Highlights by Com. M.A.Wase JS NRU SNEA MH

Apart from his detail address Com. M.A.Wase JS NRU SNEA MH highlighted some of the achievements of ACE wings & raised pending HR issues & individual cases of ACE Comrades.

A.  Achievements of ACE Comrades:

·  Recently Pune Civil Wing Team led by Shri Gupta sir SE C Pune has done a marvelous job for renting out our vacant Baner Building to SAIL and generating revenue Rs 10,67,700/ per annum.

·  Pune & Kolhapur team got appreciation letter from Income Tax Commissioner for doing excellent work assigned to Civil wing. Congrats to Com Khot SDE Civil & Com More SDE Civil involved in the same.

·  Nagpur Civil team led by now Add Chief Engineer Shri D K Sharma has got 4 star rating for NEERI Project work in Nagpur.

·  Also completed one NIO project in Andheri thereby generating revenue through External projects.

·  Various NFS projects are going on.

·  Com Umesh Kulkarni has done a business of over Rs 10cr in Pune & GM Pune has appreciated his work.

·  Also we had rented out our building at CTO Gr floor total area 18500 Sq feet where we are getting a revenue of Rs 70 Lakhs + 15% Tax per month as informed by Com Arora AGM L&B Mumbai further proposal of first floor total area 10000 Sq feet is also under consideration . Also in Mumbai area itself we are earning revenue @ Rs 4 Cr per annum from rented Qtrs.

·  Also Com. Sushil Kukade, Com. Kalyankar, Com. Mrs. Shinde & Com. Kadam from Architect, Com. Mrs. Lokare from Electrical had done a very good job in EB & CSC. In recently concluded BRICS summit Goa, ACE comrades has done a very good job congratulated all ACE comrades for BRICS summit work but expressed unhappiness to note that GM Goa has not issued appreciation to Civil Wing comrades.

·  Also work for renting staff quarters for Airport Authorities of India will start soon at Mulund wherein we may get revenue of Rs 4, 50,000/ per month. Also.

B.  HR issues of ACE Comrades.

·  Separate posting of SDE C Virar.

·  Seeing the shortage of Staff Senior most JTO C can be posted as a SDE C

·  Assets of Mulund & Powai are shown in Circle SSA office but Division attached in Kalyan SSA.

·  Reassessment of subdivision i.e. SDE/ JTO post as per work load or traveling area ...For Sindhudurg at least one SDE civil & 1additional JTOE, at Ratnagiri & in Madgaon reinstitution of Sub division with SDEE & JTOE

·  Posting of one additional JTO C in Ratnagiri.

·  Pay Anomaly of 1994 Batch with 2000 Batch getting same scale.

·  Pay Anomaly Case of Com Bharde, & others ACP ,

·  Absence of Computers in sub Division & Division

·  No vehicle in Mulund & Dombivali Div from last 3 years same case in Electrical Sub Division.

·  Spoke on the various problems faced by field staff in maintaining buildings

C.  Pending Up gradation cases:

·  Up gradation cases should be speed up and should be completed in a time bound manner.

·  Speedy dispatching of VC to respective office.

·  Com Kalyankar pending Upgradation.

D.  To define stand on Permission for higher Education: Requested for granting permission for Higher Studies.

E.  Implementation of Transfer Policy of Executives in Civil, Electrical & Architectural Wings.

·  Seniority list to be published on intranet as already agreed by Pr CE sir in our last meeting

·  For issuing local promotions options to be called for.

·  Medical cases transfer to be considered. Case of Pravin More SDE C requesting transfer to Nashik.

·  Executives working in tenure station & outside Circle should be brought back soon after his tenure is over. Case of Com Wankhede SDE C Beed Com. Thokale JTO Elect Beed, Com Dawkhore JTO C Beed etc.

F.  Imp Discussions on Integration of all HR wings. As per BSNL MSRR 2009 separate qualification should not be followed to avoid disparity among parallel streams. For that amendment in RR & told that Com A. Chandrasekara AGS SNEA CHQ will elaborate more on this.

G.  Discussions on disparity among ACE wings & main stream. Nomination for Sanchar Sewa or Sanchar Shree padak from ACE wings Executives or starting separate awards in respective Wings.

H.  Promotion aspect at par with Telecom, Sr SDE A/C/E should get the promotion of Executive Engineer irrespective of Qualification for this amendment in RR CHQ to again note please.

I.  ERP Related Issues: ERP payments to the agency should be made fast.

J.  Vigilance cases to be finalized on fast tract court.

K.  Comrades in this campus BSNL Officers Credit Co-operative Society Ltd has been formed I appeal to all to join this esteemed society, Details are available with Com. S. B. Sankpal JTO C Mumbai & Director of BSNL Officers Co-Operative Credit Society, Ltd Mumbai.

Thanks to All Comrades for giving me a patience hearing.

SNEA Zindabad, ACE Unity Zindabad. BSNL Zindabad.


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