Subsea UK Lunch and Learn, June 17 2015
Dr Emmelyn Graham, Principal Consultant- Speaker Biography
Emmelyn is a flow measurement consultant with over 8years experience at NEL, specialising in wet-gas and multiphase flow metering.
During that time she has built up a comprehensive knowledge of flow metering and the associated challenges in the oil and gas industry. Her work includes testing of meters, verification of equipment performance, uncertainty calculations, R&D on behalf of the UK government, operators and equipment suppliers, consultancy including meter selection. Emmelyn has been involved in producing new equations for the correction of gas flows with entrained liquid for Venturi tubes, which has been included in a new ISO wet-gas technical report. In addition, she has used her experience to provide training on flow measurement globally.
She has developed knowledge and experience on sampling systems for wet-gas, multiphase and water-in-oil sampling systems and lead NEL’s Water-in-Oil Sampling Joint Industry Project involving eight sponsors. Emmelyn also has experience of measurement uncertainty and recently developed an uncertainty budget for LNG energy transfer and a sensitivity study as part of a European Metrology Research Project.
At present she is the UK representative within EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes) for the Technical Committee of Fluid Flow and is currently working on a large European collaboration with operators and equipment suppliers to advance multiphase flow metrology and reduce measurement uncertainty.
Abstract of Presentation: The Future Needs of Flow Measurement
As advancements have been made in multiphase flow metering technology, industry has become more confident in the performance and reliability of multiphase measurements. Operators have also gained significant experience using the meters in subsea applications, and now understand the magnitude of the issues and challenges involved.
Although much has been done to advance multiphase metering technologies over recent years, improvements in their reliability and performance for subsea applications is still necessary to exploit their full potential. This is key to the economical development of deeper and more complex fields, which would otherwise prove cost-prohibitive.
Subsea multiphase metering is still very much an evolving technology and significant resources are being directed at improving their reliability, accuracy and performance. To overcome many of the challenges, operators are working more closely with meter manufacturers and industry experts.
NEL’s Dr Emmelyn Graham will present an overview of the future needs and direction of flow measurement for subsea oil and gas production. The presentation will cover their application and challenges in well optimisation, flow assurance, allocation and fiscal measurement.
NEL is one of the UK’s National Measurement Institutes and custodian of the UK’s National Standards for Flow Measurement.