America as an Imperialist Nation FOLDABLE

  • Create foldable. See pictures. Start with 81/2 x 11 piece of paper. Start as landscape (hamburger). Fold each side inwards even amounts. Divide outside into 5 equal parts to create 10 flaps (5 each side) (about 4.33 cm. each)
  • Using the 10 locations listed -place on the outside of flaps of your foldable.

10 LOCATIONS: Alaska, Hawaii, Cuba, Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, Latin America, Japan, China, India, Africa

  • Inside flaps outer edge-title that section -Location and draw/place picture or describe where place is located.
  • Use the following key words within the place that they belong to explain what America as an Imperialist Nation and the place have to do with each other. Key words should be highlighted within the foldable.

20 KEY WORDS: Imperialism, William Seward, missionaries, Pearl Harbor, yellow journalism, U.S.S. Maine, George Dewey, Rough Riders, Treaty of Paris, Platt Amendment, Anti-Imperialist league, Sphere of Influence, Open Door Policy, Boxer Rebellion, Panama Canal, Malaria, Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, Sepoy Rebellion, Isolationist

30 points!! Graded on organization, neatness and correctly placing and describing content.

America as an Imperialist Nation FOLDABLE

  • Create foldable. See pictures. Start with 81/2 x 11 piece of paper. Start as landscape (hamburger). Fold each side inwards even amounts. Divide outside into 5 equal parts to create 10 flaps (5 each side) (about 4.33 cm. each)
  • Using the 10 locations listed -place on the outside of flaps of your foldable.

10 LOCATIONS: Alaska, Hawaii, Cuba, Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, Latin America, Japan, China, India, Africa

  • Inside flaps outer edge-title that section -Location and draw/place picture or describe where place is located.
  • Use the following key words within the place that they belong to explain what America as an Imperialist Nation and the place have to do with each other. Key words should be highlighted within the foldable.

20 KEY WORDS: Imperialism, William Seward, missionaries, Pearl Harbor, yellow journalism, U.S.S. Maine, George Dewey, Rough Riders, Treaty of Paris, Platt Amendment, Anti-Imperialist league, Sphere of Influence, Open Door Policy, Boxer Rebellion, Panama Canal, Malaria, Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, Sepoy Rebellion, Isolationist

30 points!! Graded on organization, neatness and correctly placing and describing content.