Unit 5 /


Present continuous for future arrangements

1 Scrivi frasi al Present continuous. Scegli un’espressione di tempo dal riquadro a tuo piacere e aggiungi la preposizione corretta dove necessario.

tomorrow afternoon this evening nextSaturday after lunch Sundayafternoon
tomorrow morning thisafternoon
next week this Friday later


Ilsa is meeting Harry after lunch.

1 where/you/play/football?

2 what/Ben/do?

3 we/go/to the cinema.

4 you/have/a party?

5 I/visit/my cousins.

6 they/go/for a bike ride.

7 Milly and I/have/picnic.

8 you/go/shopping.

9 Jon/invite/all the class/to the party?

2 Osserva le frasi. Scrivi P (presente) o F (futuro).

P I’m sitting in my mum’s car.

1 I’m going swimming after school.

2 It’s raining.

3 We’re hanging out in the café.

4 We’re having a party on Saturday.

5 I’m meeting Laura at the cinema at 5 p.m.

6 They’re cooking dinner.

7 Jon’s wearing his old clothes today.

8 My brother’s talking to Marcus.

3 Completa le domande per queste risposte.

What are you doing tomorrow?

We’re going horse riding.

1 Where after school?

I’m going into town for a new coat.

2 When the museum?

We’re visiting the museum on Sunday.

3 Who at the café?

Vera is working there.

4 How to Paris?

Liam is driving.

5 Where on holiday?

Cam and Len are going to Spain.

6 What tomorrow?

I'm playing tennis.

Making suggestions

4 Riordina le parole per formulare dei suggerimenti.

go to this evening let’s the cinema

Let’s go to the cinema this evening.

1 the weekend we shall bowling go at

2 dinner about a making what curry for

3 go don’t we why karting tomorrow

4 meeting about the café how at

5 we after what shall do school

6 going film what see to about a

5 Completa i dialoghi con le parole del riquadro.

going shall prefer good about

Toby What shall we do this evening?

Ed How 1 going for a bike ride?

Toby It’s 2 to rain. I’d 3 to go to the cinema or bowling.

Ed OK, bowling’s a 4 idea.

thanks like rather how would actually

Zoe 5 you like to come shopping this afternoon?

Jazz I’d 6 not. I’m very tired.

Zoe What would you 7 to do then?

Jazz I’d like to stay in and watch TV, 8.

Zoe Well, 9 about going shopping tomorrow?

Jazz No 10. I really don’t like shopping.

would like to, want to

6 Riscrivi le frasi correttamente.

Would you want ham on your pizza?

Would you like ham on your pizza?

1 Fred likes a drink. He’s thirsty.

2 Where would you go for your next holiday?

3 What want you to drink?

4 I don’t would like to be a postman.

5 Lucy wants read The Vampire Diaries.

6 Would you like try paragliding?

7 Would Jo likes to come to the cinema?


Outdoor activities

7 Completa i nomi delle attività.


1 p_ r ______g

2 f _ _ h _ _ _

3 p _ _ n _ b_ _ _ _ n _

4 _ _y _ k _ _ _

5 _ _r _ e r _ _ i _ _

6 s _ y _ _ v _ _ _

7 c _ _ p _ _ _

8 r _ _ l _ _b _ _ d _ _ _

9 m _ _ n _ a _ _ _i _ _ n _

Entertainment: expressions with go

8 Riscrivi le attività usando go e, dove necessario, una preposizione.

spend the day on a beach

go to the beach

1 eat curry in an Indian restaurant

2 dance in a night club

3 buy things at the shops

4 watch a football match in a stadium

5 visit your grandma

6 stay in a tent

7 drive a kart

9 Osserva la pubblicità per il centro vacanze. Scrivi le attività che sai fare. Usa go e una preposizione dove necessario.







10 Leggi le frasi e scrivi frasi negative con go e una preposizione dove necessario.

I haven’t got a skateboard.

I’m not going skateboarding.

1 Sue hasn’t got any money to buy clothes.

2 We haven’t got mountain bikes.

3 You haven’t got tickets for the football match.

4 Mike and Dave haven’t got skis.

5 I don’t like Indian food.

11 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di go e una preposizione dove necessario.

Salvo is going for a bike ride this afternoon.

1 We school every day.

2 you a coffee now?

3 Dan windsurfing on Saturday.

4 I often a drive with my dad.

5 Chloe piano lessons every Wednesday.

6 you the gym later?

7 They paintballing this afternoon.