvist. ”Parental socioeconomic status, childhood asthma and medication use - A population-based study”. PLOS ONE 9(9):e106579

(2013) Mood, Carina “Life-style and self-rated global health in Sweden: A prospective analysis spanning three decades.” Preventive Medicine 57: 802-806.

(2013) Mood, Carina “Social Assistance dynamics in Sweden: Duration dependence and heterogeneity” Social Science Research 42(1): 120–139

(2011) Mood, Carina “Lagging behind in good times: Immigrants and the increased dependence on Social Assistance in Sweden.” International Journal of Social Welfare 20(1):55-65.

(2010) Mood, Carina “Neighborhood Social Influence and Welfare Receipt in Sweden: A Panel Data Analysis.” Social Forces 88(3):1331-1356.

(2010) Mood, Carina “Logistic regression: Why we cannot do what we think we can do and what we can do about it.” European Sociological Review 26(1): 67-82.

(2008) Jonsson, Jan O. and Carina Mood “Choice by contrast: How peers’ achievement affects educational choice in Swedish schools.” Social Forces 87:741-765.

(2006) Mood, Carina “Take-up down under: Hits and misses of means-tested benefits in Australia.” European Sociological Review 22(4): 443-458.

(2004) Mood, Carina “Social influence effects on Social Assistance recipiency.” Acta Sociologica 47(3): 235-251.

Chapters in edited volumes

(2014) Jonsson, Jan O and Carina Mood “Sociala konsekvenser av ekonomisk utsatthet. Umgänge, stöd och deltagande.” Chapter 12 in Marie Evertsson and Charlotta Magnusson (Eds.) Ojämlikhetens dimensioner: Uppväxtvillkor, arbete och hälsa i Sverige. Stockholm: Liber.

(2012) Mood, Carina; Jonsson Jan O and Erik Bihagen.“Socioeconomic persistence across generations: The role of cognitive and non-cognitive processes.” In: J. Ermisch, M. Jäntti, and T. Smeeding (eds.), Cross-National Research on the Intergenerational Transmission of Advantage. New York: Russell Sage.

(2011) Jonsson, Jan O; Grusky, David; Pollak, Reinhardt; di Carlo Matthew and Carina Mood. “Occupations and Social Mobility: Gradational, Big-class, and Micro-Class Reproduction in Comparative Perspective”. Chapter 5 in Timothy Smeeding, Robert Erikson, and Markus Jäntti (eds.). The Comparative Study of Intergenerational Mobility, New York: Russell Sage.

(2010) Jonsson, Jan O, Mood, Carina and Erik Bihagen. ”Fattigdomens förändring, utbredning och dynamik.” Chapter 3 in Social Rapport 2010.

(2009) Mood, Carina “Problems without ends: How rational choice theory escapes its explanatory task.” In Hamilton, P. and Cherkaoui, M. (Eds.) Raymond Boudon: A Life in Sociology. Oxford: The Bardwell Press.


(2014) Carina Mood and Jan O. Jonsson. Poverty and welfare among children and their families 1968-2010.IFFS Report 2014/2.(English version ofEkonomisk utsatthet och välfärd bland barn och deras familjer 1968-2010)

(2013) Carina Mood and Jan O. Jonsson Ekonomisk utsatthet och välfärd bland barn och deras familjer 1968-2010 Report to the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen).


(2006) Poor Choices? On Social Context and the Claiming of Means-tested Benefits. Doctoral dissertation. Department of Sociology, Stockholm University.

Book review

(2014) Review of Daniel Rauhut (red.): Barnfattigdom. Studentlitteratur, 2013. Ekonomisk Debatt 42(6): 64-68.

Working papers

Mood, Carina “The importance of income definitions for the magnitudes and trends in intergenerational income correlations” Available at:

Paul Gregg, Jan O. Jonsson, Lindsey Macmillan, Carina Mood Understanding income mobility: the role of education for intergenerational income persistence in the US, UK and Sweden. 2013: DoQSS Working Paper No. 13-12.