Seventh Annual Conference ∙ Embassy Suites – Lexington, Kentucky ∙ October 12, 2012
Conference Agenda
7:30 – 9:00 amRegistration – Continental Breakfast
9:00 – 9:10 amOpening Remarks – Ron Murrell, President
9:10 – 10:10 amFirst General Session– “School of One; Reimagining the Classroom”
John Pfluger, Principal, Cuningham Group Architects
John is principally occupied with the design of innovative learning environments with clients who believe that public education is at a critical stage in its evolution, and that the design process itself as well as the resulting learning environments both have a role to play in this change. He is a skilled collaborator and believes strongly that creativity and innovation are better served through a collaborative process of design—a co-creative model that welcomes clients, consultants, and contractors to the creative table.
John has a unique passion for aligning mission, vision, and program with the design of the built environment. This is especially true with regard to educational design where John has been instrumental in creating exceptional learning environments that enhance the educational process and break ground for new methods of educational delivery. Under his design leadership, Cuningham Group Architecture has garnered multiple national design awards in the educational marketplace, including 2 James D. MacConnell Awards, 2 Shirley Cooper Awards, and 1 Walter Taylor Award.
John also helped author the book, Schools That Fit, which tells the story of Cuningham Group’s philosophy and process of tailoring the design of educational projects to uniquely fit the communities they serve, and has been called upon to present at numerous national and regional conferences; including AIA, CEFPI, AASA, and the KnowledgeWorks Foundation annual conferences. John is also asked frequently to participate as a national resource in the American Architectural Foundations “Great Schools by Design Charrettes,” which are co-sponsored by the AIA’s Committee on Architecture and Education, and Architectural Record.
Gain an understanding of the “School of One” concept, which is supported by Great Schools by Design – a national initiative of the American Architectural Foundation (AAF) that seeks to improve the quality of American’ Schools and the communities they serve by promoting collaboration, excellence and innovation in school design.
School of One creates a 21st century classroom to meet the individual needs and learning styles of every student. Learn from the architects involved to apply School of One thinking and design concepts to deliver more personalized, effective, and engaging instructional programs.Discover how the intersection of technology, learning styles and design “thinking” can fundamentally change our view of traditional American classrooms.
At the end of the course, participants will broaden their own approach to design thinking, utilizing the knowledge brought to the room by Mr. Pfluger’s work with the “School of One” concept and his depth of design thinking and its unique approach to innovative learning environments.
10:10 – 10:45 amBreak/Exhibits Open
10:45 – 11:45 amSecond General Session – “Cane Run Elementary: A Case Study in Collaboration”
Cane Run Elementary students, teachers, administration, architects, and engineers
Cane Run Elementary students, teachers, administration, architects, and engineers
The presentation will present a profile of Cane Run Elementary and its educational and physical transformation into an Environmental Studies Magnet.
11:45 – 1:00 pmLunch– w/ Speaker - Greg Dunbar, District FacilitiesBranch Manager, KDE
Business Meeting; Awards; Visit Exhibits
1:00 – 2:00 pmThird General Session –“Can’t Have Just One – How High Performance Building Systems Affect Overall Energy Performance”
James P. Ewalt, AIA, Director of Facilities at Oldham County Schools
Douglas R. Hundley, Jr., PE., Principal at CMTA Engineers
Doug Hundley is a mechanical engineer and a partner with CMTA.Mr. Hundley started with CMTA as an intern in 1999 and has been with CMTA full time since 2001. He has led Jefferson County Public Schools’ multi-million dollar, summer HVAC renovations for several years. Mr. Hundley heads CMTA’s ENERGY STAR initiative for its Louisville office. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer, a LEED Accredited Professional and a Certified GeoExchange Designer.
Jim Ewalt is a licensed architect and has served as Director of Facilities for Oldham County Schools for the last 15 years. He has worked in public school systems for over 25 years. He is responsible for the planning of all capital improvements, the asbestos/environmental management for the district and over-site of the Maintenance and Grounds Departments. In addition, he was responsible for coordinating the design and construction of Oldham County’s five Energy Star Schools.
Oldham County Schools has been building energy efficient school buildings for over 5 years. With each new building the district has tracked and documented how the various building systems affect the building’s overall performance. This benchmarking program resulted in significant performance in building improvement since the district received its first ENERGY STAR in 2006.
The most significant lesson the district learned was that optimum building performance depended on more than one system. Energy efficient buildings had to have a good building envelope, energy efficient mechanical and electrical systems, and effective building operations in order to be a high performance building.
This session will present data from Oldham County Schools’ five ENERGY STAR schools and trace their evolution from the first two schools that initially achieved the lowest ENERGY STAR score in 2006 to Crestwood Elementary that received a perfect ENERGY STAR score of 100 in 2010. This session will compare the cost per square foot to design and build an ENERGY STAR school to a “normal” school and present the cost savings and return on investment. The presentation will also discuss the non-tangible effects of a high performance school such as student involvement in operations.
2:00 – 2:15 pmBreak/Exhibits Open
2:15 – 3:15 pmFourth General Session –“Secure by Design”
Dr. Derek Paulsen, Commissioner of Planning, Preservation & Development, Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government; Associate Professor in EKU Department of Criminal Justice; Director of Center for Crime and the Built Environment (CABE)
A nationally recognized expert in building safe communities, Derek Paulsen is also an expert on neighborhoods as professor at Eastern Kentucky University and the current chair of the Planning Commission. He holds a Ph.D. from Sam Houston State University in Texas.
Dr. Paulsen will address the impact of the built environment on school security and discuss techniques for making our schools safer by design.
3:15 – 3:30 pmWrap Up and Adjourn